
Huh? Where did all the stars go? [The Last Stars]

Aidan has always been fascinated by the stars, but when they vanish, he's plunged into a life-changing mystery. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers, from a world of science to a world of magic accompanied by a System that shouldn’t be scientifically possible, he comes to learn that perhaps there is more at risk than he had ever expected.  Through his journey, Aidan discovers hidden truths about himself, and the world around him, that he could never have imagined. The Last Stars is a story of adventure, action, magic, romance, sci-fi, mystery, tragedy, and thriller all rolled into one. With each twist and turn, the stakes get higher and the danger more real. As Aidan struggles to understand the truth with a shifted perspective of the world he thought he knew, he must confront his own fears, doubts, and weaknesses and learn to accept and let go. What to expect - Emphasis on world building - A mix of science into magic - Mysteries  - Romance - Logical explanations for things New chapter released every weekday.

BuffMonkey · 科幻
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Consequences

While he was lost in his thoughts, Aidan heard the door open behind him. He didn't need to glance back to know who it was. He didn't want to look back either. He felt ashamed and overwhelmed.

The woman in the lab coat had a helpless expression as she approached Aidan and sat down next to him. Her long silver hair danced in the wind.

"How was he?" Aidan asked with his voice tinted in guilt. He looked at the vanishing clouds on the horizon, stubborn to turn around.

Ella let out a deep, resigned sigh. "You really take everything too seriously. You're lucky I got home in time."

She didn't blame her son. She couldn't. She knew he wasn't someone that had bad intentions but he just easily get lost in whatever he was focused on doing.

"I'm sorry. I... I really didn't think he'd react that way. I think got a bit lost in the moment, probably because I hadn't fought anyone in a while."

"Most normal people will react the same way you know? Not everyone is accustomed to fighting and death in such a realistic environment even if they can convince themselves it's not real."

"The last war had been hundreds of years ago and people haven't had a need to resort to violence or fighting since then."

When virtual reality was first introduced to the world this was one of the greatest concerns. Difficulty in unable to distinguish between the two, and being confused, It had led to countless people having mental trauma that they couldn't save themselves from.

The Federation had strict guidelines when it came to the virtual world, and did everything it could to prevent such incidents from occurring.

However, those didn't apply to Aestra, as it was originally even created for training armies for actual blood and war. It was also one of the reasons it was discontinued since the formation of the Federation.


"I thought people would've gotten more used to such sights and experiences after the Federation made the decision to release Aestra to the public a few years ago." Said Aidan.

"Also we both know that the Federation decided to bring it back for training warriors again for 'that' battlefield. It's the reason I'm even training daily too." Aidan continued, perhaps to convince himself.

Ella shook her head.

"But not everyone needs to face that Aidan. Liam doesn't. It's natural he would be shocked to experience that even if he knew it would've been realistic."

That was something people always misunderstood. A lot of the time we tend to think we can understand how something feels and imagine ourselves in situations we never experienced and think we will be fine. However, when people were actually in those situations, people almost always acted differently than they would've thought.

"Even you don't have to face that Aidan. I'm still against the idea of you going to that place. Elysia isn't a game Aidan. Even if you can make it back alive. We still lack understanding of the place and know so little. Who knows what would happen if you had to face something unprecedented?" She continued.

"This is all because of your damned father. That bastard!"


Aidan protested. He understood her feelings towards his dad. It wasn't that they were unhappy together, in fact, it was the opposite. However, she still held a grudge against him after he convinced Aidan to go explore Elysia.

"You should instead be focusing on your studies to become a researcher too. It's much safer and with that smart brain of yours, if you used it you'd do so well. Why do you need to go there when you can just be safe here." She said with concern.

Any mother would find it hard to have the child they raised go far away from them. Especially when it was a place unknown and so far away that distance wasn't even the right measure to describe it.

Aidan was silent.

She sighed looking at her stubborn son. She knew it was nearly impossible to convince him, but she still hoped he would learn someday.

"What was that shot you gave to Liam?" Aidan broke the silence.

"Curious now aren't you? If you want to really know what it is and why that helped maybe you should consider joining the research association after your graduation." Ella teased.

"No, I'm just asking because of how conveniently you happened to have a solution for exactly that. If it's gonna take that much effort to know, then I feel like I can't be bothered to find out."

Ella felt helpless. "It's precisely because of such situations like today that I carry it around with me. Just because you have an easy time with Aestra doesn't mean people normally can handle such situations well, especially if it's their first time."

"I was fine my first time though" Aidan muttered.

"Well, you're a special case." She mentions. 'Probably because of your biological parents..' She thought to herself.

"Are you really going to go there after graduation?" She asked despite fully knowing the answer to the question.

"I want answers, Mom. I want to find them. He told me I'd only find them there. You know that too. I know you love me Mom, but I still want to find out." Aidan couldn't help but get a little emotional.

'And it feels like something's constantly urging me to go there.' He, however, kept the thought unvoiced.

"That damned father of yours. This is all his fault." He could hear the anger in her voice. Her eyebrows furrowed as she clenched her fist.

Ella took a deep breath as she tried to calm her emotions. "I know you have made up your mind and I won't change that. I'm just concerned as your mother."

"I know Mom."

"You are practically a grown-up now and free to make your own life choices. I won't stop you but" her voice trails off. "What if, just what if, the answers you find in the future aren't what you're hoping for?"

Aidan's eyes shook. He was fully aware of what she meant. However, it was a possibility he didn't want to think of at all."Well at least... I will, I should arrive at a conclusion and be satisfied." It sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"I really hope so. I'm sure you are bound to find out the truth someday." Her voice had a tinge of helplessness as she sighed.

"Well, I heard there are a few others that would go along with you after graduation. Though I don't have the details, and those self-important people in the Federation would just send the people they want." Aidan could hear his mom's dissatisfaction with the Federation.

"I will still help you go there, and I'm sure your dad and a bunch of old fools back at Alexandria would do anything they can to let you have the chance to go anyways, for their own selfish reasons."

The Federation very strictly controlled the exploration of Elysia. It was understandable as that was a place that held far too many secrets that if leaked to the world would cause panic and chaos.

"Are you still sticking with your sword? You do know that magic was added to Aestra for a reason don't you?"

Aidan's gaze shook. "I want to prove swords skills can be superior." He lied. He knew he couldn't tell her the truth. 'She might not agree to let me go to Elysia if she finds out why.'

"Stubborn as ever. I wonder who you got the traits from."

"Well at least do check up on that boy Liam tomorrow. It was too much of a shock to him but he should be fine."

The situation was something Ella had to deal with several times already in recent years. So the means created for the situation were extremely effective.

"Yes Mom" Aidan replied. He still felt bad about what happened, but he felt relieved hearing Liam would be fine. His mom was someone who wouldn't say something she wasn't sure about easily. 'Perks of being a researcher I guess.'

"Also don't forget to make time this Wednesday. The new observatory at Alexandria would be finished and I'm sure that's enough reason to make you finally want to visit the lab right?"

"Of course!" He exclaimed as he looked back at her with excitement shining in his eyes.

'The way he's so obsessed with stars, it's as if something out there is subconsciously calling out to him.'

She shook her head. 'Just what am I thinking? That's not scientific at all.'