
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

Omar left with a promise to Ilham and baby Huda. He would be back for them and when he was, everything would be alright. She didn't trust him and hadn't forgiven him either, but she had hope. Hope that there would be a brighter tomorrow. Whether he was in it or not.

She just wished the best for herself and her little baby Huda. She vowed that she wouldn't let anything happen to the baby. Even if the threat came from Omar or any other person.

Ilham didn't have the evening shift tonight, so she could leave as soon as possible. Hayat on the other hand, had to stay and watch over a few patients until around 11pm. Those two were both going their best to take care of their kids and other patients singlehandedly.

Ilham decided to wait for her best friend. She retreated with baby Huda and baby Rauf to her small room in her office. They sat down and played for a long while, while waiting for Hayat. Ilham had a very bad feeling about tonight and it had to do with her baby. She had a grave feeling that if she let her baby, escape her sight for a single moment, something very bad would happen to her.

Ilham geld those two protectively and called Omar. He was still in America. Probably handling some few things before he sets off.

"Hey Omar?"

"Hey Ilham? What's wrong?"

"I have this bad feeling that I'm being watched and that, my baby is in danger "

"What?!! Okay keep calm. I'll be right back okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital"

"Okay I'll be there in 20 minutes okay?"

"Yeah sure. Bye"

She hunged up before he got to answer her. She sat down with the baby's still playing. Within 17 minutes, she got another call. Omar had gotten here and she had ushered him in.

"So I've got men all around here searching for anything suspicious. " he said as he hugged her lightly.

Hayat came in with a worried face.

"What's wrong bae? I see a lot of men outside?" She asked hesitantly. She was worried about the scene that the men standing outside were creating.

That's when she noticed Omar. She smiled lightly.

"Omar?? What are you doing here? I thought you left?" She asked.

"Yeah. But Ily here, said she has a bad feeling concerning the kids. That's why I came back" he explained.

Hayat nodded but observed how solemn Ilham was. It was as though, she was receiving a revelation. Suddenly, Ilham's head shot up.

"Hu-Huda " she stammered. The baby Huda was nowhere to be found. Abdul Rauf too, looked like he was searching for her. They begun looking around. They searched throughout the office and the hospital. There was no sign of the little girl.

Omar was as agitated as ever. The baby was not his, but he loved her just like he loved Ilham.

He ordered his men to check around the hospital's environs. Hayat called Amir and he was there in a flash.

They checked the CCTV cameras. They recording showed the little Huda crawling out of the office while being lured to the storeroom by a remote control car.

"N-No my baby" Ilham begun wailing. Her sworn responsibility had been taken away from her. No mother would want to lose a child. Not like how she lost her first daughter.

"Baby, it's alright. I'll find our baby I promise" Omar consoled her. She looked at him like he just said the most stupid thing in the world.

"She's not your baby! She's mine and only mine! I don't even know why I called you back here!" She spat at him while Hayat pulled her back trying to calm her down.

Amir arrived after receiving a call from Hayat. He came with Levent and when Ilham saw Levent, she rushed to him and hugged him to the envy of Omar.

"Oh Levent. They took my baby. They took her away. I want my baby back " she cried into his chest as he frowned at what she just said.

"It's alright sugar. I swear, those bastards are going to regret touching Huda okay?! I'm going to make them pay!" He growled in a malignant tone. It was Ilham's first time of seeing him angry. It scared him.

"B-But y-uou may get hurt Lev" she was concerned about him. He smiled at the new nickname she'd given him

"There's a lot of things, you don't know about me hun. Let's go over to my place and I'll handle the rest" he declared. Ilham nodded and smiled at the new faith he had given her.

Meanwhile, Omar stood there green eyed. He studied Levent head to toe and realised how charming he was. He was undoubtedly very handsome just like him, but he didn't like him, because Ilham seemed to like him.

"She's not going anywhere!" Omar spat at Levent. Levent had only now, noticed Omar's presence. He pulled away from Ilham slowly and stood before Omar squarely. They both growled at each other. It wa obvious they didn't like each other.

"She's going with me and there's nothing you're going to do about it! Omar!" He won't at Omar with the most deadly venom the world had ever known of.

Omar growled and turned his gaze to Ilham who was in the embrace of her tall best friend Hayat and was staring in fear at the two giant men. He sighed and shook his head.

"You're lucky Libent or whatever the fuck you call yourself! Next time, when Ily, isn't looking so scared, you'll know who the real Omar is!" He spat at Levent before turning to Ilham. His angry expression, calmed down at her scared looks.

He paced toward her and hugged her and whispered into her ears reassuringly

"I'll bring your baby back love. And everything will be alright. I swear to you " with that said he gave her a slight peck and walked out of the office.

He had a plan to catch the goons.


"Father in law, the little rascal is here. What do we do to her?!" Iqra spat as she glared with hate at the little crying bundle in her arms.

"Give her to Mrs. Bailey, Omar's nanny. We're going to keep her until we get Omar's mind back home " he said as he took a sip of his white wine.

He knew that Omar would try to get the baby back. But in the meantime, he had to get Iqra to make Omar feel bad. Iqra had a slight influence on Omar so if would be easy as pie.

Omar got to Turgistan after 4 hours in the jet back from America. He knew his father had a hand in this. He was going to confront him. He had moved Mrs. Bailey to Turgidtan with him, when he getting married to Iqra. He decided that he would bring her back with him to America, so that she takes care of the frustrated Ilham while he finds the baby.

He arrived at his mansion in his motherland, to meet Iqra in tears and packing up her things.

"What's wrong Iqra?" He inquired. She turned to look at him with teary eyes and looked away. He became concerned about her. This lady had been by his side for about a year. She was a very good person and he didn't like to see her hurt. He knew that she had feelings for him which were not reciprocal but he did care about her. That was a big mistake!

"I'm tired Omar. You don't need me. You've got that doctor now. I'm just getting in your way. I'm leaving!" She said while crying. His mind told him to comfort her, but his heart told him that she was just a con artist and that he needed to speedy up in order to find Baby Huda.

"I'm sorry Iqra. I hope you find someone who really loves you" he whispered. She was surprised. She had expected him to coddle her but he was rather happy she was leaving.

Things were not going as planned. She needed to find a way to get him to get his mind of Ilham and her baby.

Omar did something unexpected. He sniffed around her body with a suspicious face. She knew she was almost busted.

"Why do you smell like a baby?" He questioned. She gulped and begun considering what lie to tell.

He saw her hesitation and narrowed his eye at her.

"What are you hiding Iq..." He was cut off short when her phone begun ringing. Her phone was just near Omar and he saw that the call was from a private number.

Iqra was in deep shit!....

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Ig:@Elham Dhul Qanayn❤