
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · 电影同人
20 Chs

A ceasing of celebrations

Present Day

After Hex woke up, Thor made it very apparent to gather everyone for a celebration. Apparently, Hex has been asleep for almost a week. She immediately threw Loki in the shower, determined to rid him of his sweaty stench. She on the other hand opted for a bath instead, wanting to sooth her stiff muscles.

"You know I could have just joined you in that bath." Loki muttered. His gaze fixated on Hex relaxing in the tub a few steps away from the shower.

"We would not have been bathing Loki. It would have taken us ages." She said calmly. Her head laid back as her eyes were closed.

Loki only stood under the water, his black hair falling just past his shoulders. He did not move a muscle as he kept staring at her. Well, more like glaring actually. He did not really like the idea of his lover being nude a few steps away and he is not even allowed to touch her. He opted for staring instead. A god hungry for the woman before him.

"Stop staring, you need to hurry up." She said as she sat up to start lathering her skin with soap.

"You're killing me here love. I am supposed to do that." He said pointing to her hands moving on her skin as she washed herself.

She only laughed and shook her head. He was standing unmoving as she finished. She stood from the tub and headed for the towels. Loki's eyes darkened upon seeing her fully nude. He only snapped out of his daze when the towel was wrapped around her and she left through the doors. He lifted his head backwards sighing as he realised that a cold shower is the only thing that will help him.

She was already dressed and busy with her hair when he emerged from the bathroom. He stopped and stared at her beauty as she sat with her back towards him. The large mirror in front of the black vanity gave her full view of him as well. She smiled lightly as he moved towards her, his towel wrapped around his waist. She subtly admired the muscle on his stomach and chest as he stalked towards her. His damp hair hanging in loose curls behind him.

He stopped only once the back of her head pressed against his stomach. His hand wrapped around her throat, forcing her head to tilt upwards towards him. He bent down and kissed her passionately. Her chin resting in between his fingers and her hair wrapped tightly around his other hand.

"You will get punished for that darling." He said as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

She chuckles, "You talk as if I will be submitting to you."

A mischievous smile was etched on his face. He knows very well she is just like him. He would let her have her fun since he will never admit he loves it when someone else take control once in a while. Only when it comes to her of course.

"I got you something." He said excitedly as he stepped back, staring at her through the mirror.

"Oh yeah?" She smiled as she continued with her hair. "With that smile on your face it must be something amazing." She said excitedly.

Loki smiled and conjured a small emerald green box in his hands. Hex gasped as she took it from him. She turned in her seat and held it in her hands. Loki conjured his black suit and sat crouched in front of her, waiting for her response. The material was soft velvet and she felt it beneath her fingers. As she opened it a ring with dark silver and a green emerald sat staring at her. Just below it a similar silver ring which resembled thorn branches tangled together.

She looked towards him as tears started gathering in her eyes. He smiled softly and gently held her face in his hands. "I want people to know that you are mine. I want them to see that I belong to you. It is not a permanent ring of course, only one to promise with. A promise that one day you and I will be each other's forever." He said as he kissed her forehead. "What do you say?"

"I....I would love to." She said as her tears of joy run down her cheeks. She leaned into his touch and kissed him gently on the lips. "A promise. That we will never leave each other, no matter what."

He smiled happily at her and kissed passionately. He placed the rings on their fingers and turned her back around in her seat. They both stared at themselves through the mirror. Him standing behind her with his hand that held his ring over her shoulders, grasping her tiny ones in his. A god of a man with his black suit and combed back hair, a goddess of a woman with her dark waves pinned on the sides and her dark red dress. They both just admired the image they displayed through the mirror. A portrait of a king and a queen, truly happy for the first time in their life.


"Come on brother! One more." Thor drunkenly shouted at Loki as he patted his brother's back.

"I still have a drink in my hands Thor." He said annoyed. Indicating his glass is still indeed full.

Thor only sighed in disappointment, but not for long when Rocket suggested a game of who can drink the most shots.

Wanda, Carol and Hex all sat by the comfortable couches as they made small talk. An occasional laugh from each of them would emerge. Wanda was still heartbroken over Vision's death but her mind was occasionally distracted by the team. They all using each other's company to momentarily forget what happened in the past. But neither of them would admit to the other how every night almost none of them can sleep. Some would sit at their windows just staring into the sky, hoping everything will return back to normal. Others would cry, some would drink and some would just lay waiting for exhaustion to consume them.

Bucky and Nebula sat brooding at the bar as Bruce and Sam talked around them, occasionally bringing them into the conversation. It was a calm night except for the occasional laughter and shouting from the different conversations circling around. It wasn't until they heard a warning from E.D.I.T.H that everything became quiet.

"What is it?" Banner asked the AI.

"There's an unidentified aircraft flying towards Earth." The computer said.

"Is it not Peter and the others?" Rocket asked.

"What about Fury and his hoard of aliens?" Bucky asked. Receiving a few odd looks from some of the team members. He only shrugged and downed his drink.

"The ship is much larger in size. I detect multiple masses of individuals on board."

Loki whipped his head towards Hex. "Darling?"

She nodded and her green eyes glossed over in gold. Her hands and veins mimicking the colour. She was searching for who it might be. She stood from where she was and slowly walked towards the large windows, giving everyone a full view of the ships still hovering in the night sky. It's size clearly visible all the way down where they stood. Her brows furrowed.

"What do you see?" Thor asked Hex as he and Loki stand beside her. The others also joining behind them.

"Her." Hex said as anger took over her features. "Laufey too." Her brows furrowed again. "It is not just the Frost Giant army. There's multiple criminals and war lords with them. All of them with their own soldiers. They truly gathered all of the worst people in the universe." She said annoyingly.

"I suggest we all dress for the occasion. They are not here to wait much longer. Especially not with her around."

The others quickly left to gather their weapons and suits. Loki simply conjured his and Hex's armour. She was still observing them when the others returned. All of them ready for the fight. Banner even have E.D.I.T.H on bystand.

"I will call Fury." Carol said.

"Peter is almost here. He brought Gamora too." Rocket said as he stared at Nebula.

"Valkyrie and the others with her are on their way as well."

"I contacted the little dude and he said that both him and Hope is joining." Sam said.

"Who else do we call?" Bucky asked.

"For now this is enough. If something happens we need more people coming instead have everyone injured in the fight." Hex said. "Besides, with me, Wanda and Carol we should be alright in the air without having to spill the blood on the ground. The rest of you will be able to hold those off getting past us." Hex finished. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, a few hundred smaller ships flew from the main one. They were shooting straight at the compound as they sped towards them. Hex only smiled and before anyone could do anything she made a barrier over them. The unseen force stopping the fire raining down on them. The ships immediately started drifting away, shooting at other locations. Clearly baiting them out.

Hex turned towards Wanda and Carol. "Let's show them that we are not letting them win." They both smiled. Hex turned again and they all start hovering. "Let's show them how it's really done." Loki quickly grabbed Hex and kissed her goodbye before the three of them left to end all of this before it can even begin.