
The Tenth Mission

Editor: Atlas Studios


With a soft bang, He Mu placed the vacuum-packed black-haired rat on the counter of the Red Mist Bar.

Uncle Li raised his head, took a look at the clean wound on the black-haired rat, and laughed: "You're quick, but this thing isn't worth much. Its meat can't be eaten, and its skin has to be processed to be somewhat useful. Though its blood can be made into chemical materials… 20,000 yuan. Fine with that?"


As soon as Uncle Li finished his words, He Mu had already put his card on the counter.

Seeing this, Uncle Li smiled sarcastically, took the card, and transferred the money in.

"Next mission," He Mu said coldly.

"Hey, kid, you gotta understand that I did that for your own good."

Uncle Li scratched his head, while searching on the computer. And not long after, he arranged another mission for He Mu.

He Mu took a look at the mission, and didn't say a word. He picked up the card, turned around, and left.

Two hours later.


It was yet another bang. A human-sized strange fish clad in scaled-armor was placed on the counter.

Uncle Li looked at the fish, lit a cigarette, and said, "Black-scaled fish. 50,000 yuan."


The card was placed on the counter.



Five hours later.


"80,000 yuan."


"Take this."

8 hours later.








In the blink of an eye, five days were gone.

He Mu came to the Red Mist Bar again. At that moment, he had already completed nine missions and his city contribution value had reached 15.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a mission in the middle to find a missing child, which took two or three days, he wouldn't have taken so long to complete nine missions.

In addition, his combat power had increased very slowly in the past few days while doing the missions. Five days ago, his combat power was 21, but now it was only 23.

But this couldn't be helped.

The missions were more or less dangerous, and he couldn't possibly put himself in an exhausted state.

"Uncle Li, after finishing this mission, I will be able to accept missions through the mission system in the Red Mist Alliance's software in the future."

He Mu walked up to the counter and said with a smile. His attitude was no longer as cold as before.

"Kid, you're talkative today."

Uncle Li raised his head and showed a teasing expression.

He Mu smiled plainly and didn't say anything.

Uncle Li's expression, however, became grim all of a sudden.

"The fact that you were able to complete nine missions in such a short time shows that you do have some strength.

"But I have to remind you that the tenth mission is different.

"As a threshold, the Red Mist Alliance stipulates that the tenth mission must reach a specific level of danger."

Hearing this, He Mu interjected: "I know. It's because the Red Mist Alliance is afraid that its members will drop the ball because the first nine missions were too easy. That is why the tenth mission needs to be more difficult."

"Only after passing this hurdle will you be qualified to take those dangerous instant missions in the future.

"Just so you understand, I'm telling you that you're the kind of person whose first nine missions went too well! I've seen a lot of people like you over the years, and some had even completed all ten missions without any problems. But in the end, the mortality rate for such people is even greater than those who struggle with simple missions. Do you know why?"

"Lack of reverence."

He Mu answered very seriously.

Uncle Li laughed when he heard this answer.

"Hey, kid, you're really different. It's a pity that you started too late, otherwise, you would be considered a true talent."

"So what kind of mission are you going to give me, Uncle Li?"

He Mu asked.

"Don't be in such a hurry. You have to wait and do the tenth mission with others."

Uncle Li leaned back in his chair and started lighting his cigarette again.

He Mu was also very patient as he stood quietly at the counter and waited.

After about half an hour, three people—one woman and two men—entered the bar and came straight to the counter.

All three of them were around thirty years old. The woman was tall, had clean, short hair, and exuded the flirtatious aura of a mature woman.

The two men were flat-headed, tall and strong, and with a few similarities in appearance.

All three of them wore black leather tights and had uniform tattoos on their necks, as if they were a squad.

"Big Brother Li, you still don't trust our ability? Must we make a trip here?"

The woman who walked in the forefront commented before reaching the counter, while not forgetting to throw a wink to He Mu on the side.

"It's not that I don't trust you guys, but you need to take him with you when you carry out your mission at night."

Uncle Li said and pointed to He Mu on the side.

The three listened and looked toward He Mu at the same time. Seeing that He Mu was unusually young, their eyes glinted.

"He isn't a college student." Uncle Li added.

The trio's eyes instantly darkened, and the woman in the lead even tried to reach out her hand to lift up He Mu's chin, but was avoided by He Mu.

"He's on his tenth mission." Uncle Li said.

"Got it. We just gotta bring a newcomer with us."

The woman smiled flirtatiously and looked at He Mu again.

"Boy, twelve o'clock at night, see you at the entrance of the Jiayuan district. I'll be waiting~"

She said, winking her right eye at He Mu, and said to Uncle Li: "I remember how he looks like now. If there's nothing else, we're heading off!"

"Go on."

The woman playfully waved her hand, and led the two men out of the bar. They came and went like the wind.

After the three of them left, Uncle Li said: "This is the mission for tonight, take a look."

He turned the computer screen to He Mu.

"According to reliable sources, the gang of robbers and kidnappers in An City next door has roamed into Nancheng along the railway line, and is now hiding near the Jiayuan district.

"The Special Operations Unit needs the Red Mist Alliance to send four Red Mist Fighters to cooperate with the Special Operations Unit to enter Jiayuan district at midnight to eliminate the gang."

"After waiting for He Mu to finish reading the mission briefing, Uncle Li continued: "According to the information given by An City next door, the gang fled An City with a total of seven people, including four Red Mist Fighters with combat power ranging from three to 15.

"In An City, the gang killed a total of more than 10 people, including five Red Mist Fighters. When they entered Nancheng, they also killed three members of the Special Operations Unit who were guarding the entrance, which is a great crime!"

He Mu nodded in acknowledgment.

This tenth mission was indeed not quite the same. Surprisingly, he had to deal with humans this time.

The Special Operations Unit even used the word "eliminate", so it was clear how dangerous this operation was.

Seeing He Mu's serious expression, Uncle Li smiled, as if he had won a battle.

"But don't worry. Although this mission is dangerous, the main force is the Special Operations Unit and the three siblings of the Wei family from earlier.

"Not to mention, the three siblings of the Wei family are all Red Mist Fighters with around 15 combat power. They have completed more than 50 missions, and are considered to be decisive killers.

"What's crucial is that although those three seem out of place, they are actually very warm-hearted.

"So you will follow along this trip, and no one will force you to go up to fight for your life."

"I understand. Thanks for taking care of me all this while, Uncle Li."

He Mu said, and gave a slight bow to the fat middle-aged men behind the counter.

"Kid, you sure are polite. Let me remind you one more thing."

He Mu straightened up and listened carefully.

"50 to 70 Red Mist Fighters in our Nancheng's Red Mist Alliance are sacrificed every year due to various missions. Three-fifths of which died at the hands of people.

"That is to say, leaving aside the front line, what kills and injures the most Red Mist Fighters is actually Red Mist Fighters themselves. Do you know why?"

He Mu thought for a moment and replied: "Because people are more intelligent and cunning than the vast majority of monsters, and we, humans, haven't developed the technology to deal with Red Mist Fighters."

Uncle Li listened and his expression twitched. Then, he waved his hand with a disgusted face: "Tsk, you already know everything. You're not like any ordinary 18-year-old. Go! Hurry up!"

"Goodbye, Uncle Li!"

"Pay attention to safety at night, you are the only child of your family!"

"Got it!"