
Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

He was reincarnated into a world teeming with dangers and tragedies... as an ordinary person. Clearly, Adam seemed destined to live the life of cannon fodder, doomed to perish at the slightest hint of danger. Until.... [Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Room] His only hope arrived in the form of the Chat Room, a mysterious connection linking him with individuals from various dimensions and universes. Some were familiar faces... others were completely unknown. It wasn't the most powerful cheat he could have wished for, but he had to make do with what he got. At least now, Adam had a chance to grow stronger and protect himself from the threats in this perilous world. And maybe... just maybe... he could venture beyond his own world and explore the vast Omniverse. ----- Tags: Chat Room, Gray-MC, Harem, Mature, Multiverse, OP-MC, World-Hopping Worlds: Honkai Impact 3rd(Main), Tensura, Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? , High School DxD, Konosuba, Marvel, DDLC Visited: RWBY ------ AN: This is a power fantasy, harem-seeking fiction. It is also my first fan fiction/novel so you shouldn't expect much The only thing I promise is a neutral MC and NOT a Pokemon-like harem. There will be romance and Adam won't be overpowered from the get-go, he will have to work for his own powers, and use them smartly Disclaimer: All rights belong to their respective creators, I'm just using them to create my own story. I do not own the cover, if the creator of it wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the latest chapters

AdamFlores · 漫画同人
103 Chs

Battle against a 'dragon'

The cold, night air whispered through the desolate landscape as Adam's devil wings materialized with a silent intensity, propelling him into the heavens at breakneck speed.

"Great Sage: Sage link" he murmured, a seamless connection forming between his consciousness and [Great Sage], bathing his eyes in a radiant golden hue.

The Alpha Stigma activated, empowering him with the ability to scrutinize the ancient Grimm dragon before him.

"Grimm are magical constructs," he muttered, delving deep into the creature's essence, dissecting its very existence.

However, his curiosity outweighed his awe, disappointed by the wyvern-like appearance that betrayed the grandeur of an ancient Grimm.

It was his first time seeing an ancient Grimm up close, so he was a little curious. Ancient Grimm are supposed to be old and very powerful, but looking at this specific creature up close, the silver-haired boy wasn't impressed. He was especially disappointed that this one isn't even considered a 'dragon'

It was more like a wyvern, really

Before he could voice his thoughts, the dragon-wyvern struck with wisdom, slashing its claws towards him.

Reacting with unparalleled agility, Adam utilized [Thought Acceleration], avoiding the attack with an ethereal move of his metaphysical wings

Glowing in a golden-blue Aura, he teleported a few meters away with his semblance

Flapping his wings once again, Adam rushed forward to try and touch the Grimm, attempting to activate his Herscher powers quickly in order to corrupt it as an experiment


Just as he was about to touch it, the dark creature flicked its tail towards him with unusual force

With [Though Acceleration], he easily reacted, violently flapping his metaphysical wings, moving out of the tail's trajectory

Teleporting a few meters away, he grasped forward as he harnessed his telekinetic prowess, starting to utilize Psionics in this battle

An invisible almost forcefield-like pressure descended on the creature, ensnaring the wyvern in place. Holding this dark creature stationary in the air with one arm, a bright snowy light erupted from his body, the light pulsing brightly as a uminous frost gathered in his palm

The dragonic Grimm struggled in its place, trying to break free of his telekinesis

Clenching the frosting light in his palm, Adam pulled his hand back, looking ready to throw something

He clenched his other hand, eliciting a pained yelp from the dragon as the pressure around it squeezed harder. And as the wyvern groaned in pain pathetically, he released it upon the creature with a swift motion


The wind was displaced as the projectile flew through the air, his accuracy being precise as he hit his target

As the condensed ball of ice hit the dragon, it exploded in a dazzling white light. And after that, the dragon's pitch-black scales started transforming into an unusual white color


Roaring in pain, Its body rapidly froze from the point of impact as the dragon roared unwillingly and struggled against the ethereal restrains even harder, the explosion of ice transforming the dark exterior into a dazzling white, the blue light seemingly purifying the once ominous being.

Teleporting in front of the restrained dragon, Adam's slowly transforming eyes fixed upon its gaze.


He commanded, his calm voice resonating in the atmosphere with authority as his golden eyes transformed into draconic slits


The dragon froze, both literally and metaphorically as it made eye contact with Adam's golden slitted pupils that were glowing intensely with unbridled power

... And then, the ancient Grimm yielded and stopped struggling, accepting its fate and acknowledging its defeat at the hands of a superior force

Putting his palm on the Grimm's snout, the creature tensed its body, but it didn't make any rush moves

"Good" His satisfied voice followed as he saw the dragon surrendering

Despite its nature as a Grimm, this one was still made after a dragon. And dragons, while greedy and powerful, will naturally surrender to a superior opponent when defeated

And now this Grimm, even though it met a far stronger opponent than itself, it would still not surrender, but.... Adam's race is somewhat special

[Race: Immortal High Human (Dragon-blooded)]


With a familiar chant, Adam initiated the devouring process, a vortex of darkness consuming the once-menacing creature

The Teigu Incursio from Akame ga Kill was made out of a dragon- one dangerous dragon that could adapt to external factors, rapidly at that. Devouring this tegu also granted Adam this ability, not only that, it also made his nature partly draconic

Although not by much, as being a Herscher makes other race changes more difficult. Now that he is a High human and a Herscher, his humanity is not easily overwritten, even if that race was Devils or Angels

"Maybe I need to go find Ophis and get her snakes.... Or go to Tensura and obtain a True Dragon Factor...." He muttered to himself, pondering his option for a potential race change

Sure, he is quite nostalgic about his current race as he was a human in both of his lives, but Adam would never pass up the chance to become something more- even if it meant becoming something else other than a human

.... He still wants a human form, though. Having a human form is too convenient....

Closing his eyes, Adam digested the information [Great Sage] obtained from completely analyzing the Dragon Grimm, and after that, he used [Gluttony] to completely devour it

Cinder's turn hasn't come yet. She is still alive because he has some plans for her, and she is also a good battery for him

He can devour her Aura to increase his own Aura reserves, which also subsequently improves the integrity of his soul. Although the amount needed to make a significant increase is large, it is still better than nothing

Even better is that Aura is a renewable source of energy that will continue to be produced as long as he lets the black-haired woman recover

.... Should he put all of Remnant's population in his stomach, unlock their Aura, and then continuously devour their Aura for all eternity until his soul becomes very powerful....?

'Where did that come from...?'

Adam muttered as he quickly shook his head to remove these thoughts from his mind. He didn't even know what led him to this train of dangerous thoughts

.... Although he is indifferent to people he doesn't know, that doesn't mean he is a monster. Depriving an entire world out of its population and using it only as a battery is very sinister

Besides.... How would the other members react if Adam did something like that? He knows Rimuru would definitely hate him if he did that, and Rias would obviously want to sever her ties with him and not have any more interactions with him

As for the spider....? Well, her soul is a fragment of D's, and that evil goddess has done worse things than that. Besides, D would definitely enjoy what he did, and she would also want to reward him

Monika...? Better not mention her, the morals and values she holds onto are questionable

"Haaah" Adam sighed tiredly, knowing that there was no point in continuing this train of sinister thoughts anymore

It seemed that becoming a Devil, even if it didn't overwrite his current race, still slightly changed his mentality and morals

"Now let's meet up with Rias and Rimuru...." Seeing that his job was done and he successfully saved Pyrrha, the silver-haired boy decided to rendezvous with Rias and Rimuru, the primary mission having seemingly been accomplished

Yet, Just as he was about to rush off, a peculiar sight drew his attention

With his race that is a combination of a High Human, Herscher, Devil and dragon, he naturally has better senses, eyesight included. And although he was aware of it with his [Magic Sense], it still surprised him when he saw it in real life


Looking intently at the broken tower, Adam shifted his glowing blue eyes toward the figures of two girls who were in an emotional discussion

More specifically, his attention was attracted to the person who was currently looking at Pyrrha with a concerned expression on her face

That specific person was a fair-skinned young girl with silver eyes and neck-length black hair with red tips.

She appeared to be wearing a black dress consisting of a long-sleeved blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, over which is a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a matching skirt with red lining and a red petticoat.

She also sported a pair of thick black tights that faded to red near the bottom, and black combat boots with red laces, red trims around the top, and red soles.

Her outfit was topped by a red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulders by cross-shaped pins. Her emblem appears as a large silver buckle on her wide black belt, which was slung around her hips.

"So that's what a protagonist looks like in real life? Doesn't seem like much at first glance..." He spoke his thoughts out loud

.... Adam didn't count Kiana in that 'protagonist' section- Kiana's 'protagonist aura' brings more tragedies to the people around her, as opposed to the 'plot armor' of other protagonists that guarantees their success in whatever they try and do, even if it is an absurd task

Being the protagonist of the 'anime' RWBY, Ruby Rose should obviously be special, yet... she isn't

To be honest, Pyrrha looks more like a protagonist than Ruby. Because except for her silver eyes that can shout out beams of light, she doesn't have anything else going on for her

But then again... Magic eyes that can disintegrate dark creatures? Although they come at a cost, he still wants them as they are quite cool

"Why not?"

After saying that, his vision blurred as his surroundings suddenly changed

Shaking his head, Adam cleared away the dizzying aftereffects of sudden teleportation

Sure, his mind isn't considered 'human' anymore, but that doesn't mean he is exempt from the side effects of teleporting countless times in such a short amount of time

Turning off [Thought Acceleration], the world started flowing at normal speed from his perspective once again. And when that happened, he found himself behind the normally energetic black-haired girl who was rapidly apologizing to the red-haired girl opposite of her

Adam raised his hand, his palm grasping the hair of one Ruby Rose as he prepared himself


The silver-eyed protagonist yelped in a mix of pain and surprise as he pulled a strand of her hair without any mercy

"Wha-? You?!"

Pyrrha, the redhead who noticed him, expressed in surprise as her eyes widened

Pyrrha is a battle-seasoned warrior, she should have obviously noticed Adam the moment he appeared behind Ruby... But the accumulation of fatigue as a result of her battle with Cinder left her physically and mentally exhausted

Then again, Adam always hides his presence. As a result of caution, he has suppressed his Aura and magic so enemies with that kind of perception don't notice him easily

"I saved your life....." He trailed off as Ruby turned her body in his direction

"Eh-!? Who are you-!?"

"As payment, I shall take the DNA of Ruby Rose" Interrupting the protagonist's questioning speech, he said in a neutral tone of voice as he stared at the green eyes of Pyrrha

Spreading his Aura outwards, he glowed in a mostly golden light as he prepared to teleport away with his semblance


Just as he was about to teleport away, Pyrrha stopped him

Now, he could still teleport away regardless, but.... Adam respects Pyrrha, her act of bravely heading into a battle despite knowing full well she is going to die moved him

It is something worthy of respect. Because the silver-haired boy knows that, if he didn't have Immortality, he would never make the same choice if he was in the same situation as this girl in front of him

"What?" Tilting his head to the side, he asked her as he finished his inner monologue

Pyrrha hesitated for a moment "Who are you?"

"... You can call me Ancestor"

Taking a deep breath, Pyrrha regarded him with grateful eyes "Thank you… Ancestor."

Earning an unexpected expression of gratitude from Pyrrha, Adam looked at her with a weird expression on his face, surprised at her words

"Don't thank me, I didn't do it for free"

Shaking his head, he glanced at Ruby who was still looking at them with nervous eyes, opening and closing her mouth countless times as she was hesitant about whether she should speak

".... But you are welcome"

Responding to her words with a slight smile, that is the last thing the golden eyed boy said to her as he vanished from view, teleporting away with his semblance






As you can see, my talent in writing fighting scenes is quite meager, but I hope it was at least passable

Regardless, I still hope you enjoyed this chapter

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