
Hp: Hermione Granger and the Fight Against Darkness

Join Hermione Granger in her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as she and her friends band together to confront the darkest wizard of their time. As the threat of Voldemort looms ever larger, Hermione is determined to fight back against the forces of darkness that threaten their world.

Amelie796 · 作品衍生
10 Chs

A Path to Freedom

It took about an hour for Hermione's breathing to gradually steady, her body slowly unclenching from the intense panic attack. Within seconds of slamming the door, the angry tears had turned into a full-on panic attack. Crookshanks jumped on the bed beside her, nudging Ron's jumper towards her. Hermione grabbed it and hugged it tight against her heaving chest as Crookshanks curled up in her lap, purring as loudly as he could.

Mary and Bert both knocked on her door to discuss what had happened, but Hermione wasn't having any of it. If she had her way, she'd pack everything up right then and there and go to the Burrow.

Suddenly, a memory sparked in her mind—the Knight Bus! Harry had taken the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley before their third year. Hermione strained to recall Harry's description of how he summoned the bus. Her third year was so insane with the Time-Turner that she couldn't exactly remember.

Just as she moved to grab some parchment for a letter to Harry, Hermione noticed Crookshanks had jumped to her desk near the window and was hissing at something in the darkness. Hermione walked over and looked. It was an owl! She felt her heart flutter as she reached out to open the window.

The owl, with its light-grey feathers, was unfamiliar, indicating it wasn't from Ron or Harry. The owl hopped into the room, completely ignoring Crookshanks's hisses. The bandy-legged cat continued to hiss but soon realised the owl couldn't care less. With one last hiss and swat, Crookshanks jumped from the desk with what little dignity he had left and hid under the bed.

The stoic owl gazed at Hermione with an expectant look. She stroked its soft feathers and offered some seeds she kept for such occasions. While the owl snacked, Hermione unfolded the letter tied to the owl's leg.

My smartest girl,

Greetings from Bulgaria! It has only been a short time, and yet I miss you terribly. I will soon be reuniting with my Quidditch teammates for training. I hope that will distract me from missing you. I am happy, though, that we can be friends.

How have you been doing? Was it nice to see your parents again? My mother was delighted to see me. She speaks of you often, and your kindness touched her. I thank you again for this.

We shared so many things this year. I want you to know I am here for you if you need help with your feelings about what happened. I can understand and offer knowledgeable advice. Losing friends is so difficult. I have lost some myself. I can listen for you. Please remember that when you get sad.

The Dark Lord's return is also a challenging thing to accept. Karkaroff has not returned. I imagine he has gone into hiding. Durmstrang still stands. I will listen to the communications there and let you know of anything that will protect you or your friends. Harry Potter must be cautious. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

I cannot wait to receive a return letter from my smartest girl. Please let me know what you are learning. I miss you terribly. Have a beautiful summer holiday!

Yours, Viktor

A sad smile crossed Hermione's face as she reread the letter, the weight of Viktor's unrequited love heavy on her heart. She felt horrible for breaking Viktor's heart, but she knew, deep down, she could never love him as he loved her. She hoped their friendship could continue without any awkwardness. She considered him one of her dearest friends and actually enjoyed the fact he was so different and removed from Ron and Harry.

But thoughts of Viktor had to wait; she needed to figure out how to get on the Knight Bus, and Harry would be the best person to ask. She poured more trail mix on the windowsill to keep the owl there and began writing her letter to Harry.