
Human Nature.

What happens when a human is thrown into the world of magic? Can irrelevant being change anything? -Well, he wouldn't be irrelevant if he could, right? Or maybe a human who grasped the nature of his race could remain irrelevant and become an enormous influence? Perhaps he could change the course of history? Perhaps he could accomplish something.

AlexanderSol · 漫画同人
5 Chs


In a world where the superiority of one is determined by the quality of their blood, unimaginable secrets dwell; incomprehensible beings reside deep in the universe, where concepts and laws of physics do not apply. However, that is a plane of existence far superior and beyond the realm of comprehension to earth and those who inhabit it...


{Authors note: I will not give up on this novel, I will update it when I have time.

I will be busy next 1.5-3 Years, I had to change the whole schedule of mine because my genius mind with its infinite wisdom suddenly decided to study Theology and music.}


Everything has a consequence and every action has a reason... The mission would be a more fitting term to call it.

So, what is the reason for Yahweh's actions? It didn't make sense to Viktor

He immediately forced himself to stop thinking about that; after all, it was way beyond his capacity to explore answers to such questions... Yet.

"It is pleasure to receive you, Mr. Viktor. My name is Jonathan, please refer to me as John."

In front of Viktor, stood a man with a unique temperament: he was overweight; his belly was covered by a buttoned-up, white T-shirt that was on the verge of exploding, his brown hair was covered by a white Panama hat, his fat and hairy legs were tightly kept by the black trousers, the suit which was over the T-shirt seemed to limit his movements, and lastly, his white necktie, which seemed to be choking him little.

However, regardless of his seemingly disgusting appearance, he carried himself high, and the charm he oozed out of his body amazed Viktor very much.

"Believe me, Mr. John, the pleasure is all mine."

Viktor responded with a smile.

John met his smile with his and shook his hand.

"The reason why you were summoned here, Mr. Viktor, is because of your suspicious activities."

Viktor raised an eyebrow at this.

"Exactly which activities are you referring to, Mr. John?"

John expected that answer and took out a picture of a house.

"Well, Mr. Viktor, you were spotted near a family which was murdered in Whitestreet."

Viktor furrowed his eyebrows and inquired:

"May I ask about the name of the Village, details, and the date of the mass murder?"

Viktor seemed to be disturbed by the accusation; he wanted to prove his innocence fast as possible because such accusations may ruin his career.

"Mr. John, I assure you that I did not commit such act, and you must know the consequences of such accusations have on a person's mental health and their entire being..."

John hummed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Viktor, this incident will not become public knowledge until the case is closed."

"Thank you, Mr. John," Viktor sighed in relief.

"Now, please," Viktor stretched his hand towards John.

John nodded and opened a drawer, took out a file, and handed it to Viktor.

While Viktor was checking the file, out of politeness, John emphasized the main details:

"The name of the Village is Berkal; it is a remote place to the south of the Whitestreet. The family that was massacred were illegal migrants: the wife was Asian, while the father was African, and they had 2 boys and 1 daughter, it occurred 3 days ago. Mr. Viktor, do you recall it now?" John questioned.

Viktor shook his head in response and said: "No, Mr. John, I do not. Also, 3 days ago I was in my house, taking care of the Garden."

Hearing the answer John sighed.

"Very well. Mr. Viktor, are there any eyewitnesses? If so, please tell me; I have to verify your claim, and it would make my job much easier if you could tell us which of your neighbors witnessed you in your house that day."

"Of course, Mr. John. The eyewitness is my next-door neighbor, Jake, he can testify for my innocence."

Viktor said, seeing John nod, he stood up and said:

"Mr. John, if you do not have anything else to ask me, I will leave."

Viktor offered John a hand for a handshake.

In response, John also stood up and extended his hand.

"Of course. If there is anything we will contact and inform you. Also, please, until this case ends, do not leave the city."

"Goodbye Mr. John, I hope we will meet again soon... In different settings." He laughed a little.

John smiled and watched as he left before he spun around and asked: "Was what he said the truth?"

"Yes; there was no fluctuation in his pulse... Maybe little, but that was because of nervousness."

John closes his eyes in happiness, he respected Viktor who was known for his kindness.

"Good, then take him out of the list of suspects." He sighed.

"I feel that there will be a long night forward"






A figure descended the stairs towards a gloomy place. The place was lightly illuminated by torches that hung on the walls. Rats and cockroaches swarmed a path, committing acts of cannibalism, however, they were ignored by the figure. Further, he descended, the more vivid did the blood and gore become; the red liquid was splashed everywhere, and chains hung from the ceiling by the corners of the place.

The brighter the place become, the more observable the figure: the figure was male, with golden hair, pale-white skin, and blue-cristal eyes. He wore black leather gloves and a black coat that covered every inch of his body, except for his face.

He stood by the giant iron gate, took out the key, and inserted it in a lock.

After entering it, you could work a wooden plank that hung from the ceiling that read: Torture chamber.

In the torture chamber, 5 people lay on the beds, separately.

It was the family that was "Massacred."

Boy circled the room observing them closely.

Seeing no reaction, he reached for a scalpel. Before taking it, he heard a faint voice: "W-Why....?"

He immediately stopped and tilted his head, gazing at the African man.

"Oh...? Did you regain consciousness? That's interesting... You regained consciousness this early... And you can speak even though I cut your vocal cords out..."

He grinned creepily

"How fascinating."

He got close to the man and checked his injuries, most of them were healed.

Seeing this his grin became wider.

"It seems like I won a lottery... A genetic lottery."

"Your regenerative abilities are beyond the scope of humans... Why?"

His grin faltered.

"So many questions and so few answers."




"You fascinate me; I peeled your skin, cut your vocal cords, and plucked your eyes out of your eye sockets, but you seem to be able to regenerate them."

"What exactly causes this phenomenon?"




"The cells in your body multiply 100 times faster, but that is not the only component is it?"

He asked waiting for the response.

"I-I-I," Man couldn't speak; the pain overwhelmed his ability to function properly.

Seeing that the African man wasn't capable of forming sentences, he stopped his experiment and lowered the scalpel.

"If you understand my voice, nod your head"

In response, the African man nodded as fast as he could.

Smiling, the boy asked another question.

"Do you know the secret behind your ability of regeneration?"

Similarly, the African man nodded.

"Because of the amount of torture you received, I don't think you will be able to tell me about it yet, but I can wait; I will not touch you or your family as long as you tell me your secrets, understood?"

The African man nodded again, with a hint of hope in his previously dull eyes.
