
Chapter 2554: Return to Demon Island_1

Translator: 549690339

Shrek Academy!

At this moment, Tang Wulin and the others were welcoming Yue Zhengyu and the members of the Angel Family back home!

Ye Xinglan asked eagerly, "Zheng Yu, welcome back. How did the task go?"

Yue Zhengyu glanced at her, lamenting, "Don't even mention it. Those small sect guys are all so snobbish, seeing that our Shrek Academy was once destroyed by the Holy Spirit Cult, they refused to join no matter what!"

Xu Xiaoyan expressed doubts, "So, you mean the mission failed?"

The tone of the previous speaker suggested that the situation was not very ideal...

Unexpectedly, Yue Zhengyu's lips abruptly curled up, and he swept back his golden fringe, "It was indeed a failure initially, but under the silver tongue of mine, they changed their minds!"

"How about that, impressive, right?"

Xu Lizhi coughed and said unexpectedly, "Zheng Yu, you didn't resort to threats, did you?"

Ye Xinglan and Xu Xiaoyan also cast doubtful looks...

The likelihood of that was great!

Yue Zhengyu's face darkened as he rebuked, "Lizhi, shut up. Do I look like that kind of person to you?"

Immediately pointing at someone, he said, "Wulin, you tell them!"

Tang Wulin looked him over carefully and replied truthfully, "Very much so!"

Yue Zhengyu's eyes bulged out, "Wulin, you!!"

Tang Wulin bluntly voiced his suspicions, "Zheng Yu, mainly because aside from that method, I can't understand how you persuaded those sects."

Yue Zhengyu crossed his arms, "What I relied on was wit, wit!!"

Cai Yue'er chuckled, "Zheng Yu, I believe you're not that kind of person!"

No matter how much these children grew up, the way they interacted with each other remained the same as before!

This was quite precious!

Yue Zhengyu's eyes brightened and he chuckled, "See, Elder Cai is the one who truly sees clearly!"

Cai Yue'er teased, "Less of your smooth talk, if you've completed the mission, why haven't you brought back a single disciple from those sects?"

The former's expression became serious, "Most sects will send disciples to visit us in a few days!"

"After that, they will consider joining Shrek Academy!"

Cai Yue'er nodded in understanding, "Mmm, that's understandable. After all, no one wants to join an academy that is only famous in name!"

Xu Xiaoyan looked around curiously and asked, "By the way, where's Ye Hui? How come I haven't seen her today?"

Xu Lizhi rubbed his head and joined in, "Right, I haven't seen Ye Hui either. Could she still be with Xie Xie?"

Ye Xinglan frowned and said, "That's not right, I just came out of Xie Xie's room, and there was no one in there!"

Tang Wulin's face suddenly changed, "Not good, Ye Hui, she..."

Just at that moment, Ya'li stepped toward them, "That child, Ye Hui, has gone to Demon Island with Xie Xie!"

Seeing her, everyone cried out in unison, "Elder Ya'li!"

Tang Wulin continued to inquire, "Elder Ya'li, you said Ye Hui went to Demon Island? Why would she go there? All the Old Demons are gone, aren't they?"

Ya'li explained calmly, "Ye Hui went there to look for a medicinal ingredient, which is said to have the effect of replenishing life force."

Yue Zhengyu first propped up his chin, then exclaimed, "A medicinal ingredient that replenishes life force, isn't that the thing one of the Old Demons fed me?"

He vaguely remembered that after eating that substance, he vomited for days on end!

But it indeed effectively replenished his life force!

Xu Xiaoyan's face lit up with joy, "If we truly can find that stuff, there might really be hope for Xie Xie!"

Xu Lizhi pursed his lips, "But... only the seven Old Demons know the location of that thing. They didn't tell us at all. On such a huge island, can Ye Hui really find it?"

Ye Xinglan let out a sigh, "Well... that's true, but since they're already on their way, let's pray that Ye Hui can find it! Xie Xie, he is an indispensable member of the Shrek Seven Monsters after all!"

Yue Zhengyu clenched his fists, "I hope so. We can't just let that guy Xie Xie leave us so easily!"

Despite the usual quarrels, they were still brothers who had been through life and death together!

Tang Wulin wanted to say something, but suddenly a voice echoed in his heart, "Wulin!"

He immediately suppressed his emotions and said to everyone, "That, everyone, I'm going to see if there's anything that needs replenishment in the Sea God's Pavilion!"

After speaking, he quickly left the place...


Arriving at the Sea God's Pavilion, the excited Tang Wulin finally opened up in his heart, "Father, you have finally responded to me!"

Since the last time they had communicated, it had been until now!

Tang San's voice once again echoed in his mind, "Yes, Wulin, your soul power rank should be on the verge of breaking through to Ultimate Douluo, right?"

Tang Wulin immediately replied, "That's right, but I've never encountered the right opportunity. It's like there's a breath stuck in my chest that I just can't expel!"

"That's normal. Your cultivation speed is very fast. To reach the rank of level 98 Hyper Douluo in just your twenties is honestly beyond my expectations!"

"Therefore, in order for you to successfully break through the Ultimate Douluo, it's time to inherit the godhood!"

Tang Wulin's expression turned to shock, "God... godhood??"

In an instant, his heart began to beat faster...

"Does that mean, Father, you're preparing to pass on the Sea God's godhood to me?"

Tang San decisively denied, "No, granting you the Sea God's godhood was only to ensure your safe growth. But now, it's no longer necessary!"

Tang Wulin was confused, "Father, what do you mean by that?"

Could it be that Father has another godhood??


Meanwhile, on Demon Island!

Yuanen Yehui, carrying Xie Xie on her back, stood at the highest point, looking over the entire island with complex emotions...

She couldn't help but say, "I haven't been here for many years. I never expected Demon Island to have turned into what it is now!"

It was different from when she first came. The Demon Island in front of her was completely desolate, not a single green plant in sight!

Even the hidden barrier no longer existed; it was just like any other ordinary isolated island!!

Doubts inevitably arose in her heart...

Could such a desolate Demon Island really hold that precious item?

However, when she glanced at Xie Xie's pale cheeks, her eyes gradually filled with determination...

She said with utmost seriousness, "No, it must be here. This is the last method for Xie Xie to survive!!"

With that thought, she slowly placed his body down on the ground, then burst out with her full soul power and spiritual power...

Releasing it across the whole Demon Island...

In the blink of an eye, every scene that fell within the reach of her spiritual power appeared in her seashore of consciousness...

But she was not satisfied with just that, as she extended her spiritual power toward the depths of the earth...


