
I Play a DC Hero in Marvel

After Anton's Batman Begins sold 1 billion U.S. dollars worldwide, he knew that the Marvel world, which combined strange and bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him... ================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

vuk009 · 漫画同人
50 Chs



  Jameson's eyes flashed, and he felt that the man just now actually overlapped with the image of Eddie in his memory.

  Although he had only met Eddie once, the information he collected about Eddie had already deeply engraved Eddie's image in his mind.

  "That man is Eddie?"

  Despite this, Jameson still couldn't believe it.

  The scene of kicking the heavy iron door away seemed like an old video left by Captain America seventy years ago.

  "Yes, it's Eddie."

  Anton nodded: "Eddie sneaked into the homeless shelter, and our video material came from that. But then, Eddie became a volunteer and was taken to the experimental base."

  He said briefly.

  In just a few sentences, Jameson understood the situation.

  "So, Eddie's changes are related to Drake's research."

  Jameson touched his chin, suddenly realized, and whispered to himself: "No wonder Norman Osborn is willing to bleed heavily to acquire the Life Foundation. It seems that this matter is not as simple as I thought."

  "You mean, Norman Osborn knows the inside story of the Life Foundation?"

  Anton was surprised.

  "Norman has more or less grasped some information. Otherwise, he would not have found us at this time and let us ask for so much."

  Jameson snorted, "You have to know that Norman Osborn is not a man without patience."

  "They are all a bunch of old foxes."

  Anton shook his head and deeply realized that he was still too young.

  If Osborn had not noticed the clues during the period of public opinion fermentation and pushed behind the scenes, the Life Foundation might not be as easy to deal with as he thought.

  Back to the Daily Bugle.

  When getting off the car, Jonah Jameson waved his hand and drove away, without any nostalgia for the place where he had worked for decades.

  Anton went upstairs and saw his colleagues with excited faces.

  "Anton, we succeeded!"

  Someone cheered: "The Life Foundation is finished!"

  They watched the press conference just now and saw Carlton Drake's stubbornness very thoroughly, which was equivalent to a certain degree of surrender.

  However, they also talked about the sudden accident at the end of the press conference.

  "Why does that person look familiar?"

  "A man hugged a woman and broke out of the experimental base. It feels like a wonderful love story."

  "No matter what, there is some special experiment going on inside the Life Foundation. This is an irrefutable fact."

  "The Life Foundation is finished!"

  Everyone talked at once.

  "Well, this is just the first stage of victory. We still have a lot of things to do."

  Anton motioned everyone to be quiet and said loudly: "Next, we will seize the opportunity to completely defeat Drake from the public opinion. We can't give the Life Foundation a chance to turn the tables."

  After a pause: "When this is over, the bonus will be doubled!"

  "Boss is generous!"

  Everyone cheered.

  Anton walked into the office with a smile, and after sitting in the boss's chair, his face turned solemn.

  He called Phil.

  "Boss, did you see that just now?"

  At this time, Phil left the experimental base and stood at the bridgehead of the Golden Gate Bridge, with a look of astonishment that was difficult to hide on his face.

  His tone was extremely incredible: "That person is Editor-in-Chief Eddie, there is no mistake, it must be Editor-in-Chief Eddie."

  "I know."

  Anton replied: "Although the Life Foundation has lost to us in public opinion, they will not let Eddie go easily. You continue to stay in San Francisco to find Eddie, and I will do my best to help you."


  Phil nodded heavily: "I will definitely find Editor-in-Chief Eddie."


  After hanging up, Anton rubbed his temples and had a headache.


  He could almost conclude that Eddie had combined with the symbiote and had the ability to transform into Venom.

  This does not mean the end, but another beginning.

  However, once the Life Foundation uses force, the space he can play will be infinitely compressed.

  I just hope Eddie can withstand the pressure.

  Perhaps, when Oscorp launches a takeover of the Life Foundation and takes control of the Life Foundation from Carlton Drake, Eddie will be temporarily safe.

  Otherwise, Eddie can only use the ability of Venom to completely end Carlton Drake like in the movie.

  No one can say for sure.

  The current situation is different from the plot of the movie.

  The Daily Bugle got involved, and Oscorp also intervened, completely stirring up the mess.

  The future development must not be viewed from the original perspective.

  "Waiting like this is not a solution."

  Anton frowned and muttered to himself: "I have to exchange the Batman armor as soon as possible. If I can master Batman's power, even if it is just a basic armor, I can be less passive..."

  He immediately called and learned that the film crew had entered the final stage.

  Relying on the special effects plan that had been designed long ago, most of the special effects production work was completed.

  After these two tasks were completed, the only thing left in the later stage was editing and publicity.

  As for the novel version of "Batman Begins" that was released early, the serialization in the Daily Bugle also came to an end. The

  wonderful plot and excellent quality made the novel gradually popular in the New York area and attracted the attention of many book fans.

  Checking the Batman fan value, there are already 210,000.

  This progress is really not slow.

  But Anton was still a little impatient, always feeling that there was a big stone hanging in his heart and lacking a sense of security.

  He called Betty and told her, "Contact advertisers and increase the publicity of Batman novels. I want the whole of New York City to know Batman's name before the movie is released."

  "This is a big expense, Anton, your personal account is out of money."

  Betty spread her hands, indicating that she was powerless.

  "Why do you want to use my personal account?"

  Anton was very unhappy and almost started to complain, "Batman novels are published by the publishing house controlled by the Daily Bugle. The publishing house can't do nothing about the books written by the boss, right?"

  "You are the boss, you have the final say."

  This time, Betty had no reason to refuse, and she twisted her hips and left the office.

  On the other side.

  San Francisco, a corner of the city.

  Eddie put Dora down and said in a deep voice, "We must separate."


  Dora was shocked: "Are you going to leave me and run for your life alone?"


  Eddie explained: "Carlton Drake will not let me go, but you are not Drake's target. You can find a safe place to hide and come out after the matter is over."

  "No, my daughter is still in Drake's hands."

  Dora refused flatly: "As a mother, I can't take risks with my daughter."

  Eddie thought for a moment and suddenly said: "As a senior researcher, you should know a lot of inside information about the Life Foundation, including Drake's secrets, right?"

  "What do you want to say?" Dora was alert.

  "Don't forget, I used to be a reporter." Eddie said, "You can go to the Daily Bugle and reveal the news. With the power of public opinion, Drake dare not do anything to you. As far as I know, you are not the only one whose family is controlled by him."

  "What about you?" Dora asked again.

  After a short thought, Eddie basically understood his situation.

  "I'm in danger now and can't appear in the public eye."

  He smiled bitterly and said, "You know, Drake is a lunatic. I am the only human who has combined with the symbiote so far, and he will not let me go easily. His pursuit of me will only stop when he loses his power."


  Dora gritted her teeth. She was not a fool, and now was not the time to act out a sad drama. She said decisively, "In that case, we will separate here."

  "You'd better give me a way to contact you."

  After a pause, she said, "If you need it, I will try my best to help you. After all, my understanding of the symbiote is far beyond yours."

  Eddie nodded, "Okay, I have a private email address, please remember it."

   It feels like a stand-alone game! There are too few recommendation votes, and the number of follow-up reads seems to be very low. Are you all robots?

    Vote for recommendations to save the child!

    Please collect! The collection can't increase!

    Rewards are casual, and the only rewards now are those I cheated. Crying!

================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.