
I Play a DC Hero in Marvel

After Anton's Batman Begins sold 1 billion U.S. dollars worldwide, he knew that the Marvel world, which combined strange and bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him... ================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

vuk009 · Anime & Comics
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The Movie is Finished

After Eddie and Dora separated,

  he looked in the direction of downtown San Francisco, showed a pensive expression, and turned to walk towards the suburbs.

  Then his face changed and his body twisted involuntarily.


  "I want to eat!"

  A deep voice burst out from his mind.


  Eddie was stunned. It was the same voice again.

  This time he was sure that it was not an auditory hallucination, but that there was really a person living in his body.

  "What to eat?"

  Eddie couldn't laugh, showing a helpless expression, and spread his hands: "You still want to eat now?"

  He suddenly remembered that he had swallowed a person's head in one bite when he broke out of the experimental base.

  His face looked even worse, and his stomach twitched slightly.

  "Don't tell me you want to eat people..."

  Before he finished speaking.


  His body ran involuntarily, bursting out with extraordinary speed.



  New York.

  Daily Bugle.

  Anton received an email, read the message on it, and immediately contacted Phil, asking Phil to go to a place in San Francisco to pick up a woman.

  The woman was Dora Skus.

  Afterwards, Dora told Anton and Phil everything she knew without hiding anything.

  Phil wrote a press release of several thousand words at Anton's instruction.

  The content of the manuscript was vivid and emotional, revealing the whole story and Carlton Drake's ambitions clearly.

  However, the part about aliens, that is, symbiotes, was hidden. It

  was referred to as "mysterious experiments".

  Of course, Phil relied on Dora's description and imagination to create the image of a super villain about how Drake killed lives, how he did not regard homeless people as human beings, how he used the researcher's family as a threat, and how he was cold and ruthless.

  After the manuscript was finalized, it was posted on the official website of the Daily Bugle at the fastest speed.

  Then, in the already boiling public opinion environment, the press release was constantly reprinted, and the number of clicks quickly exceeded 100 million.

  No one doubted the authenticity of this manuscript.

  With this revelation, the Daily Bugle became a fighter for justice and was hailed as "the last conscience of the newspaper."

  The Daily Bugle, which originally had a high credibility in the hearts of New York citizens, has now become the number one in the hearts of New York citizens and even the citizens of the United States with the help of this incident.

  Osborn Building.

  "Well done, Anton, I was right about you!"

  Norman Osborn noticed the direction of public opinion on the Internet, which was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, destroying the final possibility of the Life Foundation's turnaround. He was overjoyed and couldn't help but praise: "Jameson, you have found a perfect successor."

  With public opinion boiling and internal activities exposed, even those politicians who were on good terms with Drake could not save the Life Foundation and could only let the situation continue to develop.

  It is conceivable that the one who will clean up the mess in the end and has the ability to clean up the mess will be Osborn.

  Norman thought about it, called his secretary, and submitted the acquisition of the Life Foundation as a formal topic to the board members.

  He was ready to unify the right to speak within Osborn as quickly as possible.

  Then take over the Life Foundation.


  Norman's harsh face showed a rare smile.

  Previously, he was also one of the audience at the press conference held by Drake.

  But what made him most happy was not Drake's emotional speech, but the unexpected incident at the end of the press conference.

  That is, the scene of Eddie kicking the iron door.


  Flames ignited in his eyes: "I must get it."

  After thinking, he

  pressed a button on the table.

  The bodyguard outside the office came to him and said respectfully: "Boss, what do you want?"

  "Take people to San Francisco and find that person before Drake."

  Norman ordered: "If you can't do it, you don't have to come back! Oscorp doesn't keep idle people."


  The bodyguard nodded solemnly.


  "It's getting dark!"

  Anton looked at the stars outside the window and sighed.

  He was exhausted these days.

  He used more brain cells than in the previous twenty years.

  He ate and lived at the Daily Bugle, and he hardly left the office. He looked like a workaholic.

  Betty was very surprised and felt that Anton had changed.

  "I should be able to take a real break today."

  Anton left the Daily Bugle and drove home. He found that Jonah Jameson was still not at home, and his mouth twitched.

  The retirement life of the rich is really enviable.

  Anton was happy when he thought that he could live such a life in a few decades.

  Soon, time passed.

  These days, the Daily Bugle no longer pursued the Life Foundation, but only issued some press releases from time to time to follow up on the situation of the Life Foundation.

  As hot topics, these articles have considerable clicks.

  Even the newspapers of the Daily Bugle have sold more than before, which can be said to be a big profit.

  The Life Foundation seemed to accept the status quo and honestly admitted defeat without any reaction.

  But Anton knew that the Life Foundation was not unresponsive, but was too lazy to pay attention to these gossips.

  They were hunting Eddie.

  Anton could do nothing about this.

  With Eddie's current ability, it is not a big problem to deal with the armed pursuit of the Life Foundation.

  Anton can only make up for Eddie in terms of money.

  Sending Eddie a huge sum of money for living is all Anton can do at this time.

  You can't expect Anton to go down and help Eddie fight, right?

  He hasn't mastered the Batman armor yet. If he goes to San Francisco willfully, it's unknown who will help whom fight!

  It is worth mentioning that Eddie's identity cannot be hidden at all under the full investigation of the Life Foundation.

  Including Dora.

  The Life Foundation has a clear understanding of the specific process of Eddie and the others' escape.

  In this regard, Drake was furious, but he did not make a public statement. Instead,

  he waved his hand and let the family of the senior researcher go, as if to express his sincerity in this regard.

  It means, lie down and let others laugh at you.

  During this period of time, Anton finally received good news.

  The movie is finished!

  After nearly three months, "Batman Begins" has finally entered the post-production stage.

  In his previous life, when Nolan filmed this movie, it took 129 days from the start of filming to completion. Anton stood on the shoulders of giants and spent almost 90 days. The difference is not that big.

  Post-production is another aspect.

  Simply put, it is editing, dubbing, loading subtitles, and special effects.

  Among them, the most time-consuming special effects, Anton had already prepared them during the filming process. Now he only needs to add special effects shots according to the pictures, which has become the most convenient part.

  Anton asked the editor to arrive in New York with the lens data, and he went straight into the editing room.

  He discussed with the editor for a whole day and determined the editing ideas. Then, like flowing water, he edited a 140-minute blockbuster in just three days.

  Anton did not need to participate in the dubbing and subtitle work.

  Seeing the finished film, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of accomplishment.

  When Jim arrived in New York and saw the finished film, he also showed a surprised expression.

  Jim never expected that a movie that was rushed out would not show any traces of shoddy work. Instead, multiple shots seemed to be premeditated and fascinating.

  This is the situation that will only occur when the director's thoughts flow smoothly and his inspiration is overflowing.

  "Anton, you are a genius."

  Jim complained to Anton, but the moment he saw the finished film, his complaints disappeared.

  "Thank you for the compliment. Now the important thing is to find a distributor and increase publicity efforts,"

  Anton said.

  "Batman's novels are very well-known in New York. You made a good move." Jim said, "I recommend holding the premiere in New York. If you can invite Tony Stark, it will be much more convenient for us."

  "Of course."

  Anton smiled mysteriously: "This is a movie invested by Tony. He will definitely come."

   Thanks to "I want to take a long way home" for the reward! Hehe, I caught a wild reader, today's manuscript fee +0.5!

================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.