
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · 奇幻
36 Chs

Born of the Grim Reaper (1.15)

Elizabeth was busy training Phoenix on his hand to hand combat, she found it annoying she had to train someone from Dominic's team, but she let it slide considering there weren't enough of them to train each person individually.

Phoenix seemed so odd all the time, sometimes she caught him talking to himself, and the other days he heard from Dominic that he had passed out. The silver haired boy was keeping up with the training, and he was quick for someone who was defeated in the second battle.

Elizabeth could see a bit of herself in him, his determination to get better, he obviously had a plan to escape, but she wouldn't bring it up yet, not until he showed his true colours. Even though he was the same age as her, he would never see the world like she saw it, how dull everything was. She knew that spark he had would stay for a long time, because there didn't seem to be anyone standing in the way of the sun for him just yet.

Elizabeth was jealous of that luck he had, that spark that gave him the determination she used to have. Now everything was always the same, she went out, killed people, came home, hurt people and went to sleep before the day repeated itself the next day. Right now, there seemed like nothing that could change that, nothing would ever bring that spark of life into her eyes again.

It made sense for her not to care about life anyway, I mean what kind of creature born of death would she be if she always saw everything as alive? She sighed and trained with Phoenix for hours until Malachite called them all back inside for meal time, though it was too bad it was Dominic turn to cook because, well, Dominic only knew how to cook spaghetti.

Elizabeth sighed as she sat at her team table and looked at her team members. Storm was staring at his nails looking bored, Zero was glaring at Malachite and Diamond was eating his food as quickly as possible, seemingly in a hurry.

She ignored their idiocy and continued eating her food, though she was sick of having spaghetti for lunch once a week. She sighed and pushed her plate away once she was finished and stared at her teammates again. They all seemed to have stopped and she couldn't figure out why, until she saw Phoenix, who was lying in the floor holding his head as if someone had slammed something over it.

Jaxon lay holding his head in his hands, a pounding headache scratching through his skull and across his brain. He could hear the voice in his head laughing, the echo screeching through his skull. He could feel himself slowly lose control until eventually, everything went black.

Elizabeth watched as Phoenix began to laugh maniacally and ripped his mask off his face, throwing it across the room and shattering it. New masks were ducking out of the way, while others were going to see how hard he threw it. She could only assume this was some sort of insane escape plan, but there was no way he had the time and energy to plan this in the past couple of days unless he had planned it while in the cells as well.

The new masks closest to him were either trying to calm him down or trying to get as far away from him as possible, while Dominic tried to distance them from him and give him some space.

Elizabeth made eye contact with Malachite, who simply nodded and she knew exactly what she had to do.

Elizabeth dashed over, ready to knock Phoenix out, but his eyes snapped and focused on her the second she dashed forward and the closest new mask to him began to burn alive just being near him.

She stopped in her tracks as he started to lunge for her. She didn't know what to do, Blueblood was always the one who dealt with out of control new masks, she never had to. But ever since she replaced him it was harder on her to manage.

When Phoenix reached her, she swiftly moved out of the way and went to hit him on the back of the head with her bowstaff. But he grabbed it and began melting it with his hands, which were turning redder and redder as the staff melted.

Elizabeth took a step back and dropped her bowstaff, Phoenix wasn't able to do that in the arena against Swansong and Felix, he had simply flopped around like a helpless fish. But now he looked like he was ready to burn her face off, a complete change of character.

Elizabeth spent her time attempting to dodge every attack he shot at her, but he was getting quicker and quicker, as well as scarier and scarier. She could notice a lot of the new masks backing away, and even some cowering in fear.

She couldn't fight back for much longer as he shot a blast of fire at her, she had to just barely move out of the way, before stumbling and losing her balance, falling to the ground.

"Shit." She hissed to herself as Phoenix lunged forward, all she had was the melted staff and a fork in her pocket to defend herself. She began to panic as she realized, she wasn't defeating this new mask, which was horribly damaging her reputation right in front of everyone. She wouldn't be safe anymore, she wouldn't be number one anymore, she'd be low, lower than her brother and everyone else around her. She would be the new victim to the mid ranked masks who enjoyed tormenting low rank masks--

The gunshot that rang out was the familiar sound of her brother's gun. This was even worse than she had thought, if her brother saved her, it was a guarantee she'd be thrown down lower than everyone else, even him. But the other awful part of this was, her brother had just shot someone who had rare fire powers that were actually being controlled properly, meaning since it was her job to deal with rogue new masks and one of them ended up getting damaged, she would be punished for her brother's actions.

Elizabeth saw Phoenix hit the ground, a gunshot wound in his neck that was bleeding profusely. She couldn't help him, or heal him, her ability was the exact opposite of that. But it took her too long to realize that as she tried to help him, stupidly she tried to put pressure on his wound. Her ability always got deadlier when she was in panic or shock, so touching the injured boy was the worst thing she could've done.

She heard Zane flip out as she tried to help Phoenix, but it was too late when she realized what she had done. She stumbled back as Phoenix writhed in pain and screamed as loud as he could, his blood turning black and thickening.

She realized how much she cared about herself more than anything, though she was born of death she at first thought she was worried about everyone else.. but realized now that she knew why everyone wanted to leave so badly. They wanted to finally know whether they were thinking about the others or about themselves. She could never care about the others though.. as she was born of the grim reaper.

apparently I have no sense of time and forgot to upload AGAIN I am so, so so sorry, I'll probably have an extra chapter out either this week, next week or both

Cannibal_Aliencreators' thoughts