
Chapter 2063: Lingbo City (Please Subscribe)_1

Spirit Pagoda!

In the lounge, Di Tian and other ferocious beasts currently gathered were discussing...

One of the ferocious beasts said with a complex expression, "Who would have thought that the Pagoda Master of the Spirit Pagoda would resign from several Council Member positions so directly! That really takes guts!"

Another ferocious beast pondered, "Although it seems to be partly for show, her real intention must be to clean out the Council Members who contribute nothing to the Spirit Pagoda!"

"Yes, we have successfully become Council Members. Once our master inherits the Spirit Pagoda, we can start a major reshuffle of it!"

"The master will definitely be thrilled if he knows about this!"

"It's not in vain that we, the formidable beasts of Aquipeia Forest, have demeaned ourselves to join the Spirit Pagoda!"

Bi Ji's expression tightened, she cautioned, "Be careful, walls have ears!"

No one could be sure if the lounge contained any eavesdropping devices. After all, humans were too cunning, and it was essential to be cautious!

Upon hearing this, Di Tian, who had been silent until then, spread out his vast spiritual power, enveloping the entire lounge...

He said indifferently, "Don't worry, this lounge isn't under surveillance. However... in any place from now on, avoid mentioning our true identities as much as possible!"

"It's best to use human names when addressing each other!"

All the ferocious beasts nodded, responding in unison, "Yes, boss!"

Bi Ji pursed her lips and cast her beautiful eyes towards Di Tian, asking, "Di Tian, should we contact the master now to report the situation?"

Di Tian didn't refuse, merely uttering an "Mhm."

Only then did she take out the communicators, dialing Gu Yue's number...

However, after one ring, the call was hung up...

Bi Ji's brow furrowed, "The call was cut off. The master might be dealing with something very important!"

This was the first time the other party had hung up the call!

Di Tian drew in a deep breath and said solemnly, "If that's the case, then let's wait for the master to contact us proactively!"

In his opinion, with Gu Yue's current strength, even if she encountered a Hyper Douluo, she would have a great chance of escape even if unable to fight back!

He wasn't worried about that!


Elsewhere, Tang Wulin and others were also disembarking from the steamship...

The sheer number of them naturally attracted the attention of the Soul Masters from the Douling Empire...

"These people must be from Soul Land, judging by their appearance they seem to belong to some powerful faction."

"Yes, especially those wearing the same style of clothes over there, each has a hint of bloodlust about them, seemingly coming from the army!"

"Could it be... Is this the Vanguard Unit sent by Soul Land, preparing to attack our Douling Empire in the future??"

"Shh... don't talk so carelessly, be careful they don't overhear you!"

However, to their discussions, Gu Yue and her party chose to ignore...

Xie Xie stretched leisurely, "Phew... is this the Douling Empire? Finally here!"

Xu Xiaoyan looked around and remarked, "I don't feel there's much difference from Soul Land here!"

Ye Xinglan nodded slightly, "Definitely, the Douling Empire also has a long history, its heritage is not insignificant."

Tang Wulin turned his gaze to Elder Ya'li, puzzled he asked, "Elder Ya'li, can you sense the presence of any evil Soul Masters nearby?"

Ya'li shook her head, replying, "I haven't detected the presence of evil Soul Masters around here!"

However, when it comes to overall strength, the Soul Masters of Douling Land are quite a bit worse than those of Soul Land and Xingluo Land.

In her perception range, most Soul Masters were below the Soul King level!

A trace of disappointment crossed Tang Wulin's face, "I see..."

If they could capture an evil Soul Master from the Holy Spirit Cult for interrogation, they might be able to learn about the situation in Douling Land!

Yuanen Zhentian, standing next to him, seemed to see through his thoughts, "Wulin, what do you plan to do now, head directly to Lingbo City?"

Tang Wulin pursed his lips, "Mhm, Lingbo City is the most likely place where my parents are being held. I want to go and have a look first!"

He couldn't say he wasn't excited about the prospect of seeing his parents soon—it would be a lie!

Yuanen Yehui and Elder Ya'li exchanged glances, "Then there's no time to lose. Let's move out now. Lingbo City isn't far from our current location! We should be able to get there before nightfall!"

With those words, the group made their way to Lingbo City at top speed...


However, just as they were about to enter the city, they were intercepted by the guards of Lingbo City...

The leading captain shouted coldly, "Halt, who are you? What is your business in Lingbo City?"

As he spoke, he was the first to release his Martial Soul, which turned out to be a Soul Douluo level powerhouse!

And the rest of his men behind him had soul power ranks of at least Soul King level!

Elder Ya'li's beautiful eyes swept over him, and she said composedly, "We are from Shrek Academy, here to purchase rare metals!"

Although the soul technology of the Douling Empire wasn't as advanced as the other two major empires, when it came to rare metals, they were second to none!

Even the God-killing soul-guided missiles developed by the federation used a large amount of rare metals purchased from the Douling Empire!

Upon hearing her words, a hint of hostility clearly flashed in the eyes of these guards, but they covered it up very well!

Seeing this, the captain also spoke with full apology, "So you are guests from Shrek Academy. We were rude just now; please don't take it to heart!"

Elder Ya'li maintained a calm expression, "It's no problem. If there's nothing else, may we enter Lingbo City?"

The former flashed a smile, "Of course, would our guests like an escort?"

Elder Ya'li declined politely, "No need, we are quite familiar with Lingbo City!"

The captain did not say more and waved to the guards...

They immediately stepped aside, revealing the entrance to Lingbo City...

"I see, then please come in. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to let us know!"

Elder Ya'li gave him a deep look, "Mhm, we won't be shy if we need help!"

With that, she led Gu Yue and the others into Lingbo City...

No sooner had they escaped the watchful eyes of those guards than Tang Wulin spoke cautiously, "Elder Ya'li, about those guards..."

Elder Ya'li's beautiful eyes flickered, "You felt something was off too? The moment they heard we were from Shrek Academy, they clearly emanated a hint of hostility!"

"Not just that, there was also a faint trace of evil aura within them!"

But as an Ultimate Douluo, even if it was just a fleeting moment, she could capture it precisely!

Tang Wulin clenched his fists, "Does that mean those guards could be spies for the Holy Spirit Cult or the Spirit Pagoda?"

Elder Ya'li answered with certainty, "That's likely the case. I'm afraid our arrival in Lingbo City will reach the ears of those evil Soul Masters in just a few minutes!"

"We must be more cautious with our next moves. It's best to wait until nightfall before infiltrating the Spirit Pagoda to investigate!"


