
Where's Your Guy?

編輯: Atlas Studios

Located at the edge of the city, Jiayuan district was the oldest neighborhood in Nancheng. It was built before the meteorite descended. It had an area of thousands of acres, but the vacancy rate was as high as 70 percent.

The old houses here had little property rights to speak of, and most of the owners died in the disaster decades ago.

The people who lived here now were basically elderly widows and vagrants.

He Mu wore an unusual outfit and arrived at Jiayuan district.

It was daytime, and not yet the appointed time. The reason he came here earlier was mainly to check out the terrain.

Honestly, the environment of Jiayuan district wasn't great.

There were no fences. Patches of weeds and a variety of crops had grown all around the dozens of run-down, tall buildings of about seven or eight stories.

Occasionally, one would see a few mountains of garbage, and some elderly people were picking garbage.

Although the environment wasn't great, one had to admit that this was a good place for that group of fugitives to hide.

He Mu didn't observe the place much longer, but casually passed by and left the district.

Since that group of fugitives escaped from Ancheng to here, their anti-detection skills must be extremely strong. If He Mu were to stay here any longer, he might inadvertently alert them.

This was the reason why the Special Operations Unit delayed the operation until night.

It was important to know that several people in that group were also Red Mist Fighters. If those Red Mist Fighters went into a frenzy, their combat power would be extremely deadly to ordinary people.

If the Special Operations Unit made no secret of their presence and attacked, that group of fugitives might act desperately when things reached a dead end.

But it wasn't the same at night.

Late at night, all the residents were asleep at home. Everyone would turn off the lights, and even if the fugitives wanted to capture hostages, it wouldn't be easy.

Even if they got the hostages, the darkness was conducive to the escapes of ordinary people.

Leaving Jiayuan district, He Mu once again returned to the Red Mist Alliance.

After five days of concentrating on the mission, he had about 500,000 more yuan in his bank card. He dared to go to some places he didn't dare to go before.

As usual, he ate at the restaurant that gave out resting cabin vouchers and entered a "training room".

The reason why it was called a training room and not a gym was because there were many things that went beyond the concept of fitness.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, He Mu entered the "reaction room" under the guidance of the attendant.

As the name implied, this was a place to exercise the reaction speed of the Red Mist Fighters.

The reaction room was about 100 square meters. It was empty, and the walls and floors were filled with holes of different sizes.

Training for half a day in the reaction room cost 10,000 yuan.

It wasn't that the Red Mist Alliance exploited its members, but the cost of such a reaction room reached tens of millions.

Even if they earned 10,000 yuan for half a day and every day, it would take five years to earn back the capital.

Moreover, there were weekly, monthly, and annual memberships, as well as special discounts and whatnot, so it was impossible to earn 10,000 in half a day.

After looking around, He Mu walked to a screen on the wall, entered his combat power, and hit start.


With a boom, the door was instantly closed, and the screen in front of him retracted.

Immediately afterwards the room resounded with the sound of a countdown.

"10, 9, 8…"

When the count reached zero, several lasers locked onto He Mu's body.

Immediately after, the surrounding holes began to shoot out metal spheres of different sizes, weights, and materials.

These spheres, without exception, all flew toward him.

Bang Bang Bang!

In an instant, He Mu was hit by seven or eight spheres.

But fortunately, the pain was still tolerable. Besides, some extremely heavy metal struck his body parts where they were more tolerable to pain. On the other hand, body parts that couldn't resist beatings were hit by light metal.

Of course, even if there were an accident, the heavy metal attack in vulnerable places would only make him grimace and not cause injuries.

Next, He Mu just had to dodge or repel these attacks and train his reflexes.

After a little more than half a day, He Mu was already exhausted when he left the reaction room.

Fortunately, it was only five in the afternoon, and there were seven hours before the commencement of the mission.

Since it was a late-night operation, He Mu still chose to sleep in the resting cabin for six hours, just like the last time he caught a Nightmare Tapir.

At eleven o'clock at night, He Mu put on a black training suit, as well as a pair of soft-soled black sneakers and walked towards Jiayuan district.

By the time he approached Jiayuan district, it was only 11:30 p.m.

He didn't stand at the intersection, but chose to stay at a silent corner, looking at the intersection into Jiayuan district.

There were no street lights in Jiayuan district. Everywhere was dark with only a few dozen scattered homes with lights on.

In other words, 95 percent of the residents in the district had fallen asleep.

He Mu focused on those houses that had lights on at the upper floors.

Most of the people in Jiayuan district were elderlies and lived in the lower floors due to mobility problems, and they also generally slept early.

In this case, those who still had lights on at the upper floors were very suspicious.

Just like that, He Mu quietly observed in the darkness for more than half an hour.

At that moment, not far from the darkness, a figure finally appeared, heading quickly toward where he was.

"Wow. Impressive, boy. If I didn't know you were waiting here, I would be scared to death by you!"

The figure came up to He Mu, lowered her voice and said.

This person was no other than the woman who was among the three during the day.

According to the information in the Red Mist Alliance, the woman's name was Wei Lan, and the other two men were Wei Gang, and Wei Qiang. They weren't beside Wei Lan at that moment.

"Uh, Big Sister Wei, how did you know I was here?" He Mu asked in a soft voice.

"Hmph, the Special Operations Unit is here, so how would they not know where someone was hiding nearby? It's also my fault for not leaving you my contact information during the day. Let's go, follow me. Everyone is here."

Wei Lan said, and was about to grab He Mu's arm when she saw his two empty hands. She suddenly froze.

"Where's your guy?"

"Guy?" He Mu asked.

Wei Lan raised the pitch-black dagger in her other hand with no good grace: "The guy who f*cks people!"

"Can't afford it."

He Mu said bluntly.

The pitch-black dagger in Wei Lan's hand wasn't made of ordinary steel, but was polished from the bones of a certain powerful monster.

Even though the dagger was short, it weighed 100 to 200 pounds, and only such a sturdy weapon could pierce the flesh of a Red Mist Fighter of the same level.

If it were an ordinary knife, it would shatter upon hitting the target.

Of course, the price of this weapon was also extremely expensive, estimated to be hundreds of thousands.

If He Mu saved up a bit, he could still afford to buy one. But it would be too light for his liking and after a while, it would need to be replaced soon. Even if he could sell it as a second-hand, he still had to spend time to find a buyer.

This was a waste of time and money.

That was why he had no weapons all along.

Hearing this simple and honest answer from He Mu, Wei Lan pulled down his black training uniform collar without saying a word, and saw that there was only an ordinary white short sleeve inside. She couldn't help but curse.

"Forget it. We aren't expecting much from you, anyway. Come with me."

Wei Lan grumbled and headed for an alley, while He Mu followed closely.

It didn't take long for him to be led into a courtyard.

In the center of the courtyard, a group of Special Operations Unit members clad in black uniforms and tactical helmets were gathered around.

In the middle of them, a member was facing a screen and operating the remote control in his hands, as if he were controlling a drone.

The reason why Wei Lan was able to find He Mu was probably due to the drone.

In addition, the vast majority of the Special Operations Unit members were carrying rifles with a fairly complex shape, and a variety of tactical equipment hanging from their waists.

Wei Gang and Wei Qiang, who leaned against the edge of the courtyard, also carried specially-made weapons and wore custom-made black leather armor.

"I've brought the boy." Wei Lan pulled He Mu to the front and said.

A group of people heard her and turned around, looking over to He Mu.

A breeze blew by, and He Mu pulled the zipper of his training uniform, squeezing out an awkward and polite smile.