
Chapter 220

The next day he and Ygritte were going for lunch (they had missed their breakfast) when they ran across Lyra who was once again gazing at him in a lecherous manner.

He let out a sigh and turned to look at Ygritte who had small frown on her face "You go on ahead. I'll catch up to you."

Ygritte gave him a nod and glared at Lyra before going ahead.

He had noticed that after sharing the truth with her, the bond of trust between him and Ygritte had grown to an even higher level than before.

And that bond was not something that he wanted to break any time soon.

He turned to Lyra and said "Lyra. We need to have a talk."

Lyra frowned at his seriousness but nodded and led him to a nearby empty guest room where they would be able to talk freely.

"Lyra." He said once he had casted the necessary spells. "I need you to stop trying to seduce me."

"Why my lord." She asked sensually as she a hand on his chest "Don't you like my attentions."

His face remained stone cold as he removed her hand from his chest.

"You're making Ygritte uncomfortable with all your advances." And he understood. If he someone was making advances on Ygritte then he wouldn't only be uncomfortable. He would be fucking furious. And he knew that Ygritte felt the same even though she never told him about it as her thought process were still influenced by the tradition of the Free Folk which said that a man could take what he could keep. Meaning that a strong enough man can have a harem if he could protect his women.

But he knew that even if she thought about it that way, she didn't want to share him with other women.

"This game of cat and mouse has gone on for long enough Lyra. It is time that you move on and get a proper husband for yourself. Someone who, unlike me, will actually take care of you." He said.

"But aren't you the one taking care of me. Weren't you the one who freed me from my master in Lys and allowed me to have a life of my own. Wasn't it you who gave me shelter and food when I had no one else to rely on. No… I know that you know that I want you for my own selfish reasons. But I also love you. And I won't go for another man. Even if it meant that you'll never accept me and that I'll remain unmarried for the rest of my life."

He frowned at her declaration and used a deeper legilimency probe to find that she was not lying.

She did want to be with him mainly for the power and security it would grant her and her children. But she was also in love with him.

Her love for him was just hidden deeper in her mind as she didn't want to admit this truth to herself either because of what she had suffered as a slave in Lys. This was why he was never able to find it as he didn't like to perform deep legilimency scans on those that he trust.

He held the urge to sigh.

"Regardless Lyra. You must accept that I'm with Ygritte now. So you cannot go on trying to seduce me. Not anymore. I still suggest that you give up on your love and find someone more worthy of your attentions." He said.

Lyra frowned at his words and shook her head "You really don't understand a woman's heart, do you my lord."

He had no reply to that. If he did then he wondered if he would have found out about Ginny and her infidelity sooner.

"Can you at least give me a child. I want to keep a part of you within me. Please my lord."

"No." He replied "If I ever have a child then I want to play the role of a father for him. I don't want him to be without his parents. And that… just wouldn't work."

Lyra let out a sigh and her shoulders dropped. She looked down at the floor with a thinking gaze for a long moment before her eyes suddenly widened and she looked at him with a large smirk.

He didn't like that smirk one bit.

"So. Your only problem with me is that I'm trying to seduce you and it's making Ygritte uncomfortable. Is that right."


"And you want me to stop seducing you?"

"That's right."

"So… you wouldn't have any problem if I started seducing your lover would you?"

His brain halted at that.


She chuckled at him "If I seduce Ygritte and she says that it's okay for you to fuck me, then that won't be a problem with you. Right?"

He looked at the woman for a long moment before he chuckled to himself.

"Well, you are free to try that if you want. But I don't think that Ygritte is into women."

"You never know my lord." She said with a smile "And it's better than outright rejection at least."

Then she smiled and bowed to him once again, showing her bountiful chest to him in full view.

"Lyra." He said and she chuckled and straightened up.

"Apologies my lord. Old habits you see." She smiled and left the room with her hips swinging widely for his view.

He let out a tired sigh at that, wondering if he should have been firmer with her.

Well, as long as she bothers Ygritte and not him.

He shook his head and left the room to join Ygritte at lunch.

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