
Chapter 2

Just when Takuya was admiring the huge size of north gate of Seiretei, with a small wind cutting sound Rangiku appeared near him and looked at him with eyes full of curiosity.

" What are you looking at ? "

Hearing the swet sound in his ear , Takuya was not a least bit surprised because he had long since sensed Rangiku's movements.

Takuya's five senses and spiritual sensitivity was many times higher than people with same strength as him. He suspected that it was due to his past life memories. It was not difficult for him to sense Rangiku's movements as even though her reiatsu was many times higher than him currently but it was definitely not her full speed right now.

" Nothing. Just wondering about the difference between the environment with Zaraki district. So, what can I help you with lieutenant? " Takuya looked in her direction with a gentle smile on his face.

Rangiku was slightly surprised because Takuya was too calm. If it were someone else, they would be startled with speed of her Shunpo. Once again her admiration for him increased a little bit.

" Its true that the environment in Seiretei is way better than lower districts. Anyway what are you doing here , Takuya kun?"

" Of course I'm here for the test , what else could it be? "

" You.. " Rangiku paused for a while and guessed something. " Do you know about your recommendation?"

Hearing this Takuya was puzzled.

What recommendation? Is she talking about Ikkaku's offer to me?

Takuya was not sure but told her about his encounter with Ikkaku and his offer to him anyway.

Two weeks ago Takuya sensed presence of three hollows few hundred meters away from his wooden shack. Of course he immediately went to confront them because he knew that shinigami were barely assigned to Zaraki district and most of the time they were late due to the distance being far away from Seireitei.

In the ten months he had encountered hollows more than twenty times and all the times they appeared near the people with less spiritual energy. In fact when Takuya was still weak, he was attacked by hollows directly three times and now was deeply disgusted by them.

What a joke? Those hollow bastards always appeared out of nowhere through garganta and chased him while yelling that Taukuya was their food. Who would like creatures who were disgusting and want to eat you?

As Takuya became stronger, his initial fear for battles and low level hollows slowly disappeared. Now he confronted them with confidence.

The violent environment of Zaraki district had caused Takuya's compassion for others dim but he still cared for innocent and weaker ones. After all the mindset tempered in 21st century wont dissaper so easily.

Just that this time , Takuya did not need to take action because he felt someone approaching the hollows faster than him and the other party had several times higher reiatsu than himself.

When Takuya arrived at the location , he was forced to watch the battle of hollows with Ikkaku. The main reason was that Takuya felt the gap between Ikkaku's and his strength.

It was not the case with reiatsu as it was obvious that Ikkaku had more reiatsu than him and Takuya had the confidence that it would not take long before he surpassed it with the help of his system.

Takuya was more awed by the fearless but refined fighting style of Ikkaku. He was fighting the hollows barehanded and definitely enjoying the battle. Each of the strike was fierce and accurate, completely different from Takuya's sloppy fighting style.


" Hmm.. So you came here just ten months ago and this level of reiatsu... hahaha.. you're a genius then!! So, what the fuck are you doing here then? Just go to the academy and become a shinigami already..."

Hearing the frank tone , Takuya was helpless. After all he cant and wont tell anyone about his system. Still Takuya really liked the Frank and honest character of Ikkaku.

Both of them chatted for more than three hours before Ikkaku had to leave and rejoin the small team of Squad 11 who came here to patrol.

Honestly watching the previous battle , Taukya's blood was boiling and he wanted to fight with Ikkaku and see if he could learn something from him.

In the end Ikkaku refused him by saying that Takuya was still weak for serving as his opponent. Anyway Takuya was not disappointed though because it was truth and he learned a very good piece of information from Ikkaku.

That is once shinigami realised their shikai, their reiatsu would increase from 3 to 5 times while bankai would be ten or more times.

According to Ikkaku, all shinigami have an upper limit and it will be broken once they have unlocked shikai and once again once they have unlocked bankai.

Takuya was greatly surprised with this information because he had no idea about such thing before. This means that Ikkaku whose reiatsu was already several times more and powerful than him, would explode at least three more times power once he released his shikai. No wonder he said that Takuya was still far from being his opponent.

That day Takuya decided to leave Zaraki district for two main reasons.

One because he was eager to have his own Zanpakuto.

Second because Takuya felt that the speed of picking up reiatsu would be greater.

Ikkaku actually wanted Takuya to graduate from academy as soon as possible and join the 11th division. He even said that Takuya could definitely become their 4th seat if he unblocked his shikai before graduation.

After all Reistsu will increase by considerable amount when shinigami unlocked shikai for first time.

Takuya felt that this proposal was great. Reiatsu picking speed would definitely be faster during battles but Takuya did not forget something.

Zaraki Kenpachi! That fighting maniac captain who had insane amount of reiatsu and could not control it properly.

If Takuya could stay near him all the time ,reistsu picking speed would definitely skyrocket!

Besides Division 11 was fighting division and their squad members held daily practices. So Takuya could pick up reiatsu from them too.

One more thing was that Takuya actually liked the thrill of battle. Well it was definitely not at the scale of Zaraki though.

Still there were so many benefits to join Squad 11. So Takuya did not hesitate and immediately promised Ikkaku that he would definitely join Squad 11 after graduation and he would fight Ikkaku on his first day.

Ikkaku did not believe that Takuya could grow so much in few years but Takuya believed it.

Dont forget that he had the system which endures Takuya's rapid growth!