
Hunter x Hunter: Card Apprentice Daily Log

Jack Daniels, a gunshot victim of Earth finds himself alive in his favorite anime Hunter x Hunter as a genius Nen user with the Diamond Grimoire of his favorite Webnovel 'Card Apprentice Daily Log' as his Nen ability. Due to a series of mysterious events, Jack ends up joining Kite's team, Amateur Hunters, on their adventures and mission to conduct a biological survey of the Kakin Empire in the Azian continent. Join Jack on his journey with Kite and his team Amateur Hunters.

IGotStones · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Past x Carbine x Lizard

"Wilderness? That can't be right. I remember being shot in my school bus," Jack answered, recalling the time he was shot by his troubled schoolmate. 

Listening to Jack's answer Kite frowned seeing Jack had no recollection of him free falling from the sky. But feeling that Jack was not lying, Kite explained to Jack how he found him free-falling from the sky above the forest in the Kakin Empire. 

"Thank you, for saving my life, Mr. Kite," Jack expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Kite for saving his life.

"Just call me by my name, don't address me formally," Kite asked Jack to stop being formal when talking to him and continued to ask, "Jack, do you have any idea of how or why you end up here?"

"Kite, what I am going to say next may sound far-fetched but one of my 'Nen' abilities is called Miracle. It creates a miracle when I am genuinely desperate. However, this miracle will only help me with my problem but will never be the solution to the problem. I believe 'Miracle' helped me escape the shooter by teleporting me here," Jack didn't hesitate to ditch the formalities and call Kite by his name. Then he began to speculate about how he might have ended up in the wilderness after being shot. 

"That would have been possible if you had unconsciously awakened your 'Nen Ability.' However, I saw your aura nodes opening and your 'Hatsu' take shape when my 'Nen' came in contact with you. So that is not the case," Kite debunked Jack's theory and instead asked, "By the way where are you from?" 

Jack's face paled and his pits started to sweat heavily hearing Kite ask about his origin. After a short silence Jack slowly said, "Kite, I am sorry I cannot answer this question."  

The corner of Kite's mouth arched, finally getting closer to unveiling what Jack was trying to hide. However, he did not press Jack to reveal his past but nodded in understanding saying, "You can tell me when you are ready." 

Kite believed Jack did not trust him enough to share his past with him yet, Kite was not wrong about that but he could never imagine that Jack's past wasn't in this world but another world.   

"Thank you for understanding," Jack knew Kite would be understanding of his situation so he did not bother to lie to him. Jack's knowledge of HxH was serving him well. 

"My friend did her best to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound. Your condition is stable for now but we still need to get you to a real doctor and a hospital asap. However, the nearest hospital is 2 days from here. Considering that we will be traveling with a patient it will take longer. So you will have to bear with us," Kite explained that to get Jack the required professional medical care he and his team were making a detour from their mission and were headed to the nearest hospital.   

"Thank you and sorry for the trouble—," Jack thanked Kite for putting his mission on hold for him but paused midway hearing the sudden gunshot outside the tent. 

*Ratatata* *Ratatata*

"You wait here, I will be right back," without waiting for Jack's answer Kite dashed out of the tent. 

After Kite left the tent in a hurry, Jack heard the iconic sound of Kite summoning his 'Nen ability - Crazy Slots' 




*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Just based on the sound coming from outside, Jack figured that Kite conjured his crazy slots and after spinning it, it landed on weapon no.4, Carbine.

Listening to the gunfight outside Jack felt light-headed with every gunshot he heard as they triggered his trauma of the incident on the school bus. The memory of him getting shot and almost dying kept flashing before his eyes. 

Jack then sensed a presence entering the tent, believing it to be Kite he said in relief, "Kite, you are back" 


Receiving a low growl in response, Jack instantly opened his eyes wide to find a huge lizard head with large scales embedded in its thick skin peeking into the tent with its large pair of glowing yellow slit pupils. Having heard Jake, it used its sharp claws to tear open the bug trap and walk inside the tent on its hind legs, imitating a human. 

"..." Jack's eyes made contact with the intimidating gaze of the big lizard and he felt a chill down his spine. He wanted to look away but his fear did not allow him to do so.

Sensing the fear in its prey's eyes the big Lizard slowly neared it, sniffing the air in the tent as if it could smell Jack's fear.

Jack wanted to move but the pain in his chest and the fear paralyzed him from doing so. Besides there wasn't much he could do even if he moved as the only exit of the tent was blocked by the lizard's huge body.