
Chapter 1

Today Shinigami Arts Academy was holding their recruitment exam once again.

The towering North gate of Seiretei was open and hundreds of people were standing outside facing the few shinigami who were in charge of the exam.

The exam which was held every six months was too popular, especially among the residents of Rukongai. After all if they passed the exam , they will gain opportunity to gain power ,status and of course money which came with becoming a shinigami.

Among the hundreds of applicants, there were members of noble families who did not seem to be much nervous. On the other hand, most of the other people looked nervous.

This disparity was inevitable. After all to pass the exam , one needed to possess good amount of reiryoku and reiatsu inside their soul body. In this regard, the offsprings of noble families had no problems as they were born with great potential compared to most residents of soul society.

" Reiryoku " in simple terms was the potential of a shinigami while " Reiatsu " was the power which was physical manifestation of Reiryoku inside the soul body.

The applicants who came naturally understood this principle well. So many of the them cast envious gazes at the nobles.

Still there were some applicants left who seemed to pay attention to their own business and ignore the others.

Among them , there stood a young man who was 1.9 meters tall and had a lean body. His appearance was average but the well toned muscles which seemed to contain extreme explosive power , made him look very attractive.

He had a small smile on his face and was completely indifferent to the gazes of some pretty women who were blushing while gazing at him. Even so despite his aura which was extraordinary compared to others , nobody among the applicants dared to approach few meters near him much less have a chat with him.

Matsumoto Rangiku , the lieutenant of 10th division was in charge of today's exam. She was a great beauty which excellent figure and usually had a carefree personality.

She also noticed this strange young man and could not help but feel curious about him. After all she could not any reiatsu fluctuations from him.

One had to know that even captain class shinigami who had great control over their reiatsu, coul not completely mask their reiatsu fluctuations without using special means like Kido.

So the young man in front of her was very strange.

" Very interesting.. " Rangiku murmured and checked the list which contained the names and general background of all these applicants.

Soon , she found his information but could not help but widen her eyes from shock.

On the page it was written..


ORIGIN - 80 North ( Zaraki District )

Description - Estimated general 5th seat level reiatsu.

Recommendation - Squad 11 Captain ( Zaraki Kenpachi )

After a few seconds, Rangiku recovered from her shock and could not help but take another look a Takuya.

But this time there was certain admiration in her eyes.

After all , this was a man who was recommended to Academy by Zaraki Kenpachi himself!

As a Deputy Captain of a Gotei 13 squad , how could she not know who was Zaraki Kenpachi?

That was a madman ! but an extremely powerful one and his strength was unimaginable. Anyone whose strength and potential could be recognized by a captain , could never be a simple figure.


As for Takuya himself? To tell the truth , he was just bored right now.

How nice could it be if there were inventions like smartphones in this world ? At least he could pass time by playing games or something..

Yes! Takuya is actualy a reincarnator/ transverser.

Ten or so months ago, he died and somehow woke up in Zaraki District as a new soul.

To be honest , it did not take long before Takuya realised that he had crossed into Bleach world and as a new soul in Soul Society at that. After all he had watched Bleached anime and manga more than few times.

Thus, at first he was very scared.

What a joke? This was a world where hollows could pop up any time time to chow down on your soul. Not to mention villains who possessed terrifying might like Aizen and Ywach.

On top of that he just had to wake up in Zaraki District! That was a place where there was not a shred of law and order and killing was more than a common occurrence.

For a former cultured 21st century resident , this abrupt change in environment was too big.

Takuya did not know how many times he had barely escaped from the fate of being cut by a sword of some madman.

Fortunately Takuya had some assurance which at least allowed him to have chance to escape if he was careful enough. The assurance was naturally power !

Maybe because he had his memories of previous life so his soul was strong, Takuya discovered early on that he possessed good amount of reiatsu for a new soul.

It was not even comparable to average first year student of Shinigami Academy in the start but at least it gave him some power to survive.

One may think that it was strange that someone who had such low reiatsu could obtain 5th seat level reiatsu in ten months without any special training or something.

The thought is correct because such rapid progress was almost impossible but at the same time it was not impossible for Takuya.

The reason ? Simple..

One the very first day of his arrival ,Takuya awakened his golden finger !

To be exact, it was a system which allowed him to absorb residual reiatsu and increase his own reserve permanently!

It had no name so Takuya named it simply " Reiatsu Pick Up System! " After all it had only one function which was to pick up reiatsu and absorb it inside his body.

The system is also the reason why Takuya stayed in the dangerous Zaraki district for 10 whole months. After all there were many ruffians and evildoers there who had good amount of reiatsu in them.

So Zaraki district instead became a heavenly place for Takiuya to increase his strength at fast rate while doing nothing.

There were battles everywhere in the district daily so the puck up rate of reiatsu was very high compared to other districts. After all in battles , greater someone spends his reiatsu, the more Takuya can pick it up!

The system's pick up range seem to increase unlimitedly according to increase in Takuya's reiryoku. With his current 5th seat level reiatsu, it coul cover more than 400 meters with Takuya in center easily.

Actually Taukya did not want to leave Zaraki district at first. After all it was such a good place where he could easily find reiatsu to pick up. Besides his current strength was already more than enough to live there as long as Takuya was careful enough to not provoke the strongest existences there.

But two weeks ago something happened which caused Takuya to change his mind.

It was the encounter with someone from 11th squad of Gotei 13. He actually met Madarame Ikkaku 3rd seat and was given an offer which was very hard to refuse for Takuya..

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