
HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?

What would you do if you were Severus Snape in his time at Hogwarts? Benedict Clarke, an actor who played the young Severus Snape in one of the last sagas of the Harry Potter films, now finds himself in the body of 16-year-old Severus Snape and begins to live like one in the world of Harry Potter. Time plays a trick on his life and his knowledge of the future confuses him even more. The future, the past and the present get mixed up. What does Hermione Granger have to do with all this? A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic and two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all. Each chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter, all the previous past of Severus and the other characters in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge. Severus/Benedict, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be a powerful wizard, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort or other wizards of that caliber. Severus/Benedict, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of Harry Potter, but he is in a decade of which he does not have much information, so he will try to use his knowledge about the possible future of this world to advance in life. As I said, there is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change. The pairing for the end of this story is already decided, but before being with this person Severus will go through many situations and relationships, so you can vote the pairings that Severus will have before reaching the right person, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Disclaimer: The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the Harry Potter characters, books or movies. All belong to their respective creators and owners. I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

Shadow7Blue · 电影同人
59 Chs

Chapter 47: Severus Prince

Sunday, August 12, 1976.

Again two weeks had passed and now there were only two days left until the dueling competition in Ilvermorny.

In these two weeks, several things had happened.

The Prince potion factory had already started mass production of the "Coactus Verumorphe" potion and had even delivered the first batch of potions to MACUSA.

The US Magic Congress organized a whole event to distribute this first batch of potions to US citizens suffering from lycanthropy.

They went so far as to decide to hold the event on a day when a full moon was predicted for the night.

This was obviously planned, as all werewolves who wanted a potion had to register and stay in an area with strong magical protections in case somehow they became werewolves anyway.

This area was in open view of the entire audience, so every spectator could see the werewolves if they transformed.

Yes, like a zoo.

That was Severus' first thought, but then it was made clear to him that they needed to do this to erase all doubt as to whether the potion was effective and get more werewolves to sign up to be helped.

Clearly, MACUSA took extra security measures and positioned many Aurors in this area to guard it and Severus had to admit that it was impressive how many Aurors they had placed in the surrounds to guard the magical protections.

It was a massive event, full of wizards and witches from all over the world.

There were cameramen, potioneers, and reporters too.

Magical communities from all over the world were watching this event.

Taking advantage of the situation, MACUSA had invited many renowned wizards to attend the event as well as many leaders from other countries.

Severus had been one of these guests of honor as he was the creator of the potion.

And since the USA was making a great profit from this, Severus took the opportunity to do the same by meeting and making connections with many important and influential people.

From Great Britain only the director of the Department of International Magical Co-operation came, this was a clear demonstration that they were not satisfied with the USA being the beneficiary of the work of a British citizen like Severus.

On the other hand, the number of werewolves who attended the event was not many because most of them did not want to be exposed to the public and the world.

But it was still a considerable number, 67 werewolves showed up and participated in the event.

It was no wonder there were so many Aurors if 67 werewolves would get out of control if things went wrong.

The amazing thing was that these 67 werewolves were not even a tenth of the number of werewolves in the USA.

And most of these were already registered as werewolves with MACUSA.

While only a few werewolves were brought in by the leaders of the different countries attending the event to avoid any doubt that the event and the potion were a fraud.

The event was very simple, but at the same time tense for all the public present.

This is because the werewolves only had to take the potion and wait for the full moon, while the entire audience watched the event unfold.

To sum up, the event was a success, the people suffering from lycanthropy only suffered some headaches as a side effect when the full moon came out, but no one was transformed.

The families, relatives, friends, and acquaintances present of the 67 werewolves who participated were in tears of happily seeing that the potion actually avoided their transformation.

All the magical communities were moved by such a scene and all over the world celebrated this great success, it was a moment that would make history in the magical world.

The potioneers and renowned wizards along with the leaders of the different countries present, congratulated and complimented Severus and even made him all kinds of offers.

While the cameramen and reporters were going crazy, taking pictures all the time and asking all kinds of questions, they had been following the event all day and even many radios were following the process step by step to communicate it all over the world.

If before the news of Severus making a potion like this had caused a great commotion, now that the whole public had seen the results in person, it only raised Severus' recognition to another level.

Families from all over the world had sent their thanks to Severus.

Every day Severus received endless letters of thanks, offers of all kinds, threats from blood purists, love letters, and, worst of all for him, a fan club.

Yes, it was official, Severus Prince had a fan club full of admirers from everywhere and even though he firmly refused to communicate with them, his friends convinced him to at least answer the occasional letter sent by his fan club.

Gwen and Hermione gave him logical arguments as to why he had to answer them at least once a week.

Ethan only insisted because he was pleased with the awkward situation Severus was in.

Sasaki at first agreed with Severus that there was no need to answer to this so-called Fan Club that he didn't even know, Severus was very grateful to have a friend with similar thoughts.

But when Freyja also told him that she thought it would be nice of him to respond to them, Sasaki betrayed him and agreed with Freyja.

'I certainly have to get new friends' Severus thought in frustration as he replied unwillingly to one of the letters from this so-called Fan Club.

"Come on Severus, don't tell me you're still complaining because we all agreed that you should answer to your fans," Hermione told him with a smile as she walked into the room where he was responding to his correspondence.

"I agreed to do it, but I never said I was going to do it gladly" Severus replied not wanting to look at Hermione because he knew she would have a smile of amusement at the situation, that would only frustrate him more.

Apparently, among all the members, they chose some representatives to speak for all of them and it was these people's letters that Severus looked at and responded to.

"It's not that bad, you just have to say a few words and you're done. Here eat something" Hermione said as she walked forward and left him on the table his breakfast.

"Thank you" thanked Severus putting down the letter to grab his breakfast "But as I told you before, I find it quite fake to reply to these people that I don't even know and when I really don't care about them."

"It's a courtesy Severus and if you don't like to see it from my point of view, think of it as Gwen that told you all the benefits you would get from doing this."

"I know, Merlin, it's amazing how Gwen always finds a way to make a profit out of everything" sighed Severus.

"Yeah..., I may have my differences with her, but she certainly knows how to deal with everything in a logical way that benefits her" nodded Hermione.

Even though Hermione and Gwen used to argue a lot because they both thought very differently, they both had a very good relationship, they had become very good friends to the point that they used to talk to each other almost every day to tell each other all sorts of things.

"She's quite a Slytherin," Severus said with a smile.

"Well..., she might as well be a Ravenclaw" commented Hermione only to have Severus giving her a look that showed clear disagreement.

"What? you know it's true, she's smart and studious" Hermione affirmed.

"Oh, no doubt she is, but it should be pointed out that Gwen is above all cunning, ambitious, and wouldn't mind breaking the rules a little bit just to get what she wants, a clear example of a Slytherin."

"A Gryffindor can also be cunning and ambitious in their own way, plus they also break the rules if necessary" Hermione remarked.

"The ambitions of a Gryffindor and a Slytherin are not the same Hermione, neither is the cunning and a Slytherin cleverly breaks the rules, a Gryffindor doesn't think before they act."

"It depends on the Gryffindor and it depends on the Slytherin" Hermione refuted again not wanting to agree with him.

"Well, there are always exceptions, but we're not talking about the exceptions, we're talking about the general characteristics you have in each house."

"I don't think a house defines anyone, Severus."

"On that, we can agree, but I never said they define anything, I only talked about general characteristics. Besides Hermione, how could you know so much about the Hogwarts houses if you took the exam just a few days ago to get in?"

"The books detail everything one needs to know."

"Maybe so, but not about the students."

"You're wrong Severus, there are many books that talk about many Hogwarts students."

" Perhaps they do, but I'm pretty sure they only mention those who achieved great things in their lives, not the students in general"

"You'd be surprised how much can be found about Hogwarts students whether they are known or not."

"Mmmm, I guess so, I've never been interested in it so I wouldn't know, still, I don't think relying on books is the best thing to talk about the personalities and traits of the students of Hogwarts houses"

"What books say is usually more reliable sometimes than what one can see with the bare eye."

"Well, if it's a book about Hogwarts students, I'd say it's most likely that whoever wrote it did so based on what he see's, wouldn't you agree?" said Severus with a smile to Hermione.

"But if it's a person like Dumbledore who wrote it, I'm sure I can trust his judgment."

"Professor Dumbledore, I'd say that's the worst example you could have set."

"Dumbledore is a very wise and powerful wizard."

"Well... never mind, Hermione, I totally understand that Professor Dumbledore seems like a great person to you, now, understand that to me he isn't and never will be, yes?"

"I know, sorry about that, you know I can be a bit..." apologized Hermione as she realized she was arguing again.

"Crazy, stubborn, insufferable, bossy, always trying to impose your thoughts and ideas, yeah I know, I forgive you, don't worry" Severus listed jokingly.


"I'm only joking" Severus calmed her down.

"Okey..." started Hermione only for Severus to speak again.

"Well, only about some things" clarified Severus only for Hermione to look at him angrily and start throwing whatever she found in the room at him.

After he finished dodging whatever Hermione threw at him and managed to calm her down, Severus turned his attention back to his correspondence.

He had several offers from companies that wanted to use Prince Industries' new invention, PrinceCal.

A little over a week ago they had managed to recreate VisiCalc.

Apparently, it was not difficult to create this spreadsheet application, since within a week after Severus told Jobs about it, his work group managed to create PrinceCal, which supported 5 columns and 20 rows, and in just one week it became the best-selling application in the world along with the Apple II computer that used it.

Different companies saw the great potential of spreadsheets and were already looking for ways to follow the path of Apple and Prince Industries.

But Severus had already taken care of patenting everything, so these companies had to come to an agreement with him for its use.

PrinceCalc was becoming the Apple II's big tractor in the business world.

Software worth $100 was responsible for $2,000 computers being sold all over the world.

Severus had spent a lot of money and effort to get PrinceCalc patented.

And it was only after much negotiation that he succeeded.

He managed to get a new law created in which the patent legislation would contemplate the protection of the so-called "computer-implemented inventions", making all those inventions that require the participation of a software and a programmable device in which it runs.

In this case, it would be PrinceCalc with Apple II, the only one of its kind so far.

This is how Severus was able to create a law that not only patented this creation, but he could also patent from now on all future inventions that would implement software.

There only needs to be an explicit reference and interaction with a hardware, for the invention to be patentable under this new law.

And last but not least.

After the MACUSA event, the Department of Magical Security finally accepted Dean Stacy's request for Severus to use the Pensieve.

It was thanks to this that Severus was then able to demonstrate to MACUSA that he had in fact successfully improved a potion at the age of only 13, making him the youngest wizard in the world to achieve such a feat.

This would once again be big news in the magical world.

At first, Severus wanted to refuse to publish it since he already had too much attention from the media, but once he saw the amount of money that the Prince's factory was making due to his new recognition, he did not think twice and agreed to publish the news.

And so it was in all the newspapers again.

After all these things, the name Severus Prince was on the lips of the entire international magical community.

While that of Industrial Prince together with Apple Prince was on the lips of the whole Muggle world.