
_Birthday and she was my saver!

With loud smacked and cracked, the body fall to the ground with loud thud lifelessly. The blood trickled down from the crowbar but throughout all the time Daniel's here, he still cleaned from any blood traces except for his bloody shoes printed everywhere near the deceased body. How did he managed that? Don't know...

Nevertheless, he still reeked of sweats and bloods stench that fulfill the entire room. The bug, Xan, died after the taunting and torturing within more than two hours time in Daniel's hand, as promised.

"Clean up the mess and discarded those thing. Send the gift to the old boss like I mentioned before."

"Yes, sir!" they answered simultaneously.

He place the crowbar back on the table before retreating from the room with satisfied aura. He smile genuinely after ending it for most tortured time, today.

He loves to do that again if the old boss send his new minions. And, he was about to finish them off including the old boss when the right time coming. Well, much different from his brother death.

Can't wait! He's giddy self made him further his genuine smile like a Cheshire cat. Wicked and full with surprises.

Upon seeing Daniel's figure approached the car, Rudy immediately open the door for him.

"Sorry for letting you wait for more than two hours." he gave Rudy small smile, smile of apologetic.

"It's alright, sir. I don't mind." Rudy accepted of his boss's way of apologise.

Actually, I'm on my phone talking with my sweet daughter. Tomorrow is her 4th birthday. How was she requesting to her so many princesses gifts from his very father, me. Love to have sweet child talking about almost anything.


With that, Rudy closed the door and entered before driving off.

"To home, sir?" he asked.

"No...to the office. I've got job to be settle this afternoon before flew out." says Daniel took off his gloves and placing it into the original place before take out his phone to checking his schedule.

"Alright, sir."

He really doesn't know what was going on in there, the W house, because he just a simple chauffeur for Daniel Zackery or Mr. Z, the one and the only biggest scoundrel as being mentioned to the public as like that.


He kept wondering, why his boss wants everyone known himself as a scoundrel? Did he really cheating on his business, maybe... probably, I guessed. 🤔🤨.

Don't understand with his boss cooperation world evolved, he kept everything locked inside his brain but sometime his brain not professionally in work mode functioning properly when almost made him spilled the beans in front of his boss about his thoughts. From that very closed moment, he vowed not to getting too deep too close into Daniel's life and business.

Mind my very own business!

Due to his boss's influence towards the business and cooperation world, he only knew his boss carried the gun everywhere but little to his knowledge, Daniel did carry another sharp weapons as knife and stars throwing thingy hidden to his easy reach compartment on his attires.

Hah, was he some sort of ninja? Well, he did learnt properly to be a ninja and last he killed them all because they cheated on him with the other organisation.

Once you turned your back from Daniel you will pay it back twice in sizes. But, if he let you go off from his grasps you were safe. No harm done will happened but careful with you hidden agenda. He will hunt you down to the roots.

Daniel doesn't mind to have trouble businesses because he could back it up until in his glory state but please try not to betrayed him. Never crossed to that. You might going to loose everything including and until your last breath.

Remember, he was and still dangerous person. Don't provoke him.

He might pays you with large amount of money but once you betrayed you will vanished to the thin air.

Then, you are his, his possessions.

"Sir..." suddenly he speak without his acknowledgement. Walaweh! His bulged his eyes wide opened.

"Yes?" Daniel reply while typing on his laptop.

"Tomorrow is Hanna's 4th birthday..." trying to do the proper talk to his boss.

Daniel stopped typing and look at Rudy, bewildered.

Oh God! did I said something stupid? Rudy started to break the cold sweats. Afraid if he's being fired to his stupid self. He can't no... couldn't even open his mouth to repair the damaged.

"Really? How wonderful." Daniel's cheers tone out suddenly.

Rudy sigh didn't realised his holding to his breath before. Fuh, that was close!

"It's okay. I will fly out for a week this evening. You can off for a week...." Daniel's trail off.

"I'll wire some money into your account and do celebrate the birthday with your family. Buy her a gift under my name and you can claimed later. Get something for her, the most her desire and put it on my name."

Rudy blinking unbelievably. He's heart touched towards Daniel's words. He swallowed slowly.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, sir." says Rudy still in a daze.

"Nah...it's your daughter's best day...okay, I've already wire the money including her birthday gifts. You don't have to claimed it. I've put them together."

"Thanks once again, sir." Rudy looked at Daniel through the rear view mirror with nodded.

Daniel smile and continued his job at the back.



He never celebrated it again after he almost died while enjoying it when he was 17, in his high school.

Got pranking from his so called friends end up his almost lost his life after being tied to the pole on the street. They thought it was funny.

They started throwing the flour and eggs, layering his entire body. They didn't let him go and the other people, whose look at me after the friends gone, started throw other hard stuff including glass bottle and rock to me without knowing the actual event.

With scrutinized gaze they assumed I was wrong, making crimes. Using curses and throws anything until I heavily bleeding. That was the last birthday. No more after that and I was happy about it. Happy not to celebrate it at all.

That moments when I was started to loose conscious, she came. She's the one who helped me while crying. Crying for me while I was covered with blood and stink mixed of flour and eggs.

Kept muttering soothing words.

"I'm here. I will help you."

Kept saying it until she's release me and I was slumped to the dirty grass, full of uncertainty stuff on it. You name it; glasses, rocks, woods... anything. I couldn't move due to the tiredness.

She place my head on her thighs, took off my covered face slowly not to let the cut getting ugly. She called the ambulance and while she waited she kept crying, shed more tears for me.

"How could the people did this to you. Even if you wrong this is not the correct way to punish you. It's too much. I lodge the report for you, okay? Don't worry about it. I will help you."

She caress me like protecting me from any harms. I admired her. On that first moment she came near me, touched me and helped me, I vowed to always protecting her like she's gave it to me.

The one and only person, my baby girl.

Didie Aulia.

She's my saver. My everything.

"Rudy, says birthday to your Hanna for me, okay?"

"Okay, sir."


I was sad for Daniel's behalf.


I was sad for Didie behalf also.

I sad for both of them.

They have to be separated away from each other.


jayizzabellacreators' thoughts