
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · 奇幻
62 Chs


"What is she?" Dylan asked with raised brows. "Ghost?" he added even though he knew he was sounding ridiculous right now. 

"She's an agent" Damien said, he didn't know wether or not to disclose the information he had gathered to Dylan. 

"You think I don't know that" Dylan said with raised brows as he looked at the man. 

"I don't really know much right now, I'm still investigating"Damien said honestly. Truth be told, he really didn't know much concerning Selena. 

"So why her?" Dylan asked the next question. 

Damien was confused at first, his question wasn't direct. 

"I mean why her, among all the girls in the city it had to be this mysterious agent" Dylan said picking his words slowly so as not to offend the man. 

"Why not her?" Damien asked back followed by a shrug. It was clear he was avoiding the topic. 

"I'm not a fool Damien, I know you. If you are letting her live with you for a while then that might be understandable but then you bought rings..... seriously" Dylan said as he pointed to the bag on top of the table. 

"At first when I saw the bag in my car I didn't want to touch it, but I was curious so I searched the bag and I saw rings" Dylan added. "What are you not telling me?"Dylan asked as he looked at his friend with squinting eyes. "You were always a good liar" Dylan couldn't help but comment. 

"It's classified information Dylan, classified meaning you can't disclose this to anyone" Damien warned and he saw Dylan nod in approval. 

"Selena use to work for an agency, they recruited her after that accident with her mum, they told her they would take care of both her and her mum if she agreed to join them. Selena was just eighteen and so she had to agree, at first she didn't know exactly what the agency was about, they didn't tell her much. " Damien said with a pause as he tried to recollect his memories. "Selena didn't really disclose much information but what I do know is that the agency lied to her, they killed her mother and made her think that she was still alive so they could continue using her." Damien said ending his speech, the rest information he had were not completely true so he couldn't tell Dylan about it. 

"What about those guys at the mall?" Dylan asked. 

"They were after her, they wanted to kill her that's why I called you to come get us, they already knocked out the driver" Damien explained. 

"Why are they after her?" Dylan asked. 

"Selena was an important asset to them and now she has this thumb drive that contains classified information. My guess is that the agency don't want anyone seeing the content of that thumb drive so they are trying to get it back from her and kill her afterwards" Damien explained again with a straight face even though he just talked about the death of his soon to be wife. 

"Wow that's a lot" Dylan said as he slumped on the couch and rubbed his temples trying to comprehend this information but something still wasn't clear. 

"Wait, hold on,how does all this relate to you?" Dylan asked again. 

"I had an accident and Selena found me, she took me to the hospital and then she lied to the doctors that she was my wife so they could get the operation started. When I woke up I lost five years memory and so the doctor told Selena about it." Damien said slowly and then added. "She's a smart girl, but not too smart, she decided to take advantage of the situation and so she lied to me and told me that we were married and that we had been married for three years now. She said it was a secret marriage and only few people know, she even said that my parents were not aware" Damien said followed by a scoff, he remembered clearly that day in the car when she had mentioned his parents, that was the moment he realized that she was lying. 

"To cut the long story short, I found out she was lying and then she tried to runaway so I caught her and we made a deal, she needed protection and I needed information but I didn't tell her that." Damien said as he took a sip from his glass. 

"So the deal was that you would give her protection and in return you'll get information but she doesn't know that you just want information from her" Dylan said to himself as he tried to understand. "But I don't think that's fair on her part" Dylan said honestly. 

"What do you mean?" Damien asked. 

"To Selena, she might be thinking that you really care about her and that's why you made the marriage proposal, and with the way you've been acting, it's easy to stir up feelings." Dylan said as he looked at his friend. "Damien I know you, what you've told me is not the truth, most of it were true but the part about the marriage proposal, I really doubt. You could have found other means to protect her, she could stay with you or you could have taken her somewhere, new passport, new identity, you have the power to do all of that but Instead you choose to marry her" Dylan said the obvious and he noticed the thoughtful look on Damien's face. 

"Anyway, I'm not going to force anything so just go with your plan, it's a good plan. Selena Kyle, she seems like a nice lady, I'm sure we are going to be great friends" Dylan said with a smile on his face as he got up and walked inside Damien's bathroom. 

"I'll be back" 

Damien didn't say a word in response, he was still contemplating on Dylan's last words. What Dylan said was true, yes he could have done all of that for her if he wanted to, but why did he choose to marry her? Damien asked himself as he looked outside the door, Dylan's words were true and now he was beginning to question his decision, perhaps he made the wrong choice.