
Japan; second part

The dojo Henry entered was called Butokuden. There were basically two branches of training in the dojo. Kenjutsu and judo, of course, magic was integrated into both fields. Kenjutsu was sword wizardry. Judo was a decent fight in case the magical focus was lost. In judo, there were small additions without a staff. In both fields, it levelled training. They divided it into three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Below each level were the same three levels.

Their method of selecting students for training was interesting. For Kenjutsu, you had to have a sword fight with one of the teachers. Although not life-threatening, the possibility of injury was certain. In Judo, they used the same method, but for the selection process to end, you had to knock the other person unconscious, not incapacitate them. In other words, to become a student in Butokuden, you needed a clean beating and your flesh had to be cut off.

If tourists wanted to train, all they had to do was pay. The prices were jaw-dropping and the training you got was just the basics. Henry didn't mind at all because even though he would get basic training, he would be able to watch the dojo's teachers practise. Henry had his own way of training, easy to copy as long as he had the knowledge. For a month of training, Henry spent twenty-five thousand galleons. He would learn both kenjutsu and judo. Training in both fields took a total of six hours.

Henry left the dojo after paying. Before leaving the wizard compound, he changed his clothes and started travelling to explore muggle Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Magic did not allow tourists without a residence permit to materialise. Fortunately, they provided tour services for tourists. The behaviour of wizards in Japan towards house-elves was also very different. The house-elves here were like little ninjas. Henry was surprised to see that they were dressed similar to the way Axy used to dress. He knew he wasn't the only one who had come up with the idea, but he hadn't expected the Japanese Ministry of Magic to use house-elves in this way.

The tour service was that the house-elves assigned to you would materialise you wherever you wanted. Not perfect, but a well thought out idea. Henry spent his days in Japan very organised. He had already had enough rest in France. His goal in Japan was to invest in his future. This was one of the oldest magical societies in the world. Henry was gathering information, studying, researching, and exploring. Every day he went to bed tired.

He spent six hours in Butokuden, half an hour buying books from Shitajiki, two hours in the magic park, and six hours exploring Japan. While exploring Muggle society, he also enrolled in different fighting courses, but they were one-hour courses at most. He also bought books in Muggle bookshops and even bought a computer. Henry was spending a lot of money. He had solved the money problem in the short-medium term, but if he kept spending like this, he would run out of galleons. Goblins did not normally convert enormous sums of muggle money. They had agreed to convert because of the situation Harry had invented, but this situation could not be repeated. Henry had already spent three hundred thousand galleons, and although he had a lot of money left, he might be in trouble in the future.

Muggle money was no problem. After all, he had his own criminal organisation. Henry believed there was no point in thinking about it now. Although he knew that he had to secure his future, it was much more important to prepare for the events that would happen in the near future. In the wizarding world, individual power was the basis of everything. The current situation also required it. Henry changed his old plans when he saw the situation of the house-elves here. When he learnt more about the world, he understood why the house goblins were not used for assassination. Goblins and skilled wizards had already created wards and talismans to solve the problem.

Although they were helpful during battles, they had too little magical power to be effective. Although Gringotts trained and sold house-elves, they did not sell in bulk. It was impossible to deceive the goblins; they were too skilled and controlled in all things magical. Although Henry was still able to create the house-elves division he was aiming for, it was not worth the effort. After seeing the level of control of the other Ministry of Magic, Henry realised that he had to be more careful in his actions. For example, like the criminal organisation he had captured, if he tried to do this in Japan, it would not take long to get caught. Japanese wizards had created special tools to track spells cast within the country's borders. Of course, they did not investigate every spell, but they kept a close eye on certain spells.

He had learnt that there were three unforgivable curses, obliviate and a few others. Of course, it did not explain these in books, and Henry got on well with the Japanese wizards because he spoke fluent Japanese. When they learnt Henry's age and that he was an orphan, the Japanese wizards gave him as much information as they could. They were both surprised and worried that Henry was travelling alone. What they didn't know was that Henry was more dangerous than most wizards they knew.

Henry had learnt his lesson after his experiences with Dumbledore. Even his actions in France were part of his plans. Although kidnapping people and wizards would attract attention, Henry was safe with Jarvis covering his tracks. He was particularly careful about the scale of his actions. He always knew there was a possibility of surveillance. He also knew that the amount he had spent on his holiday had attracted attention. But the level of wizards out there was nothing to fear. Collectively, they were dangerous, but individually, they could not worry Henry.

Henry had surpassed a certain level of wandless magic. He could neutralise Auror level wizards one on one. If Henry was under mass attack, Jarvis could easily break the Anti-Apparition Charm and wards that were thrown so that Henry could escape. Of course, Henry did not want to be labelled a criminal. Kidnapping and killing were risky, but as long as there were no witnesses and no pursuit, Henry was fine with it. In Japan, the situation was a little different. The wizards here were more skilled and equipped than the wizards in England and France. Not only that, even the ministry of magic was more controlled and managed.

When Henry was talking to a wizard of his age, the subject came to the Mahoutokoro wizard school. While Henry was telling the young wizard about Hogwarts, the young wizard was telling him about Mahoutokoro. As Henry learnt more about Mahoutokoro, he couldn't help feeling jealous. The school was definitely better than Hogwarts. They were even better at Quidditch. The only thing Hogwarts was better at seemed to be the castle. But when he learnt that Mahoutokoro had a campus, not just a building, Henry let out a deep sigh. "I told you, Mahoutokoro is the best. I'm not saying this because I'm Japanese, but because it's true," Akira said.

Henry looked at Akira and nodded. After chatting a little more, Henry and Akira became good friends. Akira, like Henry, was studying at Butokuden. Akira was selected for Butokuden from the annual auditions held in Mahoutokoro. Although their training was very different, Akira had seen Henry during a break and came to meet him. Since they both loved martial arts, they became fast friends. Akira answered every question Henry was curious about. Henry, too, showed him the kindness that Akira showed him, answering the questions Akira was curious about.

The more Akira got to know Henry, the more he liked him, and when he learnt that he was an orphan and had come here for a month, he even invited him to his home. Henry said he would be happy to meet his family, but was happy to stay at the hotel. Akira understood, but when he learnt that Henry was very rich, he said, "Ugh, damn the young masters". Henry laughed a lot when Akira pouted and spat on the floor after he learnt that he was rich. He laughed so hard that tears came to his eyes. Akira sulked even more.

On his last day in Japan, Henry went to the magical beast park with Akira for the last time. "Man, I'm really going to miss you, especially beating you up," Akira said to Henry with a smile. "If you had a little more time, you would have enjoyed my punch," said Henry, pouting. After Akira met Henry, he became his partner in the dojo. Since they had trained him in hell since he was seven years old, seeing Henry suffer every day made Akira feel very pleased.

"Damned young masters," Akira muttered. He had witnessed how talented Henry was when they practised together. What Akira didn't know was that Henry was using Jarvis to learn. "The young master couldn't hear you, Akira. Did you say something?" said Henry with a smile. It was Akira's turn to sulk.

They walked around the park together and entered the area where wild creatures were kept. In this area, there were magically created screens to see the creatures. Although the creatures were in the forest, visitors were not allowed to approach them because they were wild. Henry and Akira stood in front of a screen of an animal brought from China. The screens were mesmerised to show the creatures. Even if the creature was moving very fast, it could still be shown. The animal Henry and Akira were watching was Zouwu. They both watched, mesmerised, as the creature ran.

"Mate, you are lucky to have been born here," Henry said to Akira as he watched the creature. Akira nodded without looking at Henry. The two of them had spoken often in the past, and Akira knew what Henry meant. "Perhaps in the future I will try to make England like here, or better," Henry said. "Young masters and their behaviour..." said Akira, shaking his head. Henry just grinned, joking, but thinking about that possibility too.

After watching Zouwu for five minutes, Henry and Akira got bored. "I can't believe it's still running at the same speed," Akira said. They both continued to study the creatures. Henry was walking ahead. "Ahh, why did you stop?" Akira said as he bumped into Henry. When Henry didn't answer, Akira looked in the direction he was looking. "You've got to be kidding me!" said Akira. They were both frightened by the creature they had seen on the screen. "How the hell did they get a Nundu here!" said Henry. "I don't know. It's been two years since I was last in the park," said Akira.