
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 电影同人
65 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


Astrid Pov:


It has been over a month since I remembered the hideout. I am currently exploring solo, Part of the Seafaring Program when I see trader Johann but then I notice him talking to someone. I look and Notice that they have on the same as the Nightsmith, I look and notice that there is another person there. He was the one that was enveloped in flames, He is wearing black armor.


 I am about to go closer when the Black one looks towards me and I duck. I peer up slowly and don't see him, I start to panic when I hear. "What are you doing?" I look and see the Black Figure up on the mast.


 "I was exploring when I saw Johann, What are you doing?" I ask trying to see his connection to Johann because he never once mentioned someone like this. "Selling weapons, I am guessing that you are doing something for the seafaring program." This scared me. How did he know.


 "Just who are you, No one outside of berk should know." I say but he doesn't look surprised. "I know, I am originally from berk, I am not an outcast if that is what your thinking. I am surprised that you don't remember me though." He says.


 "What do you mean who are you." I say as I see him take something from his belt and through it at me. It starts hissing and releases a green gas. Next thing I know I am in Gothi's hut.


 I get up but I am whacked it the head by Gothi. She starts to write in the dirt and I read. "You showed up this morning tied to the mast with a note. The note said, Astrid saw something I didn't want anyone to so I knocked her out. Sincerely Ryder."


 At the mention of Ryder I start remembering that I fought with him but then Gothi writes. "You were gone for a day longer than everyone else. It seems that whatever you were hit with was made to keep you out for a while." "Like a Tranquilizer?" I ask and she nods.


 I go back to thinking and say. "It was made to keep me out for longer since it has been used on me more than once before. Those times I didn't get treatment but woke up a few hours later. Therefore it was made to keep me out for days." I say and at this Gothi looks worried.


 I finish up my stay and go to the Hideout. I go inside and find a letter. I open it and it says: "I was meeting trader Johann because someone was using the name of a friend to sell fake weapons. Sorry about knocking you out for so long by the way. In the crate by the trapdoor there is some tranqs for you to use in tricky situations, also I have updated your armor to protect you from it. Goodbye, sincerely Ryder."


 Now I am starting to wonder, just who is this Ryder and what is my connection to him.






Hiccup Pov:


 After knocking Astrid out and sending her home. I headed back to Johann's ship and said. "Thanks again for the information. Come on we should get going."


 After we get back home I go and get ready to go to bed. As I am going to bed Toothless comes in and Warbles. It seems he wants to go on a flight so I get on some basic stuff and we go.


 As I am going I notice some ships nearby so we investigate. I look and it seems to just be a simple merchant vessel. As I get a closer looks I see that they have a few baby dragons and dragon eggs in cages.


 I quickly go back, get Scribbler, grab my gear, and go back out. We manage to track it down and we grab the Dragon eggs and baby's. 


 When we get back I notice that there was a Dragon following us. My guess is it was one of the mothers. I take the eggs from the hatchery where we put them and put them in the landing cave. I go and sit by the wall with Toothless when all of a sudden one of the eggs disappears into midair.


 Next thing I know Scribbler yells. "Ghost!!" As it turns out what we saw that night was one of the Fury Dragons like Toothless.



 The next day I leave a note with Astrid who is still drifting to berk unconscious. The dose of Hideous Zippleback gas that she got was more potent on for a longer duration. I also went to berk and left some gifts for her.


 After I got back I did a little bit of exploring and then went home. While exploring the island a little Toothless ran off so I followed.


(Insert the scene where Hiccup meets luna the Lightfury.)


 I go back and let Scribbler and Mutism know. We decide to call it the Lightfury.