"Hey, babe!" chirped Romeo happily while Danny hugging me like we have never been met for a year but I just did met him on last week on our weekend routines, where the stupid tragedy happened.
I patted Danny's back harshly until he hissed to me back distant himself away and I laughed at him mocking his stupid gesture. Romeo rolled his eyes, shaking his head with expression: 'I-dont-give-a-damn-about-it-cause-I-knew-he-always-showed-his-pretty-stupid-a**' quote!
I smiled making a face: 'Yeah-you-too-same-with-him-stupid-a**' quote!
Haha! I win.
"Yeah, yeah... whatever.." Romeo waved his free hand to shooed his hurt ego self, away. I ignored it.
"Yo, first D! God, how much did I missed you these days, babe!" beamed Danny while grab me once again and spinning me around causing me to shriek hits him anywhere, possibly.
"Ouch D. That hurts..." he let me go.
"Serve your right for making me dizzy! Idiots!" I readjusted my hair back.
"You think I don't know the meaning behind it, huh, second D? Be a matured guy, Danny!" I puts both my hands on my respective hips while tapping on the floor.
Danny laughed nervously and Romeo has smacked his friend back on his head.
"Oww...I thought you were my friend, dude!" Danny exclaimed, rubbing his head and grumbling away.
"Yeah, because you were my friend I had to do that. Stop making a silly stuff to her, dude!" Romeo replied back.
"Stop you guys. Come on in..." I gestured Romeo into the house. Well, Danny, the second D, the shameless guy... there's no need for me to describe because he always shameless everywhere with everyone. That's him. The very same guy with many names already entered the house.
Haha, we've got the first and second D names was because of everyone got confused about it and we just made 'scissor-paper-rock' hand games and I was win and the first D belongs to me. Haha...take that suckers!
"What are you looking at, second D?" I asked him looking at him that running his eyes having an eyesight around the living room.
"The suitable angle for the installation." says himself still on his eyesight. Placing down his bag, he walked around and let him do his job.
"Okay. So, how's Sofea and the girls?" I turned to Romeo that also placing down the toolbox on the floor.
"They good...oh, Sofea send a regards. Both Adila and Bobby already sleeping. Tired after playing around messing the house and got Sofea slumped on the bed early tonight.. Cammy just fine in her mommy's womb..." he chuckled and I joined him too.
I knew that his children quite active and loved to discover new things, loves to explore, making everything with anything possible, cooperate with each other either to pranking both their parents or anything. Quite naughty little girls he've got there.
"Wow...did they pranking you again, today?" I asked.
He laughed out loud shaking his head.
"Sort off but didn't got their chances cause I've caught them red handed while putting the toothpaste into my socks. What a cheeky girls." he kept laughing about that.
I giggled on his story. Imagining how the situation took place. So hilarious. So cute yet naughty. Poor Sofea with her big belly.
"I hope Sofea was fine."
"She's got nothing to worried about because she knew already how to handled them. Not like early when she's got pregnant with our third. She's frustrated, almost blew up her temper but slowly she getting used to it."
"Glad to hear it."
"Well, I know where to put all the stuff, babe." Danny appeared suddenly causing our small talk halted a moment.
"You did?" I question him.
"I hope you didn't do anything on the triplets thingy, dude." crossing my arms, I lift my eyebrow making 'are-you-sure' faces.
"Trust me, babe. It's Danny here we're talking about. When I'm professional, I will be like that throughout the night."
He winked at me and making kissing gesture from afar. Professional my a**!
"Yeah I got that." I reply back lazily rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Romeo chuckled at our banter.
"Well, that's good cause I 'ma craving those juicy and tender of chicken breast on my taste buds, again." says Danny while closing his eyes and running the tounge licking his lips.
Ew...that's double no triples meaning on his words. What am I thinking about? He was very bad influence for my virgin thought.
"Pervert!" I walked closer to him and flicked his forehead in teasing manner.
"What? It's true babe. And I know you like it, right? Loves the dirty thought on your hidden mind, baby!"
He teasing me and Romeo happily laughed at that. I furrowed my eyebrows and scrunched my nose. Not satisfied on that claimed.
...it's true and don't like it! A bit!
Really D?
Hush brain! Stop tainted my poor soul.
Both of them still laughing at my silly self like usual whenever they got chances to humiliated me as they pleased.
"Whatever iron teeth! Careful not to stunt yourself again with your beloved currently sparks!"
With that Romeo that slowed at laughing continued laughed histerically. Holding his tummy. Too funny too remembered it back.
"Hey!" Danny exclaimed furrowing his eyebrows.
Yeah, that was funny because he've got stunt by the random lady to his idiot sex talking and his iron braces made his teeth cluttering similar to get caught in the cold. You can imagine it yourself.
That was what happened last week when we were there never stopped laughing and teasing him. Poor guy! You mess with the wrong lady this time but he never stopped to do that. What a stupid tragic accident!
"That is my most favourite hobby. Whatever happened I will not gonna stopped my hobby from disappeared. I love sex talking especially on the phone. It's made me turned on, baby!"
Well, it's true...he was and still our best friend with his perverted mind.
"Shush you two. We've got business to do now. You, D, out from here." says Danny while crossing his arms on his chest stilled making a dissatisfied gesture.
We're both cool down and Romeo regained his composure.
"Yeah, don't worry about us and your house. Everything is under control and will be. If anything, just let us know. Bring your keys, don't forget it!"
Romeo moved forward before take a look at surrounding as per Danny's claimed on the suitable angle for installation.
But, before I could grab those keys on the console table, Danny asked me a question.
"You want us to install the recorder or the camera in their room, babe?"
Hmm...hidden meaning Danny!
"What do you think?" I tested him.
"I would do both." he answered.
"Stupid! Idiot!" another smacked sound came in from Romeo's movement.
"Oww! That was truly hurt, buddy!" Danny scrubbed his aching area repeatedly soothing down the pain.
I laughed once again. Covering my mouth from another escape wave of my loud volume, I grab the keys and checking my phone and slide in a small purse in my pockets.
"Are you trying to invaded their private life with that move, D? Better you hook up with them and let them into your pants screaming your name rather than do the perverted way. If you are gentlemen enough, flirt with them. Gosh, you are impossible!"
Romeo shaked his head.
"Alright, I got it. I just wanted to mess around with my baby D, dude. I know what I'm doing. I'm not that kind of pervert to do that. I know my boundaries. Chill guys." Danny put both his hands in the air in surrendered manner.
"That would be good. No camera guys on the ladies room including mine. Make sure all hidden. Just put the recorder. Other than our rooms, you can install the camera as long as you like. I don't want my virgin eyes got tainted on the way to discover everything about them. No!"
I reminded them again especially Danny. I know I could trust him but just loved to tease him again. Haha..
"Really? You worried about your virgin eyes? How about your virgin ears? Having hearing body slapping towards each other, screaming and writhing in pleasure. How about that, darling? Could you handle it?" he's making creepy perverted face to me.
Once again, why are you so cruel to me, Danny? Let my mind having the thought on their own? I was blinking repeatedly. I believed my whole faces already in red shade of colour. He did teased me back!
"See...your blushing, babe." he teased me again.
He knew what Romeo's about to do and he move away from him. You think Romeo would stop? No! He chased Danny around the living room trying to catch the perverted a** Danny!
"Seriously, Dan? What if she doesn't grand our request, the juicy chicken burger as you claimed, and whose fault is that?" angered Romeo while still chasing Danny like a mother scolded her son after messing around.
"And you, buddy, I will make sure this silly guy following your instructions." Romeo pointed his finger towards me before towards Danny's face.
"But, it's my stuff!" says Danny childishly.
"But, you did agreed on this, right? So, don't be such a cocky guy. Come on, let's getting started. I don't want to be late. Poor my family sleeping alone." Romeo expressed his opinion to against Danny.
"Yeah, yeah, Ro. I got that. I just wanted to have fun. That's all. Don't you see how's her reaction towards that stuff, buddy?"
Danny gleamed eyes looking at me and Romeo, back and forth. I was still in my speechless state. Blanking I guessed? Looked at those two bantering childishly.
Then, I returned Danny's reaction by stuck out my tounge to him, mocking at him.
"Served you right, second D, The faster you did with the job brilliantly the faster you can get the rewards. K, bye!"
I closed the door and walked downstairs to my destination. I could still hear their bantering insides. Then, came out with shrieking and laughing before it turned silent instantly. I guessed Romeo did covered Danny's loud voice like always.
Haha...what a wonderful surprise to having that two idiots as my friend as my very best friend. Well, it's completed, the three idiots like a Hindi movie. But, not really sure if we did idiots like them in the movie. Well, who knows?
so hard to wrote down the perverted mind.
am I good at that?
I would turn out to be the Danny in female version.
Oohh... that's sound pervert!