
I Only Tame Dragons

“Come not between the Dragon and his Wrath.” — William Shakespeare The year was 2140, and Earth was nothing but a distant memory. Humanity now drifted through the galaxies aboard colossal ARKs, massive skyships that served as the last bastions of civilization. Yet, these ARKs were more than just floating cities; they were humanity’s last containers, preserving what remained of their species. A century before Earth's final collapse, humanity discovered a gateway to a realm known as Eternia — a fantastical world straight out of myth and legend. Reaching this realm required more than just advanced technology; it demanded a complete departure from the physical body and entry into a mysterious process known as the Dream Weave. In the present day, Cloud lived aboard ARK NO. 427, where he had been training from a young age to step into the Dream Weave. He was a standout among his peers, excelling in every tasks that came his way. Everything seemed to be on track for him — until the pivotal day of the Class Selection process.

MiuNovels · 游戏
51 Chs

Return to Eternia    

As they descended through the clouds, Von shouted at the top of his lungs, "We're finally here, Horizon!"


Horizon squinted as they approached a random location below, taking in the sight of the vast landscape. "But . . . where exactly are we?" he muttered, noticing how only a few dragons had managed to arrive in this location like they did.

In the distance, other dragons soared through the skies, scattered across various parts of the land.


"It doesn't matter!" Von hollered, a grin splitting his face. "We made it! WooOhHoOo!" His exhilaration echoed as their long-awaited return after a year in Drakha finally became real.


The massive form of the Dracolich descended, breaking through the towering, dangerous mountain range that framed a breathtaking landscape. Below them, a sprawling, wooded valley came into view, beckoning with its serene beauty.