
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · 奇幻
36 Chs


Elijah heard the commotion get louder and the smell of blood get thicker, it was very obvious to him that someone had been killed.

'I'm next aren't I..?' He groaned softly as his last hope if survival drifted away.

Cat stared at the blood that covered the room with wide eyes, he could see how shocked everyone was. He couldn't understand why Elizabeth had turned on Jaxon like that, since he had only been going a little too far with hurting Riptide badly.

Swan gestured for Elizabeth to come over to her, she could tell that Elizabeth was having a hard time snapping out of whatever trance the blood had put her in.

Elizabeth slowly made her way to Swan, looking back at Jaxon everytime she looked away. She could feel the blood seeping through her clothes and needed to calm down, before she accidentally killed someone else.

"You head home, we will finish the mission." Swan suggested. "You need to bring Jaxon back with you anyway."

"He's dead..."


"I killed him..."

"Elizabeth he isn't--"

"Why did it feel good to do..?"

Swan put her hands on Elizabeth's shoulders and shook her a bit. She stared into her eyes and tried to get her to calm down.

"You haven't killed in a long time." Swan murmured. "You forgot what it felt like.."


"You need to take Jaxon home, now."


Spencer stood silently as Elizabeth picked up Jaxon's blood soaked body and began carrying him away. He almost wanted to kill her in vengeance as she shakily brought him out of the building.

Spencer narrowed his eyes and shook his head. 'Not today.' He thought.

Elijah sobbed on the floor as he heard footsteps come towards the room he was kept. He could tell they were shaky, as if someone was still in slight shock.

He heard someone fiddling with the lock, cursing everytime the thing they used failed. He dragged himself as far away from the door as he could muster, which wasn't very far, but at least he tried.

Flail yanked open the panic room door, he had, had a bad feeling Blue would be in there. Cat stood behind and watched, hoping they'd finally found Blue and could get out of the hell that was the Mask's base.

Light flooded into the room and Elijah covered his eyes, painful light stabbing them as he lay helplessly on the floor.

Cat stared down at Blue, who lay pathetically in a pool of his own blood, he looked even skinnier than he already was and seemed terrified that anyone was opening the door to that room.

He had blood trickling down his face, spots where his hoodie had been torn which revealed horrible bruises and wounds. He had dried blood across his lips, as well as fresh blood and he smelled of death, though he was still clinging on to life.

"Cat..." Elijah barely forced out his name, he was so happy someone had come to save him, but he didn't have the energy, nor the strength to speak.

"Shut up, that way you don't lose your voice while we drag you outta here." Swan butt in and grabbed Blue, lifting one of his arms of her shoulders in order to carry him. "Someone else steady his other side, I don't think he can move."

Flail took Blue's other arm, and all of them left Malachite's base, their heads hanging low in worry for eachother.

Elizabeth dropped Jaxon in the makeshift hospital room Swan had set up before they headed on their mission. She searched through the medicine cabinets, hoping to find anything to fix him, but she couldn't read any of the labels and hit her head on the wall in frustration.

Spencer had conjured up a makeshift portal that took everyone much closer to the house, once they had crossed the bridge. He then lead them all to the Shadefall Manor just in time for Elizabeth to run outside.

"I can't figure out how to fix Jaxon!!" She hissed at Swan. "Why would you give me that responsibility!?"

"Shut up and go inside." Swan ordered, her voice suddenly going stern as she helped Flail take Blue inside. "I can deal with it."

Elijah was placed on the most comfortable bed he had ever layed on. He felt so warm there already, he felt that he must be dead. He smiled at the thought that he wouldn't suffer anymore and curled up in the covers, ignoring everything around him.

Jaxon felt as if everything was crashing down on him, as he felt multiple memories flash through his mind. He didn't want to remember more right now though, right now he wanted to know what was going on around him.

Darkshadow dragged themself away from the stake that had been driven through their chest. They glared up at the werewolf who was backing away in shock, shock at the fact that the stake hadn't killed him, even though it was made to kill immortal beings.

Darkshadow felt their chest stitch itself back together, and lit themself on fire.

"You're gonna have to do a SHIT TON MORE TO STOP ME!!!" A smile crossed their face as the shot towards the viscous monster that had attacked their family. This would not be referred to as their father anymore.

They held the stake that had been driven through their chest on fire, before driving it through the bitch's face. The fire grew larger as the wolf fell to the ground in human form, burning to death, if he weren't already dead.

Jaxon tossed and turned, his wounds stitching themselves together and healing faster than they should be. He didn't want to remember, not one bit.

Elizabeth sat in her room, cleaning blood from her bowstaff. Her hands still shook as she thought of killing Jaxon, with the nature of her ability, it would be expected for her kind to enjoy killing people. But it wasn't the fact that she enjoyed killing people, it was just that she had gotten used to it, and it felt like something normal and natural for her.

She felt like a monster, really.