
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · 奇幻言情
34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three

That little word that came out of the lips of that little baby, was enough to cause an earthquake in the hospital. The little girl full of wisdom, looked Omar in the eye and called him 'Dada' . What made her say that? Ilham was as awed as Omar. He couldn't tear his eyes off her.

"You have to go. Please just leave and don't come back. Please!" Ilham pleaded. This was too much for her to contain. He should never have come back. She didn't like all that was going on now. If her baby, believed that Omar was her father, then this would be serious. It could cause Omar his marriage and cause her, her sanity.

"Baby please. Don't shut me out. I know I hurt you but please. I need you more than ever. I beg of you please " he went on his knees before her and pleaded. This scene wasn't right. Should anyone see this, rumours would spread and the pain will come back again. Tear flowed down her eyes as she stared at him in misery. The baby in her hand suddenly begun crying. It was obvious it was crying because it's mother was crying. She had to put it together for her baby Huda. She wiped her eyes dry, and gently cooed the baby to normal.

"Please leave Omar. I don't want you to create a scene. Just, please go. Please " she implored. He saw in her eyes the misery, pain, agony and hurt she was going through and it was all because of him. If he hadn't goofed up, she probably would have been his.

The emotions shrouded in her eyes told him all. He had to leave in order for her to regain her sanity. For the sake of the baby in her hand. He got up but not without giving her a passionate kiss. She was submissive and it was like all this that was happening was but a mere dream. He whispered before giving her a peck on the cheek

"I'll always love you Ily. Always "

He turned to walk away when the baby begun crying, even louder than ever. He tiny arms were raised up go his figure, as though she knew he was leaving and didn't want him to go. Ilham was weakened by what this baby did. She subconsciously handed the bundle of joy to Omar who took her gratefully. He smiled at her and gently whispered.

"Hey little one. I'm Omar and I'll be your future dada okay? Tell your Mama, that Dada loves her so much and even though he screws up, he still loves her like the first time. Be a good girl to Mama and wait for me, because very soon, Dada is going to win Mama back and we're going to be very happy together " the bundle of joy giggled obviously happy about what Omar said.

Ilham was in tears as she watched this beautiful scene. Omar looked up at her and smiled. He walked towards her and gently gave her back the bundle of joy. He hugged them tightly and  whispered into Ilham's ear.

"I promise that I'll make it up to you and all the tears you shed for me, I'll replace them with the love and care I have to offer for you, this little one here and our unborn children. I love you baby. With every fibre of my being"

A kiss came also before he walked out of the office, leaving her with the baby. Ilham was reassured. She didn't fully trust him, but she knew he would make it up to her. And their life would be back to normal once again. The bundle of joy said a little Dada once more  held onto Ilham's shirt evidently looking for her bosom. She was definitely hungry and Ilham just smiled at her baby, and took out the baby food from her food warmer and gave it to her.

Baby Huda smiled in satisfaction after having two full bottles of baby food. Ilham couldn't help but smile back. This baby was her joy and one day, Omar would come back to her and her life would be made complete. It was just a matter of time, then all this would be the past and she could be human all over again.

"Well, Well, so Omar has finally succeeded in getting you to fall back for him?...OMG tell me all about it!!" Ilham was astonished see Hayat in her office. She had been hiding in there all along and had recorded that beautiful yet sentimental spectacle. The baby smiled at her Aunt Hayat. Such a nice little baby.

"Y-You...You've been in there, all along?" Ilham asked. That explain the little giggles she heard from time to time. She thought it was squeaks of a mouse but it turned out to be her nosy bestfriend Hayat. Hayat nodded with a proud look. They both stared at each other for a while before bursting out laughing.

I don't know what baby Hayat understood but she was laughing hard as well. The door to Ilham's office opened, revealing Omar once again. He looked like he had forgotten to say something. The sight of Hayat alone gave him a mischievous smile. He was up to something naughty.

"I forgot to do something before I leave baby.So let's get this over with and I do like an audience." He announced. Hayat smiled at what he was about to do. Ilham was confused, the baby was excited. What kind of baby was she? She was such a good baby and always loved to giggle.

Omar went on one knee and took out a small box from his pocket. It was the most beautiful ring he had given her and telling from it's looks, it might have caused him a couple of millions.

"Baby, this ring, is a symbol and a promise that, I will be back for you and when I'm back, all your pain is going to cease and everything we have wished for will come to pass" with that said, he took her small palm and slid the ring up her ring finger. This meant a whole different thing to her. Wasn't a promise ring supposed to be on the index finger or elsewhere? So why the ring finger?

The beam in his eyes said it all. He wasn't promising to win her, he was promising to claim her as his own. As his wife. As the other of his offspring and as his other half. She broke down in tears of joy while Hayat recorded this whole moment while in tears. They were oblivious of the fact that, Amir, who was supposed to be at work, was standing right beside the open door staring right into the office and smiling.He was happy with Omar, even though he didn't fully trust him.

Omar rose up and after wiping off imaginary dust from his jeans, he looked up at his only love's curvy figure and smiled at her. She smiled back before they both exchanged hugs amidst the giggles of the little girl. He gave her a kiss on the cheek too and she was delighted.

"I promise to give you and what we share the best life okay? In a matter of time, when my father and Jamal and other petty feuds are eliminated, I'll come back and knock at your father's house to ask for your hand and without any doubt, he'll accept me as his son in law and you as my wife " he whispered into her ears in a cocky tone. She had missed this cocky side of him. Now here he was and he was bound on retrieving her from the lost depths of this life.

She nodded as she turned to see him out. They met Amir at the door and both Omar and Ilham and even Hayat, were surprised. Amir just smirked at Omar and patted him at the back.

"If you hurt her again, I'll cut off your balls and shove them into your mouth!" He threatened in a sinister yet playful tone. They all cracked up laughing. Even the baby. At long last, they had a laugh together after a long while. It was a nice feeling, but something wasn't right.


"Father in law. He doesn't look at me. He doesn't love me. I've tried but all in vain. He's still in love with that Doctor!!" Iqra complained to Onar's father. She had had enough of all this. She was trying to be part of Omar's life and take Ilham's place in his life. But it proved futile. She was just not up for all this.

"Don't worry dear. I'll take care of that doctor. She can't destroy my plans. Not ever!!" Omar's father roared. He had been cooking up a very sinister plan to break Omar, but this doctor was destroying his plan bit by bit. Iqra and Omar's father, had been in coalition to take over the entire of Omar's mafia and control the trade routes from Turgistan to Slovakia that was controlled by Omar. It was a very tough task.

Omar's father, had once been a good father. But when he became obsessed with power, he wanted to control everything and everyone. And one of the many things he wanted was to be the regulator of the trade routes from Turgistan to Slovakia. This was where all the money Turgistan and Slovakia came from. They engaged in the exchange of illegal goods to the black markets of both countries respectively.

And such business was very successful and gave much power to the dominator. Even though Omar was known as a calm crown prince to other people, his identity as a mafia King and drug Lord remained a secret enclosed in the four walls of the palace.

Iqra had fallen for Omar which made it easier for his father to trap him. He mad Iqra use her charms to deceive Omar. He knew that Omar lusted women. But this particular woman that he met, had changed him completely. He wanted no one else apart from her, which made the task more difficult.

Omar's father first used Kanita, but she was unsuccessful. Then he got some other concubines and they too were unsuccessful. His only hope was Iqra and she too was beginning to give up.

"But I have waited enough father in law! Since we got married, he has hardly touched me intimately. Even if I try to lead him on, he just shuts me away. He doesn't want me and it's beginning to get on my nerves!!" Iqra was now very angry. She seemed to be a good woman at first. But links can deceive. It's obvious that she was just a snake under grass.

Omar's father smiled wickedly.

"Rest assured Iqra! I'll break Omar, but I have to break his lover first!"

Something terrible was going to happen and Ilham was going to take the pain!

Hey y'all lovelies. Thank you so much for always being there for me. I want to use this opportunity to thank Ajita Singh for standing up for me. I love y'all so dearly.

I hope y'all loved this chapter? What do you think will happen next?

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Ig:@Elham Dhul Qanayn