
Hp: Hermione Granger and the Fight Against Darkness

Join Hermione Granger in her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as she and her friends band together to confront the darkest wizard of their time. As the threat of Voldemort looms ever larger, Hermione is determined to fight back against the forces of darkness that threaten their world.

Amelie796 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

In the Shadows

Dear Harry,

I hope you are doing okay. I miss you terribly, even though it's only been a few days. Are your Aunt and Uncle treating you alright? You know how much I worry about you.

My parents are absolutely infuriating. I cannot stand to be here much longer, which leads me to a favour: Can you remind me of how you summoned the Knight Bus? I'd really appreciate it. Maybe once I am at the Burrow, I can convince the Weasleys to come and get you, and then we can spend the summer holiday with each other.

Please write back or even call as soon as you can.

All my best, Hermione

Hermione folded the letter and grabbed an envelope from her top desk drawer. Just as she was about to give the letter to the light-grey owl, another owl flapped to a stop at the window with a purple envelope in its beak. Hermione took the envelope from its beak and poured a few more seeds for the beautiful brown owl. She started handing her letter to the light-grey owl, but the brown owl immediately dropped the seeds in its mouth and started pecking Hermione's hand.

"Ouch!" she gasped, pulling her hand and the letter back. The owl returned to eating seeds as if it had not just attacked her. Hermione handed the grey owl the letter again with the same result. "Fine!" she exclaimed, pulling back the letter and putting it aside. She rubbed her hand where the owl had pecked her, then turned her attention to the purple envelope. She was greeted with an elaborate script flourish under the words "From the Mind of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" as a header.

Dear Miss Granger,

Thank you for accepting my owl. I do hope he wasn't too forceful, as he can be quite demanding at times.

I can only imagine the strife you've felt since night in my office. I would suppose returning home to the Muggle world would be quite a transition. I suspect you are not enjoying yourself and are missing the companionship of your fellow witches and wizards. This is why I would like to extend an offer to join myself, the Weasleys, and a few other friends for the rest of the summer holiday. There is no need for the Knight Bus - I will arrange for an associate or two to provide transportation.

I do, however, have one request of you. Please do not reach out to Harry at this time. I must ask you to trust me without an explanation at this time. If you cannot trust me, consider this an order from your headmaster. I apologise for my bluntness, but I appreciate your discretion.

Yours sincerely, APWBD

Hermione immediately shivered despite the warm weather and glanced around her room. Was Professor Dumbledore spying on her? How did he know about her parents? How did he know she wanted to leave by Knight Bus? How did he know she was writing to Harry?!

She had never grasped why so many revered Dumbledore. Sure, he was a brilliant wizard, but so was Professor McGonagall. The Headmaster seemed more captivated by his own "mystically whimsical" persona than by the duties of a professor. Quite frankly, Hermione found his attempts at whimsy grating and ineffective. His annual mumbling at the beginning of the year feast was meant to be "cute," but Hermione neither appreciated nor understood the appeal. The man certainly had some questionable methods and morals, especially regarding students' safety. Nonetheless, she had to respect his magical ability since it apparently allowed him to spy on Hermione in her Muggle home.

She weighed the pros and cons of casting a protection spell but figured she had pushed her luck enough in past years. Plus, if Dumbledore was watching her, her defence wouldn't garner any support from the Headmaster.

With a sigh, Hermione reluctantly tucked her letter to Harry inside her desk drawer and began drafting a letter to Ron instead.

Dear Ron,

I just got a letter from Professor Dumbledore inviting me to spend the rest of the summer holidays. The letter was, as you say, 'mental.' I'll have to fill you in when I see you in person. Did you get any letters from him? Do you know what is going on? Have you heard from Harry?

I am ready to leave already. My parents just don't understand anything. They even dared to insinuate that pursuing a life in the Wizarding World wasn't' practical'. I'm a witch. That's what I am. If they can't deal with that, that is their problem, you know?

Anyway, how are you doing? How have you been sleeping? I miss our chess games. They always helped me forget everything that happened.

What is going on in the Wizarding World? Anything? I can only get snippets from the Daily Prophet, so I'm not learning much. Has the Minister admitted that He Who Must Not Be Named is back?

Please write back to me soon and tell me if you know anything. I am desperate for any information.
