
Hunger Games - He saved us

Synopsis:- Ever wondered how different the Hunger Games would be if Peeta and Katniss became friends before the games? How much would their lives change? Starts close to canon, but changes soon after. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer- This fic is written by JayOnFF on FF.net. I'm just posting it here so others can read it. ( I don't own hunger games or this fic. I'm just posting this amazing fic just Caz I want to share it with everyone. I'll delete it, if the Real author wants me to erase it)

Newnoob · 电影同人
27 Chs


A/N: This chapter will be long. Do you guys want long chapters that take longer to write, or short chapters almost daily?

Chapter 11

We get back from training to see Haymitch and Effie waiting for us. I wanted to get out of these sweaty clothes, but I'm guessing that will have to wait.

"Alright kids, tomorrow is the last day of training. What did you guys go over today?" Haymitch asks.

"Edible plants, Peeta taught me a little camouflage, and I taught him some fire starting," I say.

"Alright, tomorrow, I want you guys to work on endurance. I want you to run the whole time. You and the boy are going to be running in the arena often, so you should get used to your legs burning. You should get used to your heart racing, not being able to catch your breath. You never know where an enemy is, and the Gamemakers might throw you into some dangerous situations in there too. In the middle of training, you get one break to drink water and rest. Then you'll run again. We'll do this every day besides interview day and your free day. Got it?" He asks.

"Alright Haymitch," Peeta says. We don't tell him that Peeta showed some of his strength in there. Maybe we should, but we don't.

Peeta and I start a movie in the living room. Peeta makes something called popcorn. He put melted butter on the popcorn for us to share.

We don't watch movies in District 12. It's considered a waste of time. If you're able to watch movies, you're able to work, clean, or cook. But in the Capitol, there's a full wall of movies to choose from.

We eat dinner and listen to Effie ramble on about how popular we are in the Capitol. We're the center of attention, which is definitely a good thing. Peeta and I will hopefully be getting some sponsors out of this attention we've drawn to ourselves. But the attention scares me too. The Careers will want us dead first if they know we're getting sponsors.

The easiest way to get sponsors in the Games is by killing people. The Capitol citizens want to root for a fighter, and what better way to show that than to kill your opponents? If you can kill a strong opponent, like a Career, you'll have sponsors lined up.

The Capitol people also bet on who they believe will win the Games every year. So the people betting will try to help get sponsors for the tribute they bet on. This is where our training scores come into play.

Peeta and I have gotten into a routine. After dinner, we go to one of our rooms together, shower one by one, brush our teeth and lay down. Sometimes we don't sleep for hours talking about the Games, strategy, or talking about our family. Normally it's me talking about my family though. Peeta doesn't bring up his family at all.

We lie down on the bed next to each other, my hair still wet from my shower. I want to know what Peeta's family is like. I've met his father, I trade my squirrels with him, and he normally gives me a great price on them. Probably because I'm Peeta's friend. So to me, Peeta's father is kind and loving.

Peeta's mother, on the other hand, is not so kind nor loving. She hits Peeta often, almost every day. Sometimes, it gets so bad, Peeta walks to my house, bloodied and bruised, asking my mother to fix him. I don't know how he could love a woman that hits him like that. He's gotten broken ribs from her and her rolling pin, he's gotten burns from her and the oven. He claims he accidentally touched the oven when it was hot, but I know better.

"Peeta?" I say.

"Yeah? Something wrong?" He asks.

"What's your family like? I always tell you about Prim, and I want to know what your brothers and parents are like," I say quietly. He sighs.

"Rye is nice to me. He sticks up for me sometimes when my mother goes overboard or hits me in the face. He doesn't like her hitting my face. He spends a lot of time at his girlfriend's house to get away from my mom though. I don't blame him, I'd do the same thing if I could."

"Why didn't you go to my house? My mother would've gladly let you spend most of your days there," I ask sincerely.

"It's not your family's fault that happened," he says with a laugh. I don't find any of this funny, but I guess that's how he copes with the abuse.

"Why didn't you fight back? You're bigger than her, stronger than her. I'm not saying to hit her back, but you didn't have to take that."

"She hated me, Katniss. I didn't want to make her hate me any more than she already did. She wanted a girl, she told me it was my fault she didn't have one. She blamed me for it. I know it isn't my fault, but she really did believe it. She didn't hit Nan, she only hit me and Rye. My father said she loved me, he said she had a bad way of showing but she did love me. I don't believe it though," he says sadly.

"I'm sorry Peeta," I whisper. "I'm sorry I didn't help you. I knew she hit you, but I didn't say anything about it."

"It's not your fault Katniss, don't worry about it."

"Alright. Tell me about your father?" I ask. I'm getting tired, but I want to know about his father and brothers and what makes him happy. I want to get to know my partner in this arena, before it's too late.

"He was loving. He was kind. He cared about me, I know that. He taught me how to bake. He'd sneak me cookies every Sunday off. Sometimes, he'd let me sleep in, and wake me up right before my mother woke up so I wouldn't get in trouble. He was timid though, and kind of a coward. He hated watching his wife beat his child, but he never said anything. He taught me everything I know. I'd like to think I take after him."

"What about Nan? What's he like?" I don't get to see Peeta's family because of his mother, but if they're anything like Peeta, I'd like them.

"Nan was my mother's favorite, so he never got beat. Rye and I did, but they both knew I got it the worst. Nan stuck up for me sometimes too, but only when she's hit me with a pan in my face or when she'd hold me up against…" He cuts off his thought. I turn and look at him, and he looks sad.

"You don't have to talk about it, I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It's alright, I think I need to get it off my chest. He'd stick up for me when she'd grab me and hold me up against the oven. You remember me coming over a month or two ago? He wasn't home, so I had no one to stop her. I could've stopped her myself, but I just let it happen. I guess you just get used to it over time."

I remember that day. He showed up on my doorstep with tears in his eyes. I pulled him inside and yelled for my mother. I could tell something bad happened. Peeta never cries, I've never seen him shed a tear before. My mother didn't show up, so I yelled for her again. She came running, knowing something was wrong too. I helped Peeta to the couch, and when he sat down, he winced in pain. He turned and laid on his stomach instead. My mother lifted his shirt to see the burn. It was horrible. There were blisters in a long line where his back was forced onto the oven. There was pus everywhere. I watched my mother apply burn medicine, and watched Peeta cry out in pain as she rubbed it in. "I'm sorry Peeta. but it can get infected if I don't do this," she said. I can't believe someone could be so cruel to their own child.

We just sit there in silence for a little bit. There's nothing I can say to help. I must've fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes again, it's morning.

We eat breakfast and Haymitch reminds us to work on our endurance and cardio. Effie lets us go to the training level by ourselves today. Peeta and I decided to run for an hour and 45 minutes, then take a break, then finish off with another hour and 45 minutes. It sucks, but Haymitch is right. We will be running, and we need to get our bodies used to it so when it comes down to it, we're ready.

"Not so bad, right?" Peeta says as he gasps for air. I drink my water slowly so I don't get a cramp. I would've laughed at the joke, but I don't have the air in my lungs to laugh.

I pass Peeta the bottle of water. "You look a little tired Mellark, you think you'll be able to keep up?"

"Don't worry about me, Everdeen," he says, smiling and panting.

We finish our run, gasping and panting for air. The other tributes must think we're weak, but running for that long without a break will do that to you. Our legs are on fire, and each step towards the elevator feels like torture. My feet are sore, and my calves are throbbing. My legs are strong from running in the woods in District 12, but we took breaks often so we didn't tire ourselves out.

When we make it back to our floor, Peeta and I slowly walk to my room and lie down to give our legs a rest. After ten minutes, Peeta gets up to get us some water and something to eat, since we skipped lunch. He brings back 2 bottles of water and 2 ham sandwiches.

"Effie isn't happy about us eating in here, but I told her we'll clean up after ourselves. She screamed at me and told me that isn't our job, it's the Avox's job," he tells me.

An Avox is a person who committed a crime, but it wasn't serious enough to earn the death penalty. Really, the crime to become an Avox isn't serious at all. They cut off your tongue so you can never speak again, and force you to become a servant in the Capitol. If Gale were to be caught with game by a peacekeeper who cared enough to punish him, he could be whipped, become an Avox, or be killed, depending on how many offenses he has.

I fear for that everyday. If Gale or I were to be caught and killed, Prim would have nobody. But I guess that doesn't matter now, because I was caught. I was just punished in a different way.

After another 30 minutes of rest, we get up to find Haymitch. Our legs still feel like they're made of jelly, and every step hurts.

"How was your run?" Haymitch asks sarcastically. He sees us struggling to move, he just wants to make fun of us for it. I give him a scowl.

"Wonderful, you should join us tomorrow. You know, keep you in shape and all," I say with as much sarcasm as him.

"I'm in perfect shape, Sweetheart. Now, tomorrow you'll be showing off for the Gamemakers. How are you guys feeling about that?"

"I think it'll go well, maybe we'll get a seven or eight each," Peeta says. I wouldn't mind an eight.

"You'll do fine, kid. What about you Sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine, a seven or an eight is definitely possible for each of us," I reply.

"Alright, good. Now, you're District 12, meaning you'll go last. You need to walk in there and announce yourself, or else they won't be paying attention to you. Some will be drunk by the time you get there," Haymitch says. "Just impress the ones that do pay attention, alright?" We both nod.

Dinner will be served shortly. Peeta and I agreed we should get an early rest so we can be ready for our run tomorrow. We don't say it, but we really want to sleep because we're nervous about tomorrow. We don't know what the Gamemakers will think of us. I know I'm good with a bow, but the Capitol has a different bow than the one I use at home.

We eat dinner, make small talk, and head to our room. Peeta and I can't wait to go to sleep, but we each shower first. We brush our teeth side by side like we do every night, and crawl into bed. We're both out within minutes.

We eat a light breakfast, pack a water bottle, and head to the training floor again. It's still open for the tributes, but it isn't mandatory to show up anymore. We see a few small tributes here, but the Careers of course, are nowhere to be found. They're too arrogant to feel like they could use the extra training time. To be fair, they have been training for all of their life.

Peeta and I run around for the same amount of time as yesterday. My legs are still on fire, but don't hurt as bad. We gulp down water, and head to our floor again.

"Alright kids, in an hour, you'll go to the training floor, show the Gamemakers your skills, and receive your training scores. Don't hold back. Show them everything you can do. You'll get ten minutes, use it. Trust me, you want a decent score. The higher your score, the more sponsors you get, but remember, the higher your score, the bigger you put on your back," Haymitch says.

I'm actually excited. I can't wait to get my hands on a bow again. It feels like it's been years, but it's only been a week. Peeta and I eat lunch with Haymitch and Effie, and get dressed for our meeting with the Gamemakers.

When we get there, we're piled into a back room in the training center. This is to keep our talents and skills hidden from the other tributes. One by one, we're called in for our session. As each person is called in, the room gets emptier and emptier, until it's only me and Peeta.

"Katniss Everdeen, please report for your private training session," A voice over a speaker in the room says.

"Katniss," Peeta says. I look at him. "Shoot straight." I smile.

Haymitch wasn't kidding. Nobody is paying attention to me. One of the Gamemakers carried a cooked pig with an apple in its mouth, and the Gamemakers all turn towards it.

"Hey, who ordered this pig!" One Gamemaker asks.

"Katniss Everdeen, District 12," I announce. Some turn to look at me. Others continue drinking and talking.

I grab the bow and quiver. I sling the quiver over my back, like I would in the woods of District 12. I picture Gale there, hunting for his family and mine. I take an arrow from the quiver, and load it on the bow. The string is too tight, and hasn't been broken in yet.

I aim at the target. Breathe in. I release the arrow. Breathe out. I miss the target, and hit the wall next to it. My face gets warm as I hear the Gamemakers that were watching laugh and join the conversation, ignoring me. This didn't go as planned.

I knock another arrow, and shoot it at the target again. I hit the target in the heart. It's a perfect shot. I look up, and see that the Gamemakers aren't looking. They are still too worried about that pig.

I feel my face get hotter as I get angrier. They're supposed to be watching me shoot, not talking about a damn pig. I grab an arrow from the quiver, aim at the pig, and let my arrow fly. The apple is pinned to the wall behind the pig by my arrow. The looks on the Gamemakers faces are priceless. One even falls in the punch. I try not to laugh at him, because what I just did will get me killed. I'll be disqualified instantly, killed then and there. Not that I care anyway.

"Thank you. For your consideration," I say as I bow. That'll piss them off some more. I wonder how they'll punish me.

Prim. They're going to kill Prim for what I've done. I'm the reason she's going to die, because I can't control myself enough to not shoot at a bunch of Gamemakers?

I go to my floor, and run to my room. I lock myself inside. I've just killed Prim. My actions have consequences, and I'm going to pay. I wish they would kill me, but that's not how Snow and the Capitol is run. They don't kill you first, they force you to watch as your family is beat or killed. Then they do the same to you. The unlucky ones aren't killed, only their family. Haymitch was one of the unlucky ones.

I don't come out of my room when Effie knocks on my door for dinner. I don't care anymore, Prim's probably gone now. There's been enough time for word to get back to President Snow. For him to punish my family for my actions. They probably killed Gale too. They won't need to kill me, they know this. I'll be dead in the arena when the time comes.

"Katniss?" It's Peeta. "Katniss, open up."

I open the door, but I don't say a word. I don't want to talk about what happened.

"Katniss, come to the living room. They're about to announce our scores." I follow him to the living room where Cinna and Portia sit. Haymitch is noticeably missing.

"What's wrong?" Cinna asks.

"I killed Prim. I shot at the Gamemakers, Cinna. They're going to kill Prim. They're going to kill Prim!" I scream. I'm angry, it's my fault Prim will die.

"Katniss, they can't kill Prim. The session is private, nobody but the Gamemakers will know about that. The only thing they can do now is punish you by giving you a low score," Cinna says. He's calm, like he's certain this is true.

"They can't kill Prim?" I don't care about the score I get, I just need to know she'll be safe.

"No, she'll be fine. I promise you, she'll be fine."

"Are you crazy?" Effie asks angrily as she walks in.

"I just got mad," I tell her.

"Mad? You realize that your actions reflect badly on all of us? Not just you!"

"They just want a good show, it's fine," Cinna tells her. I hope he's right.

"How about it's just bad manners, Cinna! How about that?" She yells.

Haymitch walks in with a smile plastered on his face.

"Well, finally! I hope you've noticed we have a serious situation!" Effie says.

Haymitch ignores her and gives me a thumbs up. I can't help but smile at him.

"Nice shooting Sweetheart," he says. This'll get Effie riled up. I see her face grow red under all the makeup she has caked on her face.

"What did they- What did they do when you shot the arrow?" He says with a laugh as he sits down across from me.

"Well, they looked pretty startled."

"Oh!" His face lights up as he laughs. Cinna and Peeta smile. "Now what did you say?"

"Thanks for your consideration," I say with him with a laugh.

"Genius! genius," he says with a smile.

"I don't think we're going to find this funny if the Gamemakers decide to take this out-" Effie starts.

"On who? On her? On him?" He points at me and Peeta. "I think they already have. Loosen your corset and have a drink." He looks at me. "I would have given anything to see it." I blush.

Effie sits down, clearly angry that nobody is taking this seriously. I don't care how they punish me, as long as Cinna is right, and Prim is safe.

Haymitch turns on the television, where Caesar Flickerman appears, talking about the private training session.

"As you all know, each tribute is given a score between one and twelve after three days of training, and a private session to evaluate the tribute's skill," Caesar says with his Capitol accent.

He reads off the scores of each tribute. I don't pay much attention, only catching a few tribute's scores. Marvel with a 9, Glimmer with a 9, Cato with a 10, Clove with a 10, Thresh with a 10, Rue with a 7. I'm too worried about my score to care about theirs.

"From District 12, Peeta Mellark, with a score of…" Caesar pauses to add some suspense. "Eight."

We all cheer and congratulate Peeta. an eight is impressive, especially for District 12.

"And finally, from District 12, Katniss Everdeen, with a score of…" I close my eyes, hoping for anything above a zero. I don't think a zero has ever been given before, or at least I've never seen one. "Eleven." The highest score of the 24 tributes, and someone my name was in front of it.

Everyone but me claps and celebrates. Nobody expected an eleven after my stunt with the apple. I'm shocked, really.

"Congratulations," Peeta says warmly.

"I thought they hated me," I say.

"They must've really liked your guts, sweetheart," Haymitch replies.

I can't help but think about Prim. She must be celebrating right now, thinking I have a chance at coming home to her. I think about my mother, is she taking care of Prim? Or did she shut herself off like she did when my father died. Gale is probably excited, Hazelle and the kids must be celebrating.

I lie in bed next to Peeta in my room, who's sleeping quietly. I watch his chest rise up and down in steady rhythm, never missing a beat. He looks like a little boy when he sleeps, he looks peaceful.

When I wake up, Effie is knocking on my door loudly. I don't see Peeta, he must've left when he woke up so Effie wouldn't get mad. I open the door for Effie, who walks in with bags of clothes and shoes. I get the feeling today is going to be a lousy day.

"Today, I'll be teaching you everything you need to know before the interviews!" She exclaims. I was right. It's going to be a horrible day.

A/N: My favorite scene from the movie and book is her shooting the apple, so I tried not to change too much about that scene. Please review, I'd like to know how you think the story is going. Suggestions, feedback, anything is appreciated! Follow, Favorite, and Review!