
Chapter 16

The couple gets to the gym an hour before the fight.

Antonio turns to Sienna, "I'm going to get ready. I'll see you later" He kisses her lips and disappears.

Sienna sits down on one of the chairs, all alone in the gym when Jay walks in.

"Hey goofy girl, why are you being a loner?"

She grins and hugs him, "Antonio's getting amped up before the game. What are you doing here so early?"

He shrugs, "I was bored, knew you'd be here. Can I borrow you for a minute?"

"Of course" She jumps on his back and together they leave the gym to stand outside.

He let her down on her feet, "I did something"



She gives him a stern look, "What about her?"

He sighs, "Turns out, we're still married. She called me this morning and invited me to go out to a bar so we did and she told me. She's getting married again but told me that if I say the word she'll leave him and come back to me"

The blonde scoffs, "Please tell me you're not considering that"

The look on Jay's face confirms her suspicions, "You are?"

"Hear me out Si; that girl really likes me and we had fun times. Erin's never gonna happen"

She gives him a look that screams, 'are you out of your mind'

"You married her at a funeral in Vegas because you were both drunk outta your minds. That was never a marriage, Jay."

He scoffs, "I don't need this"

When he turns to leave, she curses under her breath and grabs his arm. "I don't like her, I never did but if you want to pursue this then I'll have your back. Just make sure this is what you want."

Jay smiles at her, "you going to trust me on this?"

She nods, "You know if you do this thing with Abby, then you can kiss Erin goodbye. I know you think it's over with her but I know that she still loves you and I know you still love her"

He looks angry as he paces back and forth, "I hate when you're right."

She kisses him on the cheek, "Whatever you decide, I've got your back Jay"

"Come on" Jay whispers throwing an arm around her shoulder, "Let's go watch Antonio beat the shit out of the fireman."

When they walk in the place is filled with people. She and Jay sit in the front row with Kim and Adam. Erin walks in a bit later and while she and Jay exchange awkward looks she still sits down next to Sienna.

Mouch gets on the stage to deliver his speech. First to go out is Antonio, the entire PD cheers for him and then Jimmy comes out.

Sienna stands up before the two are supposed to fight and whispers in Antonio's ear,

"A dark blue teddy waiting for you if you win Dawson" She gives him a smirk and sits down again. Erin is laughing at the look on Antonio's face

"What did you tell him?"

She giggles, "Just a little reminder of what's going to happen if he wins"

Her grin is big, "You play dirty"

"I know" She smirks brightly. Antonio throws her a wink right before the fight begins.


The detective smirks as he exits the gym. Sienna is waiting for him outside and immediately pounces on him. "You're my hero"

"I believe there's a dark blue teddy waiting for me back at your apartment?"

"Come with me" She grabs his hand and leads him to his car laughing when he wraps his arms around her. He peppers her neck with warm, wet kisses.


Antonio has a mischievous smirk on his face all the way into the apartment Sienna shares with Jay. He's currently at Molly's with Abby to discuss whatever they need to discuss.

She pushes him down on her bed and crawls over to him. "Wait for me right here."

She goes into the bathroom and pulls on the dark blue teddy. She checks her hair and reapplies her makeup before spraying on perfume.

She pulls on her black heels she knows drives him crazy and then walks out of the bathroom. Antonio's still in the same place she left him but the moment he sees her he's on his feet gulping like a fish out of water.

"Sit down detective" She purrs pushing him gently down on the bed. "I'm taking care of you tonight"

She straddles his waist, leaning down to whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

She unbuttons his shirt while peppering kisses on his chest. "You looked so damn sexy tonight fighting against Jimmy."

Antonio's grin spread across the entire room as she goes down on him.


As the girls are getting ready for the Bachelorette party at a dance club, the guys are taking Antonio to Molly's. They rented out the place for the Bachelors.

Sienna's dressed in a little black dress, her blonde hair is curled, her make up smoky. She's ready for her last night of freedom.

While the girls are getting ready together in Gabby's apartment, they are also drinking their fourth bottle of champagne. The girls, consisting of Gabby; Sienna; Erin; Natalie and Maggie are ready to go clubbing.

"God, I feel like I am 21 again" Sienna grins as they get into the cab.

"I haven't dressed up in such a long time. I wish we could do this every night" Sylvie mentions

"To LITE Chicago my good man" Gabby slurs to the cab driver. He throws an amused smirk their way and drives the girls off. While in the cab, Maggie throws a sash over Sienna's body that read 'almost married'


Drinks are flowing, music is pumping. The girls are all dancing in a group, surrounded by hundreds of party-goers.

"I'm going to get another drink" Natalie says. The girls know they should probably not drink anymore but none of them have work tomorrow and Sienna, like she so kindly said earlier, will only marry once.

"I'm coming with you" Erin says leaving the rest of the girls on the dance floor still pumping to the music.

"Two more days before you're getting married girl!" Maggie yells out.

"I know" She screeches back with a wide glossy grin on her face.

The club closes at one so the girls all go back to the apartment to finally play the bachelorette questionnaire Erin and Gabby created for Sienna.

She has to answer all the questions the girls ask that Antonio also had to answer a few days earlier. If the answer differs from Antonio's, she has to drink a shot.

"I have the shots" Gabby sings as they enter the apartment. "Let's do this"

"Must I really drink?" The blonde doctor whines, "I think I'm maxed out"

"You don't have a choice" Maggie shakes her head as she switches on the TV. She put the USB into the TV for Antonio's video to play.

"There's my baby!" Sienna beams at the screen.

"Okay Si, sit down and let's get this party started" Natalie beams

"I think this party has already started" Erin counters causing the girls to laugh. They all grab a glass of Margherita they prepared earlier and sit down in the living room.

Gabby explains the rules to Sienna and then presses play on the video.

Maggie pause the TV before Antonio's answer could be heard. "Now, you answer."

Sienna grins, "Uh, he uh, looked shock if I can recall."

The nurse plays the video,

Sienna cheers as the girls all laugh loudly. "Well done. Next question" Natalie beams

"That's easy" Sienna exclaims, "At the district. I came to surprise Jay"

"Don't get too cocky Si, the questions are getting harder now." Erin laughs

Sienna laughs as Antonio's eyes widen. Of course Maggie won't ask what their first and second dates are - they talk about that a lot and Tony, the stuffed dolphin, is a constant reminder of their first date.

"We went to the gym for the first time. It was a week after our second date two years ago"

Antonio stammers,

"Wow, he almost put his ass in a dog box" Erin laughs. "Three more questions left"

"Tread carefully Dawson" Gabby mumbles causing the girls to laugh.

"My biggest flaw..." Sienna doesn't even hesitate, "I'm OCD"

"That she is" Natalie rolls her eyes with a smirk

Sienna gasps, "How could he?"

The girls laugh, "Poor Antonio's in the dog box now" Gabby yells out.

"Sienna, drink that shooter" Natalie encourages her.

She sulks and downs the bitter taste of the Tequila.

Sienna grins drunkenly, "I'm always talking to him when he's watching TV. He annoys me the most when he replies to a paragraph text with one freaking word"

The girls all laugh, "Antonio hates his phone" Gabby says

Antonio laughs on the TV, he continues,

"Oh, that's a good one. I always have to wash the dishes at his apartment." She rolls her eyes and downs the shot.

The girls laugh, "Last one now!"

Sienna grins, "I think it was 8 months in maybe? He told me he loved me at a restaurant we went to. He was looking at me when I told him what happened at work and he just said he loved me before I could finish my sentence"

"That's so cute" Erin exclaims.

"Let's see what Tony said" Maggie press play on the video.

All the girls coo and Sienna grins as Natalie pours her the last shot.

"I'll happily drink this one."