
I didn't choose system

Vikram was a normal soldier if you consider a person normal who treats the real world like an RPG game. And the problem is that he does not even know this, a person who considers the value of death to be equal to a stone on the road, his own and others equally. But this man was martyred in one of his missions. The world where he lives had around a population of eight billion, but leaving all of them somehow this guy transmigrated to another world. Into the body of another guy who has his own shit to handle. And as things could not get any worse, he also came to know that this so-called New World is the same as his favorite novel. So in simple words, this story is about a f***** up guy and his f***** up life, and about how he may be able to come out of this cycle of f***** up life. •••••••••••••••• This is my first novel. I am not a native English speaker so I am going to have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. so give me criticism as much as you can give. if you like it or not at last please put a review so I can make sure whether I should stop working on this novel or not.

CreatorKratos · 奇幻
37 Chs


I had only a five-second window, in which I had to make a hole in my heart, and then, by drinking the high healing potion before my heart failed, I had to close that hole and prevent my heart from failing with the help of gnosis.

If even one step goes wrong in all these phases, my heart will stop working in just five seconds, followed by my brain, and in the end, my body will stop functioning.

well, since I have taken my first action and stuck the needle in my heart. So now, in the second stage, I quickly grab the bottle of the healing potion and gulp down all the liquid in it into my throat.

But as soon as the liquid reached my stomach, instead of feeling relief, I coughed up dark crimson blood from my mouth.

In an instant, I realized that the healing potion wasn't working the way I imagined it would.

But I still don't feel any pain or fear; it again feels like what I felt in my previous life before I died. The only difference being that before it was due to drugs and now it is due to gnosis help.

A sharp needle is still stuck in my heart, but putting all the concentration I could muster up on one thought, I ask for gnosis.

[Now what's happened, gnosis?]

< The healing potion is currently being rejected by the master body. The potion's dissolution process in the master's body is still ongoing. >

Fuck if this goes on like this, my heart will stop beating in no time. Knowing that I have to take all the things in my hands, I instantly clutched the needle firmly that is currently digging inside my heart in my hands, and pulled the needle out of my heart.

a squirt of blood burst from my chest, stopping that leaking of blood with my hands. I focused all of my awareness on my inherited ability, 'devouring the spirit of gula' and after visualizing the healing potion in my body, I merged it all in."

Before my heart stops beating properly, my whole body starts glowing with a faint green light. The sensation of relief that I wanted to feel before is now I could feel it in my body.

I still kept both my hands on my chest to stop the bleeding. After a while, the bleeding stopped from the left side of my chest, and I removed my hands from there and looked at my blood-soaked bed.

Having a look at my bed, I felt relieved that I'd been ignored by almost everyone; otherwise, I'd never be able to do all this weird stuff inside of this room.

Ignoring my just postponed death, I was thinking about what would happen if Charlie saw me in this condition when I heard gnosis's voice.

< Affirmative current condition of Pure Mana Heart - 50% completed. To complete the pure mana heart the master has to repeat this process at last one more time >

Really, even after nearly killing me, this mana heart of mine is only fifty percent complete.

And how easily this shameless ability of mine is asking me to kill myself again.

Taking a deep breath, I thrust the needle into my heart again, but this time my body isn't rejecting the healing potion like before, making my chances of dying several times lower.

After doing this process twice more, Genesis made the announcement in its robotic voice that I had been waiting to hear for days.

< The master has created a pure mana heart inside his body. The will of the universe having accepted the Master as an existence that fulfills all the requirements of being the First Ranker, the process of the Master's evolving into the First Ranker now begins. >

But the happiness of hearing this good news doesn't last long, and I feel


Extremely painful, even after gnosis has completely nullified my pain emotion, but somehow I still feel as if someone has poured boiling lava on my body, which is now slowly melting me.

This pain that forces someone to take their life with their hands is all over my body, but still, no word of pain comes out of my mouth because I can instinctively feel that my whole body is spending and shrinking like a balloon.

Just like the body of a child is formed in the mother's womb, my body is also evolving into a new form in the same way.

After a long time, or I think after a long time, all the pain inside my body disappeared with a jolt. I feel my body so light and strong that I can walk on clouds and break rocks with it.

Upon opening my eyes, I found that I could see my surroundings many times better than before. Not only this but my other senses, such as hearing and smell, both became sharper than I expected. I even feel the presence of small insects, whose existence is normally impossible to locate by normal people.

<Congratulations, master! You have become the Beginner First Raker. >

Gnosis's congratulation brought a gleeful smile to my face, which is probably my first smile after coming into this world, this is true even considering both aspects of my existence, Eran and Vikram. After all, getting congratulated form your skill can't be less than a dream for any novel fan.

< affirmative all the information contained in the essence of the ancestor spirit has been retrieved. Does the master want to download this information directly into his mind? >


It seems like today my title of unanticipated fate doesn't create too many problems for me.

[ do it ]

This time the process of learning information ends up being even more nerve-wracking than before, even though I have just become the first stage ranker, which shows how important the information gained is.

After getting all the information in my head, I could not believe for a minute or two that what I had earned was even attainable for me.

I can't believe how effortlessly I've achieved this thing. To calm my new heart that is beating fast due to my excitement, I request gnosis compile this information I've received and bring to light it to me.



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