
Chapter 17

When Friday comes she can finally go home and take a long hot bath instead of the hospital's crappy shower. Her on-call is finally over for another month. It was a long but exhilarating week.

On Saturday it's time for Antonio's boxing tournament at his gym. Roman against 51's candidate, Jimmy.

Antonio is with Jay and the guys at Molly's but Sienna is too exhausted to go to the bar. She's off on Saturday so she's going to see everyone at the gym the next day.

After popping in an already-made lasagne in the oven, she grabs a blanket and switches on a movie. Once her food's done, she sprawls out on the couch.

Her phone vibrates next to hers with a call from Gabby. She pauses the movie and answers the call.

"Hey Gabriella Dawson"

Sienna chuckles, "I'm sure a silver-glove like you can train Jimmy for Antonio."

Gabby groans,

The blonde laughs, "Babe I'm all team-Antonio."

Gabby drawls out in mock-whine.

"Antonio gives me slutty sex. There's no competition." She laughs, "I will, however, come to the gym tomorrow before the game to give Jimmy some tips if you'd like"

Sienna chuckles, "I'll see you tomorrow Gabs"


She falls asleep on the couch after her third movie, only waking up when lips press against her forehead followed by Jay's voice:

"Come on couch potato, time for bed" Jay yells in her ear. She hears Antonio's chuckle as arms lift her into a muscular body.

When she finally opens her eyes she sees Jay standing in front of her which means she's resting snuggly in Antonio's arms.

"You were snoring so loud" Jay murmurs

"Ugh, I was not." She sticks her tongue out. "Did you guys drink Molly's dry?"

"We're not you" Antonio quips letting her down on her feet, "Let's go to bed snoozy"

She kisses Jay's cheek and bids him goodnight before going to her room.

"Hey, I heard you're competing against CFD tomorrow?" She asks Antonio when he walks into the room, her toothbrush hanging carelessly in her mouth. The detective smirks, "I guess Gabby blabbed."

"Are you gonna go easy on him?" Her mouth waters as she watches him undress

"Not a chance in hell baby" She spits out the toothpaste and joins Antonio in the shower.


Antonio wakes her up by accident at 7 am to go to work. She tries her best to fall asleep again but after turning for the 15th time she gives up and goes for a run. Then, breakfast at Starbucks.

She drives off to the gym to find some of the guys of CFD training Jimmy. He's in the ring with one of Antonio's trainers.

She cringes when Jimmy goes down with one punch.

"Tell me you're here to give Jimmy some pointers to use against Antonio" Cruz asks her throwing an arm around her shoulder. Sienna laughs, "Like I told Gabby, I'm team Antonio"

"You suck Sienna" Gabby calls out causing her to laugh

"I have something you can use if you feel like you need it Jimmy."

"Oh yeah?" The candidate raises an eyebrow

"Just casually mention the dark blue teddy in my closet. That'll throw him off his game"

Everyone cackles

"Nice" Herrmann drawls out. He looks a lot better than when she last saw him just before she discharged him.

Jimmy smirks, "I won't need it but thanks"

"Suit yourself" She grins


She gets a call from Rhodes three hours before the fight to meet him at the hospital. She agrees quickly and leaves the gym.

"Hey" She grins when she finds him at the ER station. "What's up?"

"Sorry to bother you on your off day. I just need your help"

Sienna nods, "Of course. What's up?"

"Not here" Connor murmurs pointing to an empty trauma room.

Connor sighs as he closes the door, "What I'm telling you now is because you're my friend, not my superior"

"Alright" Sienna agrees immediately.

The doctor sighs, "My resident had a solo surgery yesterday. I observed from the distance like we're supposed to. It was a gallbladder surgery – you know, nothing hard. Everything was fine until the patient developed sepsis three days after the surgery."

"Why is he septic?"

"Dumb resident left a sponge. I should have checked his vitals. I should have observed from a close range" He continues beating himself up.

"No Connor, we're supposed to stay on the sidelines and let them figure it out. That's how we were trained and that's how future doctors will be trained"

Connor nods, "Now as my superior?"

"I'm set on what I just said. But the hospital will be forced to take action if the family sues over malpractice. Unfortunately, because you're the attending they will take action directly on you and not on your resident."

"I was afraid of that" He sighs kicking over a trolley in anger. "What must I do?"

"You did exactly what you were supposed to do – talk to your department chief. I'll go tell Goodwin, but I'd love if you'd come with me and your resident."

"Yeah okay, I'll page him."

After the resident hurried into the trauma room the three of them walked off to Sharon's office. They talked to her; Connor and his resident explained the situation to her. Connor's resident is suspended until further notice like Sharon had said he's lucky he's not fired.

"Thanks" Connor squeezes her shoulder when they leave the office, "I'm so fucking relieved I'm not suspended or fired, I almost don't feel bad that my resident is"

She chuckles, "I know that's not true. Are you coming to the battle of the badges tonight?"

He grins, "Wouldn't miss it. I'll see you later Si"

She bids him goodbye and leaves the hospital.

She goes back to the gym to box a little before the battle tonight. Jake, one of Antonio's trainers, is ordering men around.

"Hey Si" He grins when she waves but continues ordering them around. She spots Ryan, another trainer, exiting Antonio's office.

"Hey Ry, mind if I box a little?"