
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 电影同人
65 Chs

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Nuffink Pov:

We have been at the sea for a few days and me and Zephyr are pretty bored. Sure aunt Hannah and my dads friends have been trying to keep us company but like that trip to the Hidden world its boring.

Though after a few days we see an Island which my father calls Berk. It was his and everyone else's from our tribe's home. Though as he is looking through his spyglass he says. "Guys it is like last time, The Romans are there. Should we pretend like we are visiting or what we did last time or something."

Fishlegs comes up and says. "We could pretend like we are visiting the island due to looking for a new island since ours is to small? Or we could just sneak around and take them all out or just go in there and take them all our. Those are our Options."

At that my father goes and talks to mom for a bit in the cabin. When they come out they say. "We have decided that we will be acting like we are on vacation while also looking for a new island for our tribe. Fish lets use our fake Identities." After that he comes over to me and Zephyr who was making a wooden spear.

"So we will be using fake Identities so I want you to call everyone by their fake Identities ok." He asks us. "Yeah, by the way what are the identities?" Zephyr asks.

"So call Fishlegs Thor Bonecrusher, that is his alter ego. Call Tuffnut Fluffnut, and Ruffnut Stuffnut. Call Snotlout Sir Ulgerthrope which he used during an infiltration mission. Your guy's names will stay the same. An call your mom Valerie and me Fury. Our last names will be Night alright. As for Thorfinn call him Karlsefni." He finishes explaining.

"Yeah." I respond as we go closer to the island. When we are about a mile offshore we are intercepted by a Roman ship. They come closer and board us and the leader asks. "Who is your captain?!"

"I am." My father Hiccup or as known to them Fury says. "Who are you and why are you going to this island. You should know it is under Roman Rule." The Person commands.

"My name is Fury, I was on a vacation with my family and friends and we heard that this island was exceptional. We also were needing to restock on supplies to continue looking for a new island for my tribe. As I can see in all of your glory you should be able to show just how great romans are. Unless you don't feel like you can Stand up to our lord who is with us, his name is Sir Ulgerthrope." Fury says gesturing to the man and Snotlout who my father says has matured greatly over the past 9 years.

"I am sure that we can please him. If you will follow our ships I can show you just how great the Roman empire is. Also as you were asking my name is Flavius Belisarius the 3rd, the last Roman General Flavius Belisarius the 1st was my ancestor." Flavius says as he leaves our ship and retracts the gangplank.

"Guys just follow along and don't do anything weird or stupid, Got it Thorstons." He said looking at Tuffnut and Ruffnut. "Thor Bonecrusher I expect you to watch them." He finished saying as the twins and Fish Nodded.

As we near the island I can see a lot of Roman ships. We get near the docks and tie off and we put down the gangplank. Everyone but Karlsefni or Thorfinn gets off.

Since Thorfinn stayed on the general Flavius asks. "Why is he staying on?" To this my father answers. "He is watching the ship, because anyone can rob someone and he is not very trusting others with his fathers ship. So please don't mind him." With that the general nods and leads us up to my fathers old village.

When we get up I see most of the houses are intact if that was how they were left. The general takes us to the upper village and says. "You can stay here." Pointing to the hut highest up and to the left of the mountain.

"Thankyou." My father says and we enter. Once we are inside he closes the door and then everyone starts checking the building up and down. "What are they doing Father?" I ask.

"They are checking to make sure that no one is listening. You see this was my fathers house." He says after everyone comes back empty handed and he continues his story telling me everything that happened on this island up to when he became chief.

"Though what happened from when you were gone at ages 12-15 and 17-19?" Zephyr asks him as I look outside and see that it is almost dinner time.

"I will tell you that another day, for now lets go to dinner." He says as we leave the hut and see some romans patrolling. We head up the stairs to the mountain and I notice that there is some great big doors at the front. To the sides are gigantic statues of my grandfather.

As we go in we see a bunch of romans eating. They don't pay any attention to us but I can't help but feel like we are being watched. We get our food and go sit in a corner to eat.

As we finish I see Flavius enter and I shake my father and point. At this he nods and tells me. "Thankyou."

I continue watching and then see him coming closer and he says. "We have checked and there is no one named Sir Ulgerthrope." To this my father responds calmly while looking him dead in the eye. "That is because we are from beyond your empire."

At that the man looks surprised and says. "Is there anything else from where you are?" At this my mother notices something and responds coldly. "If you think you can attack our island and tribe you are extremely wrong. We were attacked by a few Hundred ship armada 9 years ago and we defeated them with less than that was on our ship. And this is not a joke because the Berserkers who live near here defeated 1000 warriors with only 3 men."

At this the man stumbles and he yells. "ARREST THESE PEOPLE." At that we are swarmed and cannot do anything and we are Dragged to the cells.