
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Cat was the second to cross the bridge to the other side of the ravine, he wanted to get to Blue as soon as possible, and that meant quickly getting across the ravine, without anyone falling.

He kept the air still, so no one would be blown over, at the same time as listening for any unwanted attention.

Elijah slammed his face into the wall, trying to knock himself out, he wanted to sleep, even if it meant hurting himself to achieve it.

He slammed his face again, but nothing was working. He was so paranoid and on high alert, he felt as if he was suffocating in the small room.

Sombre sat in Malachite's chair while waiting for him to wake up, staring at his nails and sighing in boredom.

"This guy is such a drag.." The fifteen year old muttered. "I can't do anything if I don't have backup though, now can I?"

Malachite stomped into the room, saw Sombre in his chair and glared at him, he acted like a little brat, doing as he pleased, not caring about consequences. He would not be useful to Malachite if he continued like this all the time.

"What do you think your doing?" Malachite narrowed his eyes at the boy.

Sombre looked over at him and yawned. "Waiting for you, obviously."

"I meant why are you in my chair?"

"Because it's just a chair."

Malachite growled under his breath and stalked forward, lifting his staff up at an attempt to hit Sombre with it.

Sombre grabbed the staff, snapped it in half and threw it on the ground. His jaw unhinged like a snake, revealing long, sharp fangs that dripped poison from them. He spat the ground next to Malachite and it made sizzling sound and then a popping sound.

Malachite fell backwards and dragged himself back as Sombre stepped forward, covering his face.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry!" He cowered.

"How useless." Sombre muttered before walking away. "You aren't even worth an invitation to my rebellion."

"But I need your rebellion!"

"Talk to me when you have the power to help me." Sombre hissed and vanished, leaving Malachite on the ground.

Cat sat waiting for Elizabeth to give the okay to head for the front door of the building. He was anxious and just wanted to hurry and save Blue already.

Elijah lay hopelessly in the dark room, he could feel himself laying in his own blood and coughed up more every once in a while. He felt too weak to stand up anymore, giving up on fighting whatever was happening now.

Elizabeth gave the signal for everyone to start moving, so they did.

Cat hopped down from a roof and dashed to the front door, Jaxon at his side. They both waited for the next guard to come out side, and as they did, they slammed the guard in the face collectively and knocked them out.

Once done, Swan dragged the unconscious Mask to a nearby bush and the rest of them headed inside.

Malachite stood speaking with Silence about her last shift, whilst he tried not to focus on Jaguar, who was oddly sniffing around.

"What are you scenting for?"

"I think I smell intruders.."

"Then gather everyone and search!"

Jaguar and Silence dashed out of the room, heading in different directions to look for the intruders. Riptide followed through the shadows.

Elijah could hear the guards running around outside. He rolled over and stared at the door, hoping someone would come check on him, so he could give in already.

Instead of being checked on, he heard shouting and then a zapping noise. He sighed and hoped the intruders would come over and kill him too, maybe then he'd finally be at peace.

"How horrible of that old man to keep you in here like this.." The familiar voice of the stranger from the other day echoed through the room. "If only someone could free you."

Elijah looked around as much as he could, without turning or moving his head. He couldn't see anyone there, so he sighed and tried to ignore the voice, not that it was working.

"You could be free..." The stranger's voice thought. "Don't you have magical abilities?"

"Not right now..." Elijah managed to mumble, before throwing up blood. He could feel his head pounding and spinning as he tried to listen to what was happening outside.

Cat slammed a blast of sharp winds across Jaguar's face, slicing him and causing him to bleed.

Jaxon felt himself slamming Riptide into the wall, over and over again. He couldn't stop himself, it was as if he had no control over his body as he beat the shadow shifter.

He could hear Phoenix laughing as he continued to slam Riptide into the wall, even after it was obvious he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. He tried to take back control but couldn't, he felt himself wanting to throw up as he watched himself kill someone. Why couldn't he take back control??

"Elizabeth, I want you to impale Jaxon with the spear end of your weapon." Swan whispered to the purple haired girl.


"Just do it, or he'll end up doing what he's doing to us too!"

Elizabeth looked over at Jaxon, she could see Riptide's broken mask on the ground and his mangled face that was still being slammed into the wall, leaving a large red mark.

She dashed forward quickly, not wanting Jaxon to notice her and slammed the blade of her spear into Jaxon back, sending through his chest. She heard the loud cracking sound as it happened, and watched the blood pour out of his body.

Tears streamed down Jaxon's face as he finally let go of Riptide, he looked down at the spear that went through his back and out his chest, and then looked at the blood that was covering his hands. He threw up blood as Elizabeth pulled the spear out of him, and he fell to his knees.

Jaxon's vision began to blur horribly, to the point where everyone around him was a distorted figure. He coughed up more and more blood, before finally falling to the ground and letting himself pass out.