
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: A Little Genius

 Author's note:

Sorry for the delay. I had to make sure about a few plot changes as I didn't want make the same mistakes as I did with my previous fics. 

Now, for the progress of the story I would like take the help of the readers, to decided on how should the story progress, as romance, harem, and others. There will be an auxiliary chapter added with question and I would love to hear the readers opinions.

Thank you


Chapter 4: A Little Genius

The sun peeked over the horizon, birds chirping in the crisp morning air. Leo's internal clock nudged him awake, and he glanced at the clock above the closet—almost 4 o'clock. He jumped out of bed, swiftly made it, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. This had been his routine since discovering the world he was in from the newspaper article. Early rising, 45 minutes of meditation, and attempting wandless spell casting had become his daily rituals, despite the lack of results.

It would be lie to say that he wasn't frustrated but he didn't want to give up, since giving up could lead to one of his greatest regrets of lifetime.

"Wingardium Leviosa"

"Win-GAR –dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa"

"Wingardium Leviosa"

Leo chanted, mimicking wand movements with intense focus. After more than a hundred attempts, he slumped in his chair, frustrated. He opened his journal and began writing about his attempt and results in code—a habit from his previous life to keep his thoughts private.

For anyone looking through the journal it would look like some weird scribbling of a kid but it was a code language Leo used during his previous life to write his personal journal, which he didn't want, anyone to read.

Leo placed the pen down, his shoulder deflated and he sighed, "It looks like doing wandless magic isn't that easy and there is still the question, am I really a wizard or just another muggle?" he took out a book from the stack of books on the table, 'The Encyclopaedia.' It was sent to him from his grandfather.

Despite the frustration, Leo smiled. His act of being a genius had paid off.


It all started when, Leo slowly started showing interest in books and made his parents convince that he was smarter than other kids of his age. He left no stone unturned, when it came to it, he used his teachers to show how he was different from the rest of the kids and was a little genius, so that he could get excess to advance books.

Basically he became a British version of Sheldon Cooper, (from Big Bang Theory) and made his parents convince that he was ready for some advance knowledge above his age. And so began his progress to his first system achievement, where he read the grammar books, the history books, and the freaking dictionary to complete his first achievement.

"Leo, come down for breakfast"

Hearing his mum call for breakfast, Leo kept the encyclopaedia back at the stack before walking down to the living room. "Good morning, mum, dad" Leo took his seat.

"Good morning"

"Good morning, little genius"

"Come on, mum, not again" Leo said with an annoyed look, his mother had her teasing smirk on. This nickname had stuck ever since a teacher called him 'A Little Genius' during a parent-teacher meeting.

"Of course I am not going to stop, my little baby is a genius" Lisa spoke with a face as if she was stating facts, "So, it is my right as his beautiful and caring mum to brag about it"

"Yeah, yeah" Leo muttered shifting his focus to the meal, although he won't admit it, as a middle age person in soul but he was glad that he had such a wonderful woman as his mother. Lisa always teased Leo and showered so much love to him that it made him regret sometimes for taking the original Leo's place.

As they finished their breakfast, Leo's father asked, "Leo, do you have any plan on how you want to spend the summer break?"

"Summer break?" Leo thought for a moment. "I want to learn football. Will it be possible, Dad?"

Lisa was amused at her son's answer, "Don't you want to spend the summer at you grandparents place"

"I'd love to, but my friend Henry is joining the local football coaching. Can I join too? I promise to visit Grandpa and Grandma on the weekends," Leo said, making a cute, innocent face.

"But Leo, you're still too young. You could get hurt," Lisa said, worried. "You can join when you're a bit older."

Robert who was silent till now spoke, "Leo, have you played football before?"

Knowing that his father was in his lawyer mode, he answered honestly, "Yes, at school"

"Do you like football or it's because you want to join Henry"

"I like football. A lot"

"I see; what if you get hurt while playing"

"I... I will not cry"

Robert nodded lightly, "Leo, remember this always, mum and dad are always there for you, so you can cry infront of us, complain infront of us if someone bullies or you get hurt, we will fight for you, so never think that you are alone"

"Your dad is right, dear. You can always come to us," Lisa added, brushing her hand softly over Leo's head.

Leo didn't say anything and just nodded.

After a moment of silence, Lisa said, "Okay, now my little genius, go get ready for school."

As Leo left the room there was another round of silence, which was finally broken by Lisa, "Do you think he is fine, he has been acting a little distant since the incident, I am worried"

Robert sighed, "I know, I am worried too. I don't know if what I did was right or not but I did what I could"

Lisa wrapped her hands around her husband's head and let it rest on her belly.

"I will be a better father to him than mine"

"You already are"

"You think so"

 "I know so. Leo loves you too, even if you don't see it."

Unaware of the conversation Leo started packing his bag for school. "I really hope, they will agree" Leo muttered to himself. The reason why he was so agitated about joining the football club was due to the achievement.

He wanted to stack as much more achievement as he could before joining the wizarding world and he knew that there was an achievement on the numbers of kilometres he could run. So he decided to join the football club since it was the only place he could fairly convince his parents to join despite his age.

"Not being able to know which version of the Harry Potter world it is, makes things really hard" He has always been a firm believer of the multi-verse theory so he had been wary about various scenarios such as if Dumbledore is evil or Grindelwald is active or with all the different magical species that exist, what if a monstrous one let loose and attacks or any other magical species starts a war, maybe like Goblins. 

With the rapid progress of technology, there was no doubt that world within the next few decades would face another existential war with the magical society on a much larger scale.

Achievement Stacking, it was his plan, to stack up as many achievement as he could. So, that even if he could not join the wizarding world he would be one of the greatest power that the world has ever seen.




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