
14. 1.st Year end

The year seemed to fly by as time passed, I spent Christmas back at dads, it was awkward since I started calling Rufus dad, but he was just happy to see me, and so were the elves.

We spent a nice Christmas together, and I even got a book on "Exercises for the dueling champion" from Moody, which let me tell you is a wierd feeling that we actually reached that kind of relation.

Practicing magic came easier than I could have imagined, so I started focusing more and more on the Lamorak Vault books. By Christmas I had basic warding, runes and Alchemy completed, I couldn't do much but the theory parts were amazing to learn about.

Basic Alchemy was mostly about transmutation, since that was the easier part, and by easy I mean it was seriously hard!

In the latter parts of the year, I finished the basic occlumency exercises, and hopefully dad would be able to help me with actually building my mind shield, and getting proficient in protecting against Legilimency. Lastly before the end of year I started on enchantments.

Enchantments is maybe the subject I am most interested in. I'm fascinated by the possibilities, and since I had previously read quite a few fanfictions, and different novels, my greatest plan involved the need for powerful enchantments.

The Lamorak vault contains multiple books about enchantments, the studies, theories and even "projects" which an aspiring enchanter can pursue to better themselves.

So as a start I was reading a book on the basics, it detailed some of the different forms, enchanting an item, a location or even a person to some extent. Runes were the main driving force of enchantments, the Goblin nation were the foremost experts when it came to this. But there were also charms that could be woven into an item, it was more difficult, but would be longer lasting.

As the school year was nearing its end, and I started to go through my studies in preparation for the exam, it finally dawned on me just how much I had learned. Compared to my other classmates, it was like I had done three years worth of studies compared to their one. It couldn't just be a cheat, since I reincarnated?

I also felt that sometimes I could feel a pressure in the back of my head, which led me to get a push in my magical power. I didn't understand it, but at the same time, I didn't think it would be smart to go to Madam Pomfrey about it, or any of the other professors.

So I chose to wait and see, so far I had only been gaining more magical power, and the thing about the Thestral ward, baffled me, how was that possible? I created or re-created a ward that could almost completely hide me from all who had not perceived death.

With those confusing thoughts Eddie and I started preparing for our exams, along with what seemed to be everybody else in the entire castle.

The following weeks consisted of light classes, self study and prep work for the exams. I was sure I would be doing well, but I still didn't know exactly what to expect.

The exams started on a Thursday with Transfiguration first, we all shuffled into a large classroom, where Professor Mcgonagall stood ready with a female ministry worker, who oversaw the exams.

We were each given a mouse, which we were to turn into a snuffbox, the more detailed we could make it, and ofcourse with no traces of the mouse, the higher the grade.

I managed to create a golden oval snuffbox, with blue padding filled with little golden stars along with small round white gold ornaments along its borders. The ministry worker looked impressed and along with Mcgonagall gave me an Outstanding for my work.

Eddie managed an Exceeds expectations, only because his was less detailed, but very nice nevertheless.

In charms Professor Flitwick called us in, one by one into his class where we were to make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk, it was a silly task, but I received some bonus points for charming the pineapple to sing as well, and received an Outstanding as well here.

Potions involved creating a Forgetfulness Potion, which was thankfully one of the easier potions, I even got an Outstanding from Snape.

The rest I managed an Outstanding from as well, except Herbology where I got an Exceeds Expectations.

The most fun exam was definitely Defense against the dark arts.

Professor Knott created an obstacle course, with wooden dolls who each had a wand, and they would cast stinging hexes at us, while we had to pass them and reach the end.

We received bonus points for hitting the dummies and we were deducted if we were hit.

Eddie was before me and he managed to get hit four times and only hit one of them, he received an Acceptable. Professor Knott was sitting on a chair laughing and clapping and encouraging us as we each tried our best.

When it was finally my turn, I readied my wand and as I got the signal, I immediately cast a Flippendo at the nearest doll, which flipped it head over and back. I ran through the first part and barely managed to dodge a hex from the next doll.

I tried a summoning on the doll's wand but it seemed to have more mass than I expected so I was pulled toward it and was quickly rewarded with a stinging hex to my shoulder.

I fired a stinging hex in return towards it, hitting it, and quickly scrambled to my feet, running through the next bit.

The last two dolls I only managed to hit one and got hit in return by the other. But finally finished, I Managed an Outstanding. Professor Knott told us that he didn't expect us to finish it flawlessly, since that would be expected for third years and onward, not first years.

With the exams over we celebrated in our dorm rooms and spent the remaining days enjoying the summer weather, playing games, visiting the lake or saying hi to Hagrid.

The end of year feast finally arrived, Dumbledore gave his speech, Slytherin managed the win, it seems Snape was still biased towards his house. But Ravenclaw managed second place with only 32 points behind.

The feast itself was over the top, with a huge variety of really tasty food, large amounts of deserts and all kinds of drinks.

It was a surprisingly fun time, with even Dumbledore and Knott showing some fireworks magics trying to outdo the other to the delight of us all.

The next morning we boarded the train, I talked with Eddie about our plans for the holiday. He was going on holiday in France with his family. I didn't have a lot planned, at least not officially.

Rufus stood on the station waiting for me with a huge smile, he seemed to have missed me, even though I wrote to him weekly. He gave me a sideways shoulder hug "So, Thomas, did you have a nice year at Hogwarts? I'm looking forward to you telling me your grades".

It felt nice that he cared, and that I had a home to get to, I think this life will be alright for me.