
Huh? Where did all the stars go? [The Last Stars]

Aidan has always been fascinated by the stars, but when they vanish, he's plunged into a life-changing mystery. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers, from a world of science to a world of magic accompanied by a System that shouldn’t be scientifically possible, he comes to learn that perhaps there is more at risk than he had ever expected.  Through his journey, Aidan discovers hidden truths about himself, and the world around him, that he could never have imagined. The Last Stars is a story of adventure, action, magic, romance, sci-fi, mystery, tragedy, and thriller all rolled into one. With each twist and turn, the stakes get higher and the danger more real. As Aidan struggles to understand the truth with a shifted perspective of the world he thought he knew, he must confront his own fears, doubts, and weaknesses and learn to accept and let go. What to expect - Emphasis on world building - A mix of science into magic - Mysteries  - Romance - Logical explanations for things New chapter released every weekday.

BuffMonkey · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Ethel Evans

18th February 3023, Tuesday.

Aidan woke up the next day to his alarm going off. He grumbled as he made his way out of bed, a lot more late than usual.

He was never a fan of going to school so it didn't help to have that be the first thing he had to do in the morning. Fortunately, he lived extremely close to the school and at least didn't have to waste much of his time commuting.

After the unification of Earth, as the concept of countries was no longer, the Federation divided the land and sea into different Zones. This not only helped with management it also helped Earth improve in various ways due to competition between the zones.

Some people initially thought that this was akin to just having countries, however, that was untrue. The biggest difference was that all the zones were still under the management of the Federation and weren't entirely independent entities like countries were.

There were 8 Zones on Earth, named from Zone A all the way through Zone H. Each zone focused on a different sector from, trades (A), communication (B), research (C), energy (D), agriculture (E), technology (F), transportation (G), and entertainment (H).

Aidan lived in Zone C, and almost every other Zone would argue that Zone C, the research zone wasn't a real zone too. This was because the Moon had long become the hub of science and research. Hence almost everything related took place on the Moon since long ago.

There was mainly one reason for the existence of Zone C on Earth despite even being tiny and the least populated of all. The schools and education centers were present here. Most importantly it was the presence of the greatest and most historic research laboratory humankind still had, Alexandria.

It was where the first wormholes, the technology that truly changed space travel and made it feasible, first came into existence.

Aidan made his way to school. He was one of the fortunate few that got to live close to school and Alexandria, as not everyone even had the right to get land for a home here even if they had the money. His parents were an exception. Most of the students commuted long routes from different Zones. This was still bothersome despite the existence of wormholes that could make the process much faster.

As he reached the school gates, he was surprised but glad to find Liam waiting for him. Seemingly acting normal like he always behaved.

"Aidan! Come on we're gonna be late!" Shouted Liam as he frantically waved his hand as if Aidan might miss if he only shouted using his annoyingly loud voice. Aidan couldn't notice anything off or different about him. It was as if he didn't even remember yesterday's events.

"Are you okay?" Aidan asked with a serious and worried face as he approached him. A hint of confusion was also visible in his blue pupils. 'Did mom give him amnesia?..'

"Wow, who would've thought you could make such a concerned face? Let me guess, Aunt Ella asked you to check up on me? If this is you asking on your own accord, I'd be shocked." He exaggerated. "So shocked that I might even lose my mind and pass out again."

Aidan rolls his eyes. "Seems like you're fine." He couldn't believe he spent the time being concerned about this guy. But he knew that even if he was acting fine now, it must've been a terrible experience for him yesterday.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't considerate enough and lost myself in the moment. It had been a long time since I had fought anyone and I got too excited. I didn't expect you to be completely new at it either." He continued.

"Nah, it's cool dude. You're worrying too much. Honestly, I didn't expect it at all. I thought I knew what I signed up for but sheesh, at that moment I really felt like was gonna die ya'know." Liam said. "You're a monster to be doing such battles for fun."

"Well, it's not just for fun" Aidan whispered with a voice only he could've heard.

"What was that?"


"So anyways, I've been thinking, maybe we should go and try Aestra again today after school."

Aidan looks at him dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what he heard "What?"


Liam replied matter-of-factly.

"You're kidding, right? I'm not sure if I want to go on the arena with you again. And if my mom finds out about it that'd be the end of-"

"Your mom find out what? What are you guys hiding?" A new voice interrupts Aidan before he could finish. They both figured out who it was from the voice and tone.

Ethel Evans. She had a tall and athletic figure and she walked up to the two with a confident stride that exuded power and grace that almost seemed otherworldly. Her long, jet-black hair cascaded down her back in soft waves and framed her flawless face and accentuating her unique pink, sparkling eyes.

Describing her as a talented genius couldn't do her justice. She excelled in all areas of her life with effortless ease. Her competitive nature drove her to be the best at everything she did, and her abilities knew no bounds. Whether it was academics, sports, or any other pursuit, She always pushed herself to the limits and beyond. And most importantly...

"She might find out that you and Aidan started going out." Liam smirked. He was well aware of her feelings towards Aidan.

"Pffft. If you're gonna make up something, at least make up something more believable. It'd be the end of the world before this blockhead has the guts to ask me out." Ethel smirked as she looked at Aidan.

"Aunty Ella could find us all steamed up on the couch but even so she'd refuse to believe its real.." It was clear her imaginations and thoughts were wondering off somewhere else already.

"Ethel!" Aidan's shout brought her train of thought to a halt.

She puts her hands on her cheeks acting like she was shy. "Oh my, are you going to ask me out Aidan? You know my answer will always be yes."


Liam interrupted her before she went too far. "Anyways, we were talking about going back to his place after school to play Aestra."

"Woah you play Aestra too Liam? I didn't expect it. I mean, you know, you err... I just didn't think you could be good at anything else other than being some bookworm."

"Damn, you're cruel sometimes. But yeah, I know, that's what I thought too. I decided to try it yesterday after Aidan convinced me and since I had been interested in it for a while after they added magic, however, let's just say things didn't go as expected yesterday." Liam said. "It was too much of a shock to me. I underestimated combat in a realistic environment. When this idiot's blade was at my neck I really thought I was a goner."

Ethel face palmed. "I can imagine this blockhead having trouble holding back when it comes to anything." She felt bad for Liam. However, her attention quickly shifted.

"You wanna fight again Aidan? Or still scared?" She grinned as her competitive nature flared up.

"I'm not the same as I was 3 months ago, I think you should be the one who's afraid."

He had trained relentlessly to prepare himself against magicians in the last 3 months, and there was no way he would be caught off guard again. He finally had the means to protect himself from them and fight back.

"Ooh~ someone's sounding extremely confident." Ethel couldn't help but get more interested. "Well then, how about this? If you win I'll consider being your girlfriend."

"I feel like he might even choose to lose on purpose if you put it that way ya'know." Liam shook his head. He knew how badly Aidan avoided her advances, there was no way he would even put in any effort to win if that were the conditions.

"Well, that makes sense." She couldn't deny what he said. She furrowed her brows with a serious look in her eyes in deep consideration. "How about this then? If you lose you'll become my boyfriend. Deal?"

Liam couldn't help but facepalm.

Aidan couldn't take this any longer.

"Whatever, I've been meaning to fight you again anyways. Don't be too surprised when the time comes."