
Human Nature.

What happens when a human is thrown into the world of magic? Can irrelevant being change anything? -Well, he wouldn't be irrelevant if he could, right? Or maybe a human who grasped the nature of his race could remain irrelevant and become an enormous influence? Perhaps he could change the course of history? Perhaps he could accomplish something.

AlexanderSol · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


In front of the lake reflecting the pale, majestic light of the moon sat a young and elderly man on the stone.

The young man was gazing at the elder with suspicion and fear, while the elderly seemed nonchalant.

"I don't believe in the Bible, so I do not acknowledge your existence."

A young man responded.

"Bible...? Do you mean the two-thousand-year-old bool?


Don't worry, I am not like how I was depicted in Bible... Only partially."

The young man raised an eyebrow.

"So you are not an omnibenevolent creator?"





His tone changed from nonchalant to serious.

"I am nothing like you, filthy, inferior beings depict me as: I care not for your well-being, I care not for your pathetic lives, and I care not for your pleas and squeals."

He smirked and stroked his chin.

"...I view your lives as you view Ants and Rats... Just a test subject, disposable garbage, a biological mistake..."

The young man did nothing in response as if he was expecting the attitude of God.

"Then why am I here? God, what have I done to deserve gazing at your boundless majesty?"

He smirked enjoying the confusion of God who was surprised by the response of the Young man.


"You are an interesting Individual, Viktor. However..."

He swiftly pinned him on the ground with his nails penetrating Viktor's skin.

"This is the first and the last time I will tolerate mockery. Don't mistake me for a pathetic excuse for a supreme being you are familiar with."

*Cough, Cough*

"Understand?!" He raised his tone.

"Y... Yes." Viktor responded with a small pause.

God immediately recovered his previous position and put up the same grandfatherly smile as those you see from elders who dearly love you.

He gestured to the rock beside him.

"Will you sit, my child?"

Viktor paused in fear only to nod and wearily sat down.

He asked with an incredibly polite tone:

"I inquire the reason why you summoned me here, as I presume you would not personally greet an inferior being such as I am."

He asked without even a hint of mockery like he truly perceived himself as inferior compared to Yahweh and blatantly admitted it.

That was the furthest from the truth, which God knew; Viktor was the type of man who would never admit himself to be inferior to others.

"That's what makes me so obsessed with you Viktor, you have full control over your ego and can bend it however you wish."

He tapped his fingers in an orderly manner.

"You amaze me, your ability amazes me, and that's exactly why I called you here."

He stopped tapping his fingers and locked his eyes on Viktors.

"I want you to become my herald... My Angel"




He was met with silence before Viktor gazed and smirked at him.

"Ohh~ and what do I gain from that...?"

God's face morphed into that of ridicule.

"I don't think you are in the position to ask for something." God stood up, casting his shadow over Viktor as a sign of power.

In response, Viktor brought his hand to his mouth and chuckled.

"Oh, believe me, I know my position very well."

God tilted his head a little.

"You know your position yet ask for compensation...?"

Viktor smirked.

"You can't force me to become your toy without my consent as it may include mind control which would completely alter my personality that you so dearly love. So, yes, I am in the position to ask for compensation."

Yahweh's mouth widened.

"Very well, you will get what you desire."

Viktor looked up at him, and jokingly asked:

"What do I desire?"

"You know what you desire well, you desire to control, to be superior, to have power... And that's what I will give to you... Power."

Looking at Yahweh's blazing eyes, Viktor smiled out of genuine happiness.

"Then so be it, I will be your Messenger and you will grant me the power."


The response of Viktor was met with a full-blown laugh.

"You are a clown, no, the whole circus! Making a deal with God so casually, I think we started on a bad note, how about we speak about the conditions on a feast?"


"I am starving, so yes, I would like to have a conversation over the feast."

"Very well*


As God snapped his fingers, and both of them appeared in a grand Victorian-era room filled with gold and candles. However, the greatest object in this room was the table, which stretched extremely far. On the table, you could see almost every single dish of human creation.

God sat at the head of the table, while Viktor sat beside him.

"What would you like to eat?" God asked.

Viktor took out a huge brisket close by, it was tender and juicy which captivated Viktor to no end.

"Now let's simultaneously discuss the conditions of your servitude"

Viktor nodded and gestured with his hand for him to continue.

God weaved his hand as a book appeared before him and it read:

(- Condition one: You are forbidden to love something or someone because it will distract you from serving me and achieving your goals.-)

(- Condition two: You are forbidden from having an intimate connection with either man or woman if it does not assist your mission and/or serving God -)

(- Condition three: You are forbidden from helping others if it does not assist you in achieving your goals -)

(- Condition four: God does not ask for your devotion, but loyalty, so do not consider yourself a slave as you are just a messenger, a servant -)

(- Condition five: You are allowed to commit whatever you desire (except violating other conditions), even if it does nothing to serve the purpose of achieving your goals. -)

God closed the book and looked at Viktor.

"So, do you agree?"

Viktor narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He couldn't pinpoint what, but something was off with this being; he acts extremely, suspiciously, and irrationally. First of all, his "obsession" with him doesn't make sense... And only 5 conditions? What? However, he couldn't deny that having so much freedom while being given power was an incredibly good deal, so he immediately agreed.

"I have just one question: Condition five states that I am allowed to commit everything I desire... Just to be clear, am I allowed to murder or commit any other Immoral acts?"




"You are not only allowed to commit immoral acts but committing such acts is necessary to achieve your goals... So, even if you become the worst being in the whole universe, the paragon of evil (*Cough* Hitler), you will still not be punished."




" Then I agree to become your herald"

Hearing the answer of Viktor, Yahweh stood up in joy and clapped.

"Great, amazing. Oh, it's time for you to leave."

He clapped again and a crack in reality opened behind Viktor.

Yahweh appeared before Viktor and threw him in it.

he stood beside the crack and waved at him.

"Good luck in your new life, Viktor"

