
Chapter 2062: Exposure (Please Subscribe)_1

With the sound of that voice, Meng Tian heard something falling to the ground...

This gave him a bad feeling, and he hurriedly said, "Hey, Ziran, what's happening? Can you hear me?"

However, no matter how he called, Tang Ziran on the other side did not make a single sound...

A "beep" sounded, and the communication was forcibly cut off...

In an instant, his face turned grim, "Damn it, what exactly happened?"

He had just faintly heard an unfamiliar person's roar—could it be that Tang Ziran and Langyue's attempt to communicate with the outside world had been discovered?

It was hard to imagine what kind of torture they would encounter!


As expected, on the other side, a Spirit Pagoda Member crushed the fallen communicator underfoot...

He sneered, "Finally caught you, daring to send messages to the outside world without permission!"

Tang Ziran clenched his teeth and shouted angrily, "You..."

That was the only means he had to communicate with the outside world, and it had been destroyed by the opponent!

A trace of coldness swept across the Spirit Pagoda Member's eyes, "Still dare to talk back, tired of living, aren't you?"

With that, he clenched his fist and showed no mercy as he aimed a punch at Tang Ziran's abdomen...

Taking the punch squarely, Tang Ziran felt his stomach churn and he spat out a mouthful of blood...

Upon seeing this, Langyue hurried over...

But before she could get close, she was slapped by a palm strike and sent flying, crashing to the ground...

"Get lost, this is none of your damn business!"

Tang Ziran's face was contorted with pain; he rushed over to help her up, "Langyue, Langyue, are you alright?"

Langyue shook her head, "I... I'm fine."

But the fresh red palm print on her cheek was all too conspicuous...

The Spirit Pagoda Member coldly demanded again, "Speak up, who was communicating with you just now? And how much have you revealed about what's happening here?"

If the information here was leaked, they might face a siege from the Douling Empire or other powers!

Tang Ziran's bloodshot eyes fixed fiercely on the former, "You dog of the Holy Spirit Cult, you don't deserve to know!"

Langyue grabbed his arm, signaling him not to provoke the other party...

But it was clearly too late!

The Spirit Pagoda Member licked his lips, "Heh... Looks like you're tough-mouthed, but that's okay, I have plenty of ways to make you spill everything."

"Come, seize them!"

With that command, several black-robed evil Soul Masters guarding outside walked in expressionlessly and grabbed Tang Ziran and Langyue...

"They just used a communicator to pass information to the outside world, likely exposing the events happening here. Please hand them over to those lords for interrogation!"

The evil Soul Masters nodded slightly and escorted Tang Ziran and Langyue away from the place...


On the steamer...

Tang Wulin, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them and connected to the communicator beside him...

Seeing that it was Meng Tian who was calling, he said in confusion, "Hello, Teacher Meng Tian!"

Meng Tian spoke urgently, "Wulin, where are you guys now?"

Tang Wulin stepped out onto the deck and answered, "We're still on the steamer, and should arrive at Douling Land in about half an hour."

"You sound very anxious, has something happened?"

Meng Tian took a deep breath, "Just now, your father contacted me, but the communication was cut off halfway... it was very likely discovered by the Holy Spirit Cult's Evil Soul Masters!"

Tang Wulin cried out, "What? Doesn't that mean that my parents are very likely in danger now!"

Teacher Meng Tian gave a bitter smile, "I'm not sure either, no matter how I ask, there is no response!"

To prevent Tang Wulin from becoming too emotional, he spoke again to comfort him, "But Wulin, you mustn't get agitated, they're probably just subject to some physical punishment and not in danger of losing their lives!"

Tang Wulin forced himself to calm down, "I understand, Teacher Meng Tian!"


Before the other could speak, he hung up the communication...

At that moment, the grief he could no longer suppress made his throat emit a chocking sound...

Gu Yue, who felt a kinship with him, rushed over immediately and frowned, "Wulin, what's happened, your eyes..."

If one observed carefully, they would notice the corners of Tang Wulin's eyes had turned red and his whole body was shaking...

It was as if Tang Wulin had found an outlet to vent, and he sobbed, "My mom and dad... their contact with the outside world was discovered by the Holy Spirit Cult's Evil Soul Master, and they might be in mortal danger!"

"Gu Yue, what should I do..."

He couldn't imagine— if his parents were killed by the evil Soul Master, what would be the point of everything he had done!!

His vulnerability softened Gu Yue's heart, and she reached out both arms and embraced him...

She consoled him in a gentle tone, "Wulin, don't be so pessimistic, perhaps your uncle and auntie have just had their communication devices confiscated and are not in danger of losing their lives!"

Tang Wulin gritted his teeth, "But..."

Gu Yue rubbed his back softly and said quietly, "There are no buts, you have to believe in yourself, and you have to believe in us all, we will definitely be able to rescue your uncle and auntie."

"Alright, if you want to cry, cry it out, you've already done well..."


After a while, Tang Wulin gradually recovered from his sadness...

After wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes, he said with much guilt, "I'm sorry, Gu Yue, I've made a fool of myself in front of you!"

Gu Yue shook her head, "There's nothing funny about it, everyone has a lot of pent up things inside them, and one day they can't help but let it out!"

"But Wulin, promise me, once we reach Lingbo City, no matter what, you must stay calm!"

Tang Wulin clenched his fists and said earnestly, "Okay... I promise you!"

Just then, Xie Xie came over, hands on hips, and said in annoyance, "Gu Yue, so you were here all along, you made me look everywhere for you!"

But when he noticed something was off about Tang Wulin, he said in confusion, "Eh, Wulin, have you just been crying? The tear stains on your face..."

Feeling a bit sheepish, Tang Wulin said, "Who...who's been crying, I just choked on the sea water!"

He didn't want to show his weak side in front of his companions...

Xie Xie didn't think much of it and continued, "Ah, I see, I came to tell you the ship is about to arrive in Douling Land, get ready to disembark!"

After all, in his mind, Tang Wulin was a very strong character, not someone who would easily shed tears!

Tang Wulin said impassively, "Alright, you go ahead, Gu Yue and I will be right there!"

Upon hearing that, Xie Xie smacked his lips and said, "At a time like this, you still have the mood for whispering sweet nothings, I really admire you!"

Then, he turned and left...

Tang Wulin then sighed, "Gu Yue, my behavior just now, it was really disappointing, wasn't it!"

Gu Yue let out a light chuckle, "Not at all, you are still that strong you, come on, let's not keep our friends waiting!"

"We need a detailed plan to rescue my uncle and auntie!"



