I like reading and writing fiction, obviously..................................................................patreon.com/AncestorAdamFlores
Huh.... Yeah, you got a point.
I'm talking about the Re: Zero arc of my honkai fic. Because discussing and talking about Re:Zero... Even about another fic, would help keep me motivated and full of inspiration towards my fanfiction. Oh... And also... I haven't watched season 3, unfortunately. However, I do recall that in the tea party with Subaru and Echidna, all the other witches basically showed up. So they should be sealed together, or at least very close, right?
Hmmmmmmm.... Well, I'd smash a demoness..... So.... You know......
That means I also cooked a fine cliffhanger. Which is something every Author must learn to do
Thank you, Kaiser_kun.
Adam will just give her a nickname. It would simply be 'Raiden'. Not particularly creative, but it's simple and describes her well
I can't, I'm too busy cooking for final exams
This isn't pog, Tokinada.... I wanted Audrey, Lilith, or some mommy evernight art...... Not this freaking guy!
Hmmmmm.....Well, the Re:zero arc is quite far away.... At least I don't think it will appear before I finish finals. Or perhaps, after finals, we could talk about it more in depth, and while I work on normal chapters... I could also potentially write the Re:zero arc ahead and release it when the time comes? I think I could certainly do so, as I'm pretty much graduating from high school. I won't have anything else to do in summer. So when I finish them, we could start discussing it. And I would be digesting it and listing down the ideas that came out, or writing them, while also maintaining my upload schedule. I mean, we could also do the option you prefer now. But just know that I'm also going to keep 'my distance', so to speak. I won't reply in long paragraphs and won't overthink things too deeply. I would do this so I don't get too immersed in our discussions and it doesn't affect my actual writing. Uh, I do think this would be a bit unfair to you, but I can't really do anything about this. You can choose however you want, I won't particularly mind... But those deeper discussions that are about the deep lore of Re:zero should be kept to a minimum if you choose to continue discussing stuff now.
Damn.... Halved Gojo (Get it?) is spreading everywhere Also, is there a Koko? Joko? Moco? Mojo!?