
Hunter x Hunter: Card Apprentice Daily Log

Jack Daniels, a gunshot victim of Earth finds himself alive in his favorite anime Hunter x Hunter as a genius Nen user with the Diamond Grimoire of his favorite Webnovel 'Card Apprentice Daily Log' as his Nen ability. Due to a series of mysterious events, Jack ends up joining Kite's team, Amateur Hunters, on their adventures and mission to conduct a biological survey of the Kakin Empire in the Azian continent. Join Jack on his journey with Kite and his team Amateur Hunters.

IGotStones · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Dire x Escape x Teach

Under the fierce gaze of the bipedal lizard, Jack did not dare to make any sudden movements, he even slowed his breath. 


Letting out a long low-pitched growl the lizard walked toward bedridden Jack, its prey. The situation was dire, Jack wanted to cry for help but he didn't, feeling that it would only hasten his death.

However, Jack couldn't just wait for his death so he decisively threw his body on the tent wall beside him hoping to use his body weight to bring down the makeshift tent. 

Seeing its prey suddenly move the lizard ferociously charged at him but soon the tent collapsed on it and obstructed its vision. 

Making use of this opportunity, with the help of adrenaline coursing through him Jack ignored the pain and managed to crawl out from under the tent. 

Getting out of the tent Jack was greeted by a starry night sky and could not find any soul to help him. With the stitches of his chest wound loosened he was in incredible pain and could not stand so he continued to crawl on the ground while calling for help, "Kite, help! Someone help!" 

Covered by the tent, the lizard lost sight of its prey and felt claustrophobic causing it to become agitated. As a result, it began to struggle hard. Its sharp claws dug into the fabric of the tent and tore it to shreds. 

Freeing itself, the bipedal Lizard searched for its prey. With Jack shouting for help its glowing yellow eyes easily located him under the starry night sky. And this time it did not play with its dinner and immediately pounced on it aiming for the throat.  

Feeling a presence gaining on him from behind Jack desperately crawled on the ground with all his might. Then he heard a loud gunshot and the sound of something heavy falling to the ground. 

*Bang* *Thud*

As the lizard was about to launch itself on Jack a bullet pierced the back of its head and went out through the center of its brows. Taking a bullet to the head the lizard did not even have time to let out a death cry and fell to the ground. 

"Jack, stop. You are safe now." Only after hearing Kite's voice did Jack stop crawling on the ground and turned to look behind him to find the lizard's body lying on the ground and Kite standing behind it holding his iconic crazy slots carbine.

Jack then noticed the members of Kite's team slowly gathering next to him. They all looked exactly as illustrated in the HxH manga and anime.

*Sigh* Letting out a sigh of relief Jack laid on his back on the ground and asked, "What the heck was that thing?"



Deactivating his Nen ability, Kite answered Jack, "It's a magical beast called the Bipedal Lizard. Besides, why did you not use your Nen or its Ability? These bipedal lizards are huge but only possess the strength of an average adult male at best as their specialty is fast regeneration. Except for their sharp claws they aren't much of a threat."

"I don't know how to access Nen and my Grimoire is useless without cards," Jack uttered with a muffled voice as he was dealing with the exorbitant pain in his body. 

"Kite, enough with the interrogation. He is in pain," Banana Kavaro asked Kite to stop the interrogation and then she rushed to Jack's side.

"Are you okay?" Jack saw a girl in overalls with peach color hair squat next to him and ask him in concern. 

Without waiting for Jack to reply she instructs a large man with a koala-like face, "Mon, help me move him into the other tent." 

"Sure," Monta Yuras agreed and approached Jack to carry him to the other tent but was stopped by Jack who looked at Kite and said, "Teach me how to access Nen and its basics principles." 

"Jack, we can talk about that later first get your wounds treated," Kite did not agree to Jack's demand. 

"No, if you teach me the basics of Nen I can use it to heal my wounds. So it has to now," Jack did not plan to rest until Kite taught him how to access Nen and its basic principles.

Seeing Jack act stubborn, Kite's brow frowned but soon they eased hearing him say, "Kite, I know Nen is a powerful ability and it should not fall in the wrong hands. Therefore, in exchange for teaching me Nen, I will give you my consent to kill me if I prove unworthy to wield Nen."   

Hunters tend to be very secretive and cautious about imparting Nen and its knowledge to others. Even in the original works, Wing did not teach the protagonist and his friend the complete Nen until he was sure they were responsible enough to have such power. So it was not a surprise that Kite was hesitating to teach 'Nen' to Jack.