
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · 作品衍生
17 Chs

Chapter 3: The World

Chapter 3: The World

"It wasn't a dream," I muttered to myself, eyes blinking away the remnants of sleep. The same unfamiliar ceiling greeted me, now slightly more familiar. One moment I was Allen, a forty-year-old getting riddled with bullets, the next I was Leonard, a four-year-old.

Life sure has a twisted sense of humour.

I shook off the remnants of my old life and got out of bed, embracing my new reality. With Leonard's memories now interwoven with my own, I moved to the bathroom to freshen up. The feel of cold water on my face was grounding, a reminder that this wasn't a fever dream.

As I exited the bathroom, the door creaked open, and my new mother stepped in. I paused, taking her in. Lisa Shelby, with her green eyes and brunette hair, was undeniably beautiful.

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?" Her smile was warm; her eyes scanned me with motherly concern.

"Good morning, I slept fine, Mom," I replied, my voice sounding small to my own ears. "Just a bit dizzy."

Her hand brushed through my hair soothingly. "Don't worry, mommy's here. Let's get you some breakfast."


Downstairs, the scent of bacon and eggs filled the air. Robert, my new father, a handsome man in his late twenties, black hair, blue eyes and lean build physique sat at the table, already immersed in the morning paper. He glanced up and smiled. "Good Morning, Leo."

"Good Morning, Dad," I replied, climbing into my chair. I looked around, taking in the cosy kitchen. It felt lived-in, familiar yet strange.

Lisa placed a plate in front of me, and I dug in, trying to act like a normal four-year-old.


Life was quite monotonous for Leonard, as a little child all he had to do was play, eat and sleep. Along with acting cute here and there infront of his parents; he was enjoying this rare moments where he could live his life without a worry.

Days passed by and suddenly it was near about three weeks since Allen; now Leonard came to this world. He was grateful to have reborn in such a loving family. Although he had not yet fully adjusted to his new lifestyle but he was slowly becoming a part of it.

 (Third person POV)

Leonard was sitting in the living room after breakfast, playing with Lego, building a ship to act like any other little kid and truth be told he was really enjoying it. Lego is something that can be enjoyed despite the age; David Beckham too loved to build with lego as an adult.

After he was done with the ship he looked towards his father who just finished reading the newspaper so, he quietly picked it up and sat down on the couch while his parents kept looking at him lovingly, thinking he was trying to mimic his father.

Leonard unaware of his parents' thoughts kept reading the news. As he turned the pages of the newspaper he stumbled upon a small picture along with a headline that made his eyes widened in shock.

Member of Terrorist Group Arrested:

 On the night of 31st October, member of one of the most dangerous terrorist organization arrested. Sirius Black…

There was a small photo of Sirius Black with an article, although it was not in the front page, it was noticeable. Leonard immediately looked through all the pages and he saw what he was looking for;

Gas Leak Kills 12 People…

Leonard had a complicated expression, he finally knew that he was not in an ordinary world instead it was the world where kids carry magical sticks equivalent of bazookas or guns and are taught to wield it in the name of schooling. Also many people from his previous world desired to be in and were crazy about it, the world of Harry Potter.

(Leonard POV)

While thinking deeply about all these, I was lifted up against my will by my mum, who asked in a teasing tone, "What is my little Leo reading so seriously?" I could only turn my head in embarrassment. She had one of those teasing smile, saying 'I will embarrass you more'.

Looking at my embarrass face; father decided to stop her act, "You have to go to school now. Keep your toys inside"

Nodding my head, I hurriedly escaped her clutches and went to keep my toys inside my room.

'Sigh, it's really a difficult to be a kid' was all I could think.


Dropping me at school my parents left for their work.

"Good morning, Ms. Davidson" Leonard wished the teacher standing near the entrance, waiting for the children. "Good morning, Leonard" she replied with a lovely smile.

'Being cute has its own perks' he entered the school, most of the students eyes were on him due to his unique grey hair and cute facial features.

School for Leonard was a time where he acts like a child and plays along with other kids as he was currently in playschool, it was irritating but manageable. He had survived through corporate life, he could survive this too.

The teacher entered the class, all the children wished her good morning, and she wished back and asked about the homework. This was apparently a drawing of their choice. Then she started to teach them counting, where everyone just shouted at the top of their lungs.

Finally it was playtime where everybody did what they like and Leo took this opportunity to take out his sketch book and started to draw. It was his way of getting some private time, the teacher didn't disrupt thinking he enjoyed painting and doesn't let other kids disrupt him.

'If this is the Harry Potter world, it changes many things that I planned for and I need to be sure about my magical abilities. Although till now I never did any accidental magic, the system might help me become a wizard if I unlock some specific achievement, maybe, let's hope.'

Leo was thinking about some possibilities while drawing, suddenly he realized something and asked the system,

'Hey system, am I a wizard?'

No response.

'It's really a passive system that didn't answer about anything other than achievement related information that too with terms and conditions applied'

Leo was not happy, he decided to change the question, 'Hey, shouldn't I get a reward, I figured out that wizard exist in this world'

{Host will be rewarded if the host discovers or proves the existence of magic or magical society. Currently, it is only an assumption from the host point of view]

"Bloody hell" Leo muttered under breath, 'so either I have to perform magic or go to a place where I can see or verify its existence.'

Leo knew that trying to perform magic was the best option unless he could figure out a good enough reason to convince his parent to go into such a place.

Well he couldn't just say, 'Let's find magic because I know this world's trajectory for future' to his parents and the only place he could think of taking his parents is the King's Cross station, but to convince his parents to take him to the station on 1st September was nearly impossible.

While rambling about all these things he completed the drawing, when he looked up, as always his teacher was waiting while looking at him. He took the sketch to her and showed it, earning him some head pats and many compliments.

The rest of the day was monotonous where he played with his so called friends till his parents came to pick him up.


After that day Leo started to meditate and mimic the wand movement with his hands in hope of performing wandless magic. But nothing ever happened and he felt like an idiot for ever believing those fan-fictions.

He was already angry due not being able to complete a single achievement till now. Apparently none of the books he had fulfilled the criteria of 100 pages and his parent's books were not something that he could just take. They always took it back and handed him the alphabet book.

But he didn't want to lose hope and continued to meditate and practice spells in hopes of improving or showing signs of magic someday.

It took him nearly six months to finally unlock his first achievement.

{Achievement: Unlocked

Novice Reader

Description: Read 10 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: 3% Memory Boost (Permanent), 5% Reading Speed Boost (Permanent)}

Leo was happy seeing that he had finally taken steps towards improvement and greatness.




Hello Readers, Author Here

I would like to thank all the people who joined in to read this fanfic.

It has been quite sometime since I have wrote any new fanfic or story and neither am I any professional writer, so there may be some mistakes in the story. I would appreciate some constructive criticism along with words of motivation if you enjoyed reading it.

Since I am a student, the updates may be inconsistent sometimes but I would make sure to post as much consistently as possible.

Thank You.