
Walking again in the real world

Time passed quickly, Christmas had come. Hogwarts students woke up early in the morning and started to pack their things to go home. After breakfast, the students boarded the Hogwarts train and started their journey.

In one of the cabins of the train, there was a boy sitting alone. During the past three months, he had met a completely different world and learnt new things. The boy's body suddenly trembled imperceptibly.

"It's been a long time," Henry said. He'd been in the simulation for three months. He was being rehabilitated. By the end of the second month, he had recovered from the shock and fear. But his anger and resentment grew by the day.

"Jarvis, status report," Henry said.

"Yes, sir, for the past few months Mark I has been guided as you requested. He has practised magic regularly, he has stopped the release of magic from his body." Said Jarvis and continued to report.

"Sir, I have made modifications to the trace over the workings of the mark I in the form of a switch on and off and I have created a charm for your magic level and release for outside observers. I have engraved the charm into your body so you can control it with your magic." Said Jarvis.

Henry couldn't deal with the outside world while he was in the simulation. He wasn't even sure he wanted to live anymore. Revenge had revitalised him, otherwise he would have killed himself long ago.

"Okay, Jarvis, make me a short film of the last three months. I want to watch it until the train gets to the station." Said Henry.

"The short film is ready, sir. Before you start watching it, would you like me to transfer the incarnation spell and my newly created stealth spell to your frontal lobe for your plans?" asked Jarvis.

"Transfer the spells Jarvis, but remember, in the battles I will fight from now on, you will control my body and fight." said Henry and continued, "I will only take control when I want to, I am not interested in killing useless garbage." Said Henry.

"Understood sir, have a good watch," said Jarvis.

To outsiders, Henry appeared to be watching the view from the cabin window. His Mark I friends would not recognise Henry if they saw him now. Mark I's character was cheerful, honest, pure and hardworking.

Henry's face was like ice. His eyes made people uneasy, as if they were looking into bottomless wells. With Jarvis's indoctrination, Mark I worked hard at sports and magic. Whenever he had free time, he would study these subjects.

He did not follow Henry's physical exercise routine, but the method developed by Jarvis. Jarvis had added this exercise to Mark I's memory of watching television so that he would remember it as a muggle method. He had imprinted on Mark I the belief that when he was introduced to magic, like any other boy, his desire for attention gave him the determination to work.

Jarvis knew that Dumbledore and legillimency experts like him would be examining Henry's mind. Such powerful people did not need a reason to do such things. They would do it because they could, corrupted by power.

Jarvis had divided Henry's mind into different layers and concealed access to its centre. Thus fooling the masters of legillimency who attacked his mind. Henry's mind had the defences of a not very diligent occlumency novice with above average abilities.

This was only the first dream layer. Jarvis had created three different dream layers in Henry's mind with the authority of Henry had given him.

The first layer contained all of Mark I's memories and Jarvis' simulated memories. It was a thin wall made to sense attacks from the outside. Occlumency was a naturally occurring layer of people with above-average abilities. Observing this layer, the attacker could not discover anything strange.

To reach the second layer, the attacker would have to analyse all of Mark I's memories and find the entrance to the second layer. Even if all the memories were examined, in order to understand the entrance to the second layer, they would have to have seen the film Inception and know that the entrance was hidden in this way.

Even if the hypothetical attacker found the entrance, the time it would have taken to get this far would have been too long. Jarvis had simulated every possible scenario.

Henry's mind was now protected in such a way that the masters of legillimency could not understand it, and would not notice any oddities.

With Jarvis in full control of his body, he was also protected to a certain extent against poisons and potions. Jarvis was working on developing Henry's body to be fully immune to potions and poisons. This project would take a long time with the information and calculation processes it required.

Ten minutes before the train reached the station, the short film Henry was watching was over.

"Well done Jarvis, good job programming and controlling the Mark I." Said Henry and continued. "We are continuing with my plans to get an adult licence. Hand over control to Mark I until he is alone with his family." Said Henry.

"Thank you, sir," Jarvis said. Henry's body trembled imperceptibly.

"Ahh, I miss Mum and Dad so much." Said Mark I with a sigh. The train pulled into the station. It was full of children running, hugging, and crying for their parents.

Mark I went through the wall and met his family at King's Cross station. His family hugged him and took him home by car. Once inside the house, Mark I sat in the kitchen chatting to his mum and dad.

"Yes mum, really, there are ghosts flying around!" Mark I said and as he finished, his body trembled imperceptibly.

The entire kitchen fell silent. Henry regained control of his body. As soon as he took control, he froze Mark I's family. Jarvis deactivated the trace as Henry took control.

"Jarvis, first we're taking care of things at the registry office. Remind me to put it in their minds and erase myself from their memories so they can do the procedures in two days' time," Henry said mentally.

"Understood, sir," Jarvis said.

Henry carried the family of the former owner of his body into their bedroom and got them settled. He left the house and started heading towards the address Axy had found for him earlier.

For the first time in 3 months, he was moving in the real world.

"This time it will be different Axy, this time we will succeed" Henry said to himself as he continued to walk down the road.