
Hired Love

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ShyLunaria · LGBT+
51 Chs


Mallory could feel the gentle pain of her teeth against her finger as she tried her best to suppress the warmth radiating throughout her from Stella's sly touches. With each gentle tap tap on the wooden door from Valerie Mallory's breaths became sharper as her Sapphires glanced from those devious rubies over to the door.

"Everything is fine!" yelped Mallory before trying to block the soft squeaks as Stella's slender fingers dexterously tickled at her side.

Despite Mallory's effort Valerie had heard the muffled, "Eep!"

"Well have fun you two but do try to keep it down dear sister." giggled Valerie as she left the pair to their own devices.

The reddened cheeks of Mallory became ever so brighter upon the realization of Valerie's words. By the time the pair met each other's gaze, Mallory could feel the gentle warm breaths of Stella against her neck.

"Please stop Stella~"

Without a hesitation Stella paused her advances to shift her position so she could lay her head against Mallory's shoulder.

"I am sorry Mallory. I know I like to tease but I never want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Thank you. I like you but I don't want to rush into this because I don't want either of us getting hurt."

"I understand that fully well and if that is what you wish for then so be it."

"I am happy we could come to an agreement."

"Actually on that note how about if we decide on a safe word?"

"What do you mean Stella?"

"Well I am a delightful tease but I know I can take it too far on occasion so a word that means immediately stop."

"Oh I see but I also assume it is not to be just used willy nilly but when I am very much affected."

"Exactly so got a word in mine?"

"Why do I have to choose when you are the devious one!"

"Cause you're the one more likely to use it and plus I want you to be extremely comfortable for I very much can't keep my hands off of you."

"Well then ... Star?'

"Why star?"

"Cause it is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about you~"

"Oh how sweet!"

"You're hot headed and absolutely commands the attention of all, not to mention the whimsy of your outbursts of energy."

"Okay now you're just being a big meanie." replied Stella which was punctuated with a gentle nibble onto Mallory's shoulder.

Mallory couldn't help but smile as she leaned in to press her lips squarely on Stella's forehead which lit up Stella's cheeks like fireworks. The expression was a novelty for Mallory for this is probably the first time she had seen it or even recognized it but it only deepened the bond she had felt to Stella.

"Well you should take a shower as I probably smell rather gross from being so hot and bothered all night. I will go help Valerie get breakfast ready" teased Stella as she quickly scampered out of the bed and into the next room.

A delighted sigh escaped Mallory's lips as she sank deeper into the warmth of her sheets as her mind wandered about the prospects of future trouble with Stella's mother still laying claim on most of her social battery which was only further compounded by daily issues that resulted from dating Stella.

Despite her troublesome thoughts Mallory couldn't help but have a small smile curl on her lips as she thought to herself, "Well at the bare minimum I have managed to find someone I truly adore who has happily returned my feelings. However I have no clue how not to get swept up in her antics for this girl will tease me ever so mercilessly."

Eventually Mallory got out of her daydream before making her way through her normal morning routine as her mind continued to run through her various issues to figure out the most immediate issue at hand.

The root of her problems at the moment was something as simple as money for though she had a decent amount saved up her last job was now off the table as it was rather risky due to her identity becoming easily identifiable which could lead to a scandal for Stella while the time frame to repay the Amastacia's estate their money would be somewhat unfeasible if she would to take upon a normal entry level part time job.

Despite the gears of Mallory's mind spinning as fast as they could, it mustered up no solutions to the problem by the time she sat down at the breakfast table. Though she managed to miss it the giggling pair had hastened their seats to follow suit.

"So Mallory, Stella has been telling me you've been keeping her warm and cozy all night despite your previous complaints."

"I feel like you are implying something that Stella managed to plant into your mind."

"Nope Stella had no part but your little welp this morning definitely gave me some ideas."

"Valerie! Clear your mind because nothing happened this morning! Do I make myself clear?"

"Well if nothing, what made my normally rough and tumble brave sister squeak like a little mouse?"

"I just hit my funny bone getting out of bed~"

"Sure thing sis! If you say so then it is but you should definitely be a bit more mindful when you both are tumbling around in bed."

"Ughhh! Well I have a bunch of errands to get done today and also we have class so Stella you should get ready!'

"Whatever you say cutie!" giggled out Stella as she headed off to the shower.