
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · 游戏衍生
272 Chs

Side Story 14: A Master of Bondage

Ein's group toured around Watatsumi and they enjoyed their day. Especially Ayaka, as she had another vacation and she was also able to go to a place she thought inaccessible to people from the mainland of Inazuma.

And as the sun shone over them, they went for a swim with Ein's insistence. "We're in Okinawa, we swim and have a barbecue god damn it." They went to the shores and he set up some chairs and parasols.

"Uhh, Ein. I'm going to ask, but you are not human are you?" Mona got suspicious when Ein teleported her from Mondstadt before they went to Inazuma and him taking things from his inventory was also mighty suspicious.

"What are you talking about? I'm completely human, you can touch me too." He gestured for her to touch her and Mona squinted her eyes.

"How did you teleport me to your location? Even archons cannot do that as far as I know. Because if they could, then the war would've been ended much much sooner." Her curiosity as a researcher was strong. And she also did not fall for his diversion tactics.

"Hah, alright, alright. I'm something more than human. I'm a part of a group called the outer gods. Basically, I am not held down by any rules and regulations. How about you say hi to my buddy Azathoth?" He opened a portal and protected her mind so she won't go crazy.

Mona then peered into the abyss and she saw something she could not comprehend. Her brain got overloaded with information and she started sweating heavily. Seeing and comprehending only pure data as Azathoth could not be understood by the human mind.

He then quickly closed it after giving Azathoth a fresh batch of cookies as the outer god really liked it. It's the least he could do if he would interrupt Azathoth's sleep. "You prick, you woke me up to bone another human. But it's fine, a payment has been made." Azathoth then started to enjoy the cosmic cookies that would make a human explode into nothing if they got a taste.

"W-what was that? I didn't see anything. But I feel like I've been enlightened. This... This world is just one of many. And, and." The truths she discovered started slipping and the only one that stuck was the concept of a multiverse.

"Shh, you can't understand it. It's fine, don't think about it too much." He shrugged and Mona glared at him. "Then don't show me in the 1st place! I'm having an existential crisis over here!" She was feeling insignificant at the grand scheme of things and started questioning her purpose. As a speck of dust in the huge scale of the omniverse that the outer gods created by simply existing.

"Eh, you'll get over it. I'll take you to other worlds then, research more stars. I know you really like stars." He dismissed her problem and she thought that sounded nice.

"Well, I really do like them... Wait a minute, don't treat me like a kid!" She smiled for a moment and thought about the constellations of other universes, but she noticed that he was baiting her.

Ein laughed and patted her head. "Existence is fleeting Mona. You should just do whatever you like if it's not wrong. It's fine if you want to understand the world, but don't get hung up on it. You will be greatly disappointed on how boring it is. The outer gods basically just sleep or dream for all eternity, that's how boring it is."

Mona nodded and agreed that if she does understand everything, then nothing exciting would ever come her way. "Now that you talk about it, you're right. Wait, so you're omniscient? Then doesn't that mean you know all of our secrets!?" She got alarmed as he must know her embarrassing moments of living day to day because she was broke. And she played it off.

"Haha, it's fine. I respect the privacy of people and I always turn it off. I only use it for some important things." He said, making her sigh in relief.

"You just turn it off like a switch huh? Must be nice knowing everything like the back of your hand." She was envious and thought all of her research would be so much easier even if she could just tap into omniscience about the things she researched about.

"Well, just discover them yourself. There's no fun in having it all instantly. Look at the noble pricks. They are insufferable because they have it all." He raised a point and she nodded.

"Heyyy! Let's go and have a swim now!" Diona called them along with the other lolis and they gestured that they'll be coming.

"I don't have clothes for swimming though, you teleported me when I was taking a bath remember?" Mona gave him the stink eye, but not that she had any swimsuits anyway.

He then snapped his fingers and Mona immediately was in a trendy swimsuit as she looked at it. (pic here)

"Woah, omnipotence must be amazing. I would've never went hungry..." She whispered the last part and was in awe of him creating something from nothing.

"Let's go. You deserve a good vacation Ms. Astrologer." He pulled her to the others swimming and she smiled. Not expecting a god to be so human. 'Umu, I guess all my hardships are meant for this moment. I met a real god and he gives me vacations.'

Kokomi was showing the lolis her prowess in swimming as she moved in the water like an aquatic creature. Making them clap and enjoy their time on their floaty. (pic here)

Ein took his shirt off and started stretching. "Alright girls, play to your heart's contents! We'll be having a nice barbecue after this!"

The lolis cheered and the others got excited. They then played until the sun started to set. And after eating, their stomachs were filled to the brim. And they felt pleasant with their little retreat.

Ein then saw Kokomi at the side looking at them with a wry smile as she observed the setting sun.

"Hmm, what are you thinking about little priestess?" He went up to her and patted her head.

"Oh, I am just thinking that a war almost broke out against Inazuma and it's making me feel complicated that I almost sent my people to die against the shogun. And seeing her look so human and playing is..." Kokomi thought that Ei was harmless while they played, but she knew that the gluttonous archon could destroy their island with just one slash of her sword.

"Ahh, that. Well, wars have been started for less. Ei did do a pretty bad job at maintaining the peace. But her and Yae aren't human. They do not care for the ideals of humans that much as they disappear after a few decades. In their point of view, humans come and go in a couple of weeks." He sighed and thought Yae and Ei sucked at domestic affairs.

"That is true isn't it? I'm just glad it didn't come to that. We would inevitably lose, I know it. But my people were getting hungry and the populace cannot bear the iron rule of Inazuma no longer. It's either die slowly, or honorably." She sighed and thought nations were troublesome.

"Well, good work though. I'll send you some nice little help for paperwork. Ganyu loves it and she's had tons of free time after using the thing. I can only imagine all the data and papers you have to go through." He smiled wryly and remembered his time in MOTH. Running COCOON in tandem with it was a royal pain. And he had to exterminate honkai beasts as well. Working 24/7.

"Thank you Ein-sama. It is much appreciated, paperwork and making all the decisions is very tiring." She sighed and thought his gift would be a life saver.

"You're still young, enjoy your life. There's so much more to it than just staying at your little shrine and working to death. You're basically the monarch here in Watatsumi, if you need a vacation. Then you get it, it's that simple. You're smart, you know who to entrust in running Watatsumi." He patted her head and Kokomi nodded.

"You're a good mix of wise and carefree Ein-sama. It's weird, you have power over Inazuma and Liyue. But you do anything you want. How do you even do it?" She was curious and wanted to be more like how he lived his life.

"Eh, just brainwash. Ahem, pay people and let them do the work for you. Monitor them for corruption and keep all the good apples. It's really simple, money makes the world go round Kokomi. It's much easier than you think. Just keep them happy and reward them for good work, punish them if they're doing something wrong. Ez pz." He laughed and Kokomi was stumped, thinking if it's really that easy.

"Well, don't worry about it for now. Just experiment on what will work. You'll get there eventually. Now, let's go back." They then went back to the shrine and Kokomi thought he was amazing. As she thought that he was right and making things too complicated would backfire on her.


They returned to the shrine and went back to their rooms. And before Ein could lie down, somebody entered. It was Ganyu that was fidgeting and had a blush on her face.

"Ein, can I stay here for a bit?" She got embarrassed and thought that she must get ahead of Tianquan and Beidou. As they surely are more confident, as well as assertive than her.

"Ganyu? You here to do a night crawl? You bad girl~ It's always the quiet ones ain't it? Well, come here. How about I make you comfortable?" He teased her, making Ganyu blush like a tomato and he put a massage table in the room.

Ganyu started to lie face down and bared her back slowly. Breathing heavily with excitement and anxiousness.

"Relax, you're too tense. Let me help you with that." He caressed her horns skillfully and she mewled softly.

He then took out scented candles to make her more relaxed and started massaging her back. "You're pretty tense Ganyu. You've been planning this for some time now aren't you?"

Ganyu stuttered and she pouted at him. "Well, if you aren't such a bad man making me do the 1st move. We won't get anywhere... Hmph." She whined and he chuckled.

"Sorry, I have tons of time on my hands and I tend to like making my girls hanging. It makes them quite aggressive. I like proactive girls you know? And if I did actively sought intimacy, you'll be bedridden." He typically waited for them to get ready as intimate moments with him was an uphill battle. Because if he had sex with them everyday, they wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

"I... I see. Then you're a beast huh? I am an adeptus though, even if only half. So I think I'll be able to satisfy you." She was getting more relaxed as she enjoyed his hands gliding on her body.

Ein chuckled and thought that the stamina freak Sushang couldn't defeat him so he just nodded and continued with his ministrations.

"Hmm, is that a wet spot I see? You're enjoying this quite much. I'm glad you enjoyed my services little Qilin~" He whispered with a husky voice as he caressed her horns and Ganyu shivered as she felt like she would melt. Her eyes glazed as she looked at him with want and desire.

"Ohh, it seems we have a visitor Ganyu." He looked at the sliding door and Ganyu was broken out of her daze as she heard very quiet footsteps.

The door opened and Shenhe entered. Looking at Ganyu with an accusing gaze. "I knew it. I thought you were acting funny. It seems that you left me behind." Shenhe's expressionless face stared at Ganyu unsettlingly and Ganyu blushed heavily with embarrassment.

"Now, now. We all came here to enjoy ourselves Shenhe, you're being too tense. How about I massage you just like Ganyu to make you relax?" He gestured for her to lie on the table and she instantly turned a 180.

"Umu, that is a good idea." She stripped immediately and her melons bounced as she made her way to the table.

He connected Ganyu's and Shenhe's senses and created ethereal hands to massage them both at the same time.

"Hmm~ This is... Nice." Shenhe started to relax and she felt wonderful.

His oiled hands glided on her back as she reached her supple legs. Working his magic as Shenhe started to feel weird.

"Ein, I feel weird and tingly. Is that okay?" She wasn't sure and Ein nodded. "That means it's going smoothly Shenhe. How about I make it feel better?" He was more assertive as Shenhe did not really care for such things as mood.

So he went to her bubble butt and caressed it with more strength. Making Shenhe mewl and Ganyu fidget from the sensation.

"Ahhh, that is much better. More, make it even better." Shenhe commented as she felt like she was melting.

So he flipped her over and started his ministrations on her chest and taut abdomen. Shenhe grunted in satisfaction and Ein finished them both by stimulating their rock hard cherries on their chests.

"Hmmm~ That was... Amazing. I want more." Shenhe looked at him with glazed eyes on her expressionless face and wanted to feel more of the addicting euphoric experience.

"I guess I'll start with the special then. Don't be too loud now." He cracked his knuckles and the two were anxious, but their excitement was greater.

*Horni time*

Ein carried them both as he put them on his lap and he started stripping Ganyu of her underwear. Making her squeak as she blushed heavily. Her panties was sticky and Ganyu got embarrassed at the display.

"I guess you should've taken that off earlier Ganyu." He chuckled and he started gliding his hands on their chests. Both of them moaned softly as they feel his touch on their nubile bodies.

His hand then snaked around and started to go down. Caressing their abdomen before reaching the prized spot.

His fingers circled around their vulva and they started releasing their slick juices like a ripe fruit.

"Ahn~ right there. It feels wonderful, what is this?" Shenhe got overwhelmed and felt her insides churn with desire. Feeling quite empty as her snatch contracted.

"That dear, is pleasure. Quite nice no? Wait a minute though, I will be giving you so much more~" He bit her ears and Shenhe leaned into him.

"Ein... Right there, I feel close." Ganyu was getting into it and she was about to finish. So he attacked their little pearls and they both gave a squeak as they tensed up and creamed his fingers.

"Nice and ready. I'll be having both of you tonight, I hope you're rested enough, because you won't be getting any sleep." He put them on his futon and they panted. Awaiting for further stimulation.

"Because you were late Shenhe, Ganyu will have to be 1st." He pinched her nipples and Shenhe nodded obediently.

Ganyu then started to climb onto his lap, wanting to be more assertive. She then fished out his cock out of his robe and pointed it at her hot and bothered pussy.

She slowly lowered herself as she moaned. And after a few seconds, Ganyu fully sheathed his dick inside her. "Ahh~ you're inside me. It's so hot. I think my insides is melting."

Ein then grasped onto her waist and lifted her up. Ganyu put her arms around his neck and locked her legs around his waist.

He started pumping her up and down in a rhythm and mewled in delight. "Yesss, I can feel you shaping me." Ganyu hissed as she released more juices to lube her up for her adversary.

Shenhe then felt left out as Ein disconnected their senses to not overwhelm them. So she went behind Ganyu and fumbled with her breasts.

"Ahh, Shenhe. Not at the same time!" Ganyu tensed up as her back arched. She couldn't resist Shenhe's attack on her nipples while she rode him. Her tight little pussy clamped down on his dick as it massaged it. Trying to milk him for his seed.

Ganyu panted and lost her strength, leaning onto Ein for support as she basked in the afterglow.

"It's my turn." Shenhe lifted her up with her great strength and put her down carefully at the mattress.

She then lied down and spread her legs. As she stared at Ein with impatience. "Ohhh, you're quite the impatient one Shenhe. You don't mind if I go a bit rougher on do you?" He smirked and Shenhe nodded. Gesturing him to quickly get on with it as she wanted to feel that euphoria again.

He lifted her legs and bent them near her torso as he mounted her for a mating press. Shenhe didn't mind being defenseless and grasped his penis. She then targeted her puckering hole awkwardly as he timed it correctly and went inside her quickly.

"Ohhh!" Shenhe was surprised and her eyes went wide. "Your thing is spreading me wide. It feels like you've pierced me deep inside, but it is pleasant." She then raised her arms and gestured for a hug.

He obliged and he hugged her tightly as Shenhe's huge melons were squished by his chest. Ein then started to move rhythmically, taking Shenhe's breath away as he hit all of her sensitive spots with ease.

"Ahh~ Ein. It's coming again, the one that happened earlier with your fingers. But it's much stronger!" Shenhe bit his shoulder as she got overwhelmed by the stimulus.

After a few moments, her vagina clamped hard. It was so tight that it could bend iron, showcasing the immense strength of her special physique.

"Hmmm! It's coming!" She squirted and Ein put Ganyu above her as she lost her strength on her arms that hugged him tightly as she came hard.

He then blew his load inside of Shenhe, making her gasp at the warm liquid that entered her womb. He wasn't done and he gave Ganyu a dose as well. "Ahh, there. Balanced, as all things should be."

Ganyu fell onto Shenhe and they heaved for breath. Their lower bodies tingling.

"Ahh, Ein. That was, amazing." Ganyu looked at him with desire and a new world was opened for her. As she never touched herself in her thousands of years, living.

She crawled up to him and gave him a deep kiss. Their tongues battling for supremacy as obscene sounds resounded in the room.

Shenhe pouted at them and went behind him. She then gave feather light kisses on his neck and an occasional lick.

He thought Shenhe was a bit lonely, so he gave her some love too and they basked in the afterglow.

"Hmm, let's do it again. I love the feeling of you being inside me." Shenhe clinged onto him and she gave a rare smile.

Ganyu didn't say anything, but she snuggled at his chest. Rubbing her horns on him like she was marking territory.

He was about to give them the special. But somebody opened the door and it was Yae, Ei, and Makoto with a tray of traditional japanese sweets on it.

They were about to thank him for his services unto Inazuma, but they were greeted by a scene they would never forget.

"Ara~ It seems sister Ganyu has stepped into the stairs of adulthood. Congratulations, you're quite a naughty girl. Losing your virginity here at Sangonomiya Kokomi's shrine." Yae teased Ganyu as she gave a look at her pussy that was dripping with his semen.

"Shut up! Not that you have experience anyways, Heh." Ganyu had a smug expression on her face and Yae was rubbed the wrong way as she narrowed her eyes.

"Ohhh? But did you satisfy him though? Look at his thing, it's still standing as tall as it began I assume. I reckon I could do a much better job than you, with experience or not." Yae smirked at Ganyu and they started arguing.

Shenhe did not simply care about them and she started massaging his dick between her breasts with pure instinct. "That's good Shenhe, continue with what you're doing." He smiled at her and patted her head, making Shenhe happy.

"Umm, we are sorry for barging in at an important moment. Come on Ei, let us go." Makoto tried pulling Ei away, but she didn't budge and she looked at Shenhe's ministrations on his dick like she was hypnotized.

"Ei! Come on and help me. We need to show Ganyu how knowledgeable women please men." Yae made an excuse and she snaked her way inside their tango. She hugged Ein's nape and squished her breasts onto him as she whispered.

"Ein-dono~ How about I please you? I promise you will never forget it." She drew circles on his chest and she thought Ein was being silent as it was very effective.

"Hmm, you really don't have experience do you? I'll give you some and you won't ever forget it. This will be the day you'll be mine." He teleported Yae to his side as she squeaked in surprise, her attack backfiring on her.

Ein then charged his fingers with electricity and enhanced Yae's senses multiple times. He licked her neck and played with her ears as his other hand entered her miko dress, pinching her nipple as she screamed in pleasure.

"Ahhn!~ Ein-sama!" Yae lost strength as she was stimulated to high heaven. And he hasn't even touched her most sensitive parts yet.

"Miko... Is it really that good?" Ei was mighty curious and she inched closer to their devil's triangle.

"Umu, Ei-sama. It felt wonderful." Ganyu nodded and she guided Ei carefully to them. Intent on roping her in for a wonderful orgy as she wanted to share the mind blowing experience.

They arrived at his other side and Ein looked at Makoto that was observing them from the side. "You ain't leaving? Watching isn't free Makoto." He smirked at her and she gulped. Ultimately, she did not leave as she felt left out and harbored feelings too. Not only reuniting her with Ei, but helping their nation as well.

"Well then, let us start." Ein connected Ei and Makoto as twins should be. He then kissed Ei softly and caressed Makoto's legs.

They felt the pleasant sensations of the flesh and thought it was amazing. Making Ganyu nod in satisfaction at their silent approval.

Meanwhile, he thought Yae should be taught a lesson not to be so smug, so he made her tails appear and 4 fluffy tails emerged from her lower back. Surprising her greatly.

"Iyannn~ not the tails!" He didn't let up and he gave an electrifying touch at the base of her tails. Playing with the spot with his amazing dexterity and she could not resist.

"Ahhh! I'm cumming! I'm going to die from this massive orgasm!" Her breath hitched and her brain blacked out from the immense pleasure as her eyes rolled. Drool coming out of her mouth, she then went slack and lost consciousness.

"Hehe~ That will teach Miko not to be so smug." Ei commented and Ein locked on to her and Makoto as his new targets.

He lied down and lifted Ei to his face. She straddled him with confidence as her Shogun persona made her more assertive.

"Hmm, you're already wet Ei. You're getting excited, what a bad girl. I guess I'll have to punish this part of you." He started stroking her wet slit as Ei did not wear any panties.

Shenhe then got a better vantage point and buried his cock with her massive melons. She licked the tip, enthusiastically. Noticing that it tasted sweet as he changed the flavor.

"Ein-sama~ Please make me feel better." Ei mewled as she noticed she wasn't doing anything. So she got down and shared with Shenhe.

Makoto was feeling what she's going through, fidgeting as she felt pressure in her loins. Ganyu was left out and she decided to make Ei feel better. Ganyu thought Ei could handle a little bit of weight and went above her. She then fondled her breasts like how Ein did it, showcasing immense memory and skills as an adeptus that fought in the archon war.

"Nice Ganyu. How about I finish you off Ei? I'll let you experience an electrifying move." He put his tongue out and it was coated with weak electricity. He licked her slit and Ei went stiff.

"Ein-sama! That's illegal! I'm... I'm!" Makoto couldn't even finish her sentence as she creamed. While Ei arched her back, cumming with her twin from his intense special.

"I ain't done yet!" He inserted his tongue inside Ei's slick pussy and it vibrated. It then elongated as he attacked all of her sensitive spots with pinpoint accuracy and precision.

"Ahhh! I can't feel my legs! I'm going to cum again!" Ei gritted her teeth and her orgasm exploded right on his face. As he came as well from Shenhe's ministrations.

He then felt like they were sufficiently lubed up and ready to go. So he made tentacles and suspended the shell shocked Yae in the air.

"Let this be an experience Yae, false bravado will get you in trouble." He smiled evilly and Yae that gained her wits got anxious. The tentacles then started playing with her nipples and she felt them immediately.

One tentacle then transformed to have a suction and latched onto her clit. While 4 more coiled around her tails and started massaging them skillfully.

"Nooo! I'm cumming nonstop! Please! I'll go crazy!" She couldn't escape and her pleas fell on deaf ears.

He then lined up Ei in front of her as she was already in front of him and he lifted Makoto up. She gave off a little cute yelp as he mounted her on his shoulders.

"Maybe I should put you both in eternal pleasure? Ei likes it so much after all." Ein started to snake his tongue around Makoto and he rolled around her clit with his fingers.

Shenhe lined up his dick on Ei's dripping wet pussy as he thrusted. Making the twins shout from the pleasure.

And because they were made of tough stuff, he went ham on them and made his rod vibrate just at the right frequency that would give the maximum pleasure for Ei. And he doubled it with him pressing the attack on Makoto's dripping snatch.

"Ahhh! I'm melting! My body is melting! Dear Celestia!" Makoto screamed for dear life as she came nonstop with Ei.

Ei however, could only try to catch her breath as she got railed from behind. The carnal pleasure too much for her to bear.

He didn't let Ganyu and Shenhe hanging and connected them with Ei and Makoto. Ganyu squeaked as she put a hand on her mouth. Not wanting to scream in pleasure. While Shenhe had the time of her life and played with her clit. Wanting to cum nonstop as her aggression heightened.

"Take it all Ei!" Makoto's legs clamped on his neck so his hands were free. He grasped on Ei's hips and thrusted balls deep. Releasing his searing hot semen inside of her.

"Hmmm! Ein-sama's seed! Give it to me!" Her godly pussy greedily took his semen and she went unconscious from the stimulation.

Ein then sat down and gave another shot to Makoto as he speared her down on his rock hard cock. She screamed with delight and hugged him tightly.

Lightning dangerously arced around as he insulated Ei and Makoto's burst of power. As they lost control and it threatened to blow the shrine away.

The twins went limp and the two panted for air. "Hah, I guess that was too electrifying." He looked at Miko that still currently received his punishment and she looked at her masters with a mix of jealousy and pleasure, drunk on it as the tentacles stimulated her to the max.

"Come here Yae." She couldn't muster strength so she lied face down and her tails swayed with excitement.

"Forgive me Ein-sama, please bestow this lowly priestess with your cock!" She burned with desire and was able to wag her ass.

"Umu, you are forgiven. Then you shall be rewarded for your loyalty." He lined his rod on her dripping slit and didn't go slow.

"Ahhn!~ Thank you very much master!" She screamed as she came immediately, her mythical pussy like a vice.

He went to town and the floor creaked violently. The room shaked and he needed to fortify the floor or they will break it.

He gripped her tails and used them as handles. She moaned loudly in pleasure as she imagined this for some time now.

"Yesss! Yes! Fuck me harder! This priestess is yours!" Her ears twitched and he slapped her ass cheeks, they rippled and Yae's pussy tightened. Liking it rough.

She enjoyed the rough-housing and experienced mind blowing orgasms that her fingers couldn't give her.

"How about we take it up a notch?" She heard his words and she nodded excitedly. Ein then willed a second appendage and it entered her puckering ass without delay. Making her gasp and suck in a deep breath.

"Fuck! You're conquering me fully! Take me!" She prepared herself and he rammed her full force. And she was left as a stuttering mess, completely out of it with a fuck drunk face on.

Ein then released his huge load in her ass and pussy at the same time. Making Yae give a grunt as she couldn't speak anymore.

"I, I didn't know Miko was such a freak." Ei remembered it dearly and would tease her about it later.

Ein then got tapped on his shoulder as Shenhe pushed him down. She was panting heavily and her murderous intent passed on to her libido. Her pussy dripping with want.

"Ein~ I can't take it much longer..." She was losing control and he reversed their positions easily with a smirk. "Oh you would be getting what you want Shenhe, I can do this all day." He made tentacles specifically for stimulating clits and made a one way connection with the others to Shenhe.

He then stimulated them all at the same time and Shenhe lost her breath. Immediately losing as she came non stop.

"We've got a long time before sunrise. And I'm not letting up as I know you can all take it." He then started the cycle once again. Ruining them completely for others as they drowned in carnal pleasure.


The sun shone in their room and everybody was a panting mess. Their hair messy, bodies coated with cum and sweat. As Ein stretched and glowed.

"Ahhh, a beautiful sunrise. You girls were quite valiant, but nobody can beat me you know?" He chuckled as they looked at him like he was a beast.

They then cleaned up and gathered at the dining hall for breakfast. Kokomi and Ayaka stole glances at them as japanese buildings weren't exactly soundproof. The two young girls blushed heavily as they saw the glowing faces of the others.

Mona glared at Ein with a blush on her face as she couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. "Couldn't you be any louder!? We're in a shrine for goodness' sake!" She chided them and Ein smiled at her.

"Gods don't need permission to do something Mona. You should already know that." He shrugged and Mona sighed heavily. Knowing that she would not win.

Yae and Shenhe clinged onto him as they received the most amount of 'love' and the group ate breakfast like they didn't disrupt the sleep of everyone present.

"Ein-nii, why were the nee-chan's shouting fuck me? And fill me up?" Klee asked as Diona and Qiqi nodded, they wanted to know and Yae sweated nervously along with Ei, Ganyu, and Makoto.

Shenhe was about to answer, but Ganyu put a hand on her mouth immediately and she gave a wry smile. "It's something adults do when they really love each other. Ask Kaeya when you go back to Mondstadt okay? He knows what it is and he'll explain it to you. Oh, and only ask if all the girls in the order are there okay? And Qiqi, ask Ningguang." Ein redirected it to someone else as usual and Kaeya sneezed while fighting off some slimes.

"There is a disturbance. I can feel my hairs standing on end. Something wrong is gonna happen, I can feel it."

Ganyu knew who that is and she could only pray for his soul. While she apologized in her heart for his antics to the Tianquan.


Everybody then went back to their respective nations with souvenirs of the Krakken he killed on his and Beidou's date. Ein was now back on Liyue, he felt that the weather is nice and went on a walk.

He saw an establishment called Yanshang teahouse, so he decided to have a nice cup of afternoon tea while he was there.

The guards looked at each other, as they knew him as one of the unofficial Qixing. Isekai walmart was an unshakeable establishment in Liyue and he was deemed a VVIP immediately.

The receptionist saw him and the infamous rude girl immediately bowed down. As she knew that Ein was not only probably an adeptus. But a kingpin as well, taking over Liyue by storm.

"Hello, welcome to Yanshang tea house. Please have a seat and order whatever you like." He nodded and went on an empty seat, he then observed the surroundings and immediately knew that the place was a hidden casino.

He caught someone's eye and her verdant green eyes locked onto him. As she wanted to get more information about him.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here yet. I'm Yelan, nice to meet you." The easy going woman greeted him and he nodded. (pic here)

"I'm Ein, it's also nice to meet you Yelan." He smiled and was curious what she wanted from him.

"I know we only just met, but you know what this place is. How about a bet? If I win, you need to answer any question I ask. If you do, I'll do whatever you want, no questions asked." She smiled at him fiercely and Ein raised a brow.

"You sure? You're going to lose." Ein smirked at her and Yelan laughed. "You don't know me do you? Well, I don't mean to brag. But I've never lost on a game before. So how about it Ein?"

"Sure, don't say that I didn't warn you." He shrugged and Yelan took out a pair of dice.

"Pick a number. Closest to them wins. I pick 6." She started shaking them in a cup and Ein raised two fingers. He knew she was going to cheat, seeing the strings that were not so invisible for him. So he manipulated causality and whatever happens, the dice would result in 2.

She smirked and put down the cup on the table. She then closed her eyes and raised it, completely sure of victory. As she did not notice anything wrong and he for sure did not cheat like her.

"Too bad, it seems I win. Don't worry, I'm just curious about some things." She exuded smug energy. But Ein knocked on the table with a smile.

"I don't know about you, but the dice clearly shows 2. Tough luck." He gave a smug smile and Yelan was shocked. Everybody in the establishment went quiet and thought he would lose for sure.

"Now, now, what should I make you do? You did say anything goes~" He smirked and Yelan was still shocked out of her mind.

"I guess I'll just cash on it later. See you later, Yelan~" His tea just arrived and he paid. Quickly leaving the premises.

"Wh-what? But he didn't even do anything to the dice... What in the world." She slumped down and now, a person that could surely track her down could make her do anything that he wished.

"Hmmm, he's more interesting than I thought. A worthy adversary, maybe I should cash in on one of Tianquan's favors to get out of this sticky situation." She vowed to know more about him and win next time. As the mysterious owner of Isekai Walmart plagued her mind.


Thanks for reading everyone, Yelan has appeared and I think she would have a pretty good dynamic with Ein. She is reckless and a daredevil. So the supposed master of bondage would be tied up later 😏 Anyways, ciao.