
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A Deal with a Curly Haired Devil(1.16)

Darkshadow felt the blood drain from their arms, they could feel their vision fade as they sat in the bath, coughing slightly as they thought maybe this time would be a success. Maybe this time no one would find them and they could finally leave for at least a few days, in peace.

Jaxon woke up, gasping for air. His eyes wide and round. He was sitting in what seemed to be a hospital bed, but softer. He looked around and noticed Reaper sitting in a chair looking through a book nearby, seeming not to be actually looking at the pages but simply flipping through and muttering in frustration every few seconds.

"Umm.. are you ok..?" Jaxon asked. He could see a burn mark on her exposed hand, she must've done something to hurt herself earlier. "You seem frustrated.."

Reaper looked up at him, glared, and then looked back down at her book, before promptly tossing it on the ground and growling.

"How the hell are you alive?" She hissed once she had gotten close enough to him. "My ability has never been survived, EVER." Jaxon didn't actually feel anger from her tone, it was a different emotion, something like... fear? Maybe even sadness..?

"I.. I don't know..." Jaxon looked down at his arm, some of his veins were still black, but slowly fading back to normal. He didn't remember what exactly happened, all he knew is after he blacked out he felt excruciating pain and then woke up there.

Reaper clenched her fists and growled, before walking out of the room. Her long purple hair seemed odd now that she didn't have it tied up, it was messy and curly and it fell to the middle of her back.

Jaxon wondered why she was so angry, did he do something wrong? Hopefully he hadn't blown his chance to escape yet.

Elizabeth went to her room and slammed the door behind her, locking it and hiding under the covers in her bed. "Why did he survive..?" She wondered, staring at her hands as they shook. "And what is this dreadful emotion I feel.. the one that makes me feel like the others sound when they talk about Blueblood..." She curled up, hugging her knees and began tearing up. "How have I suddenly become useless and weak..?"

"Because you're a human being like everyone else." Swansong's voice cut into her breakdown like a butchers knife.

Elizabeth jumped and almost fell out of her bed as she noticed the white haired new mask sitting in her dresser. Her cold stare made her quite odd compared to most others, especially since she didn't seem scared like everyone else when Phoenix had that freak out.

"I can tell you why that idiot didn't die to your touch.."

"Really?" Elizabeth brightened up, but slowly narrowed her eyes as she felt there would be a catch.

"But you'll have to make a deal with me first." She purred, her red eyes glowing in the darkness of Elizabeth's bedroom. "I'll understand if you don't want to though, something like this isn't worth it to you right..?" The fact that the white haired new mask took her mask off and entered Elizabeth, her team leader's room on purpose made Elizabeth slightly annoyed. But that didn't trump the fact she was intrigued.

"Why do I need to make a deal with you..?" Elizabeth glared at her, her eyes gave most people a chilling feeling when they made contact with another set, but Swansong didn't seem to be fazed.

"Look, I'm in a little bit of trouble myself, other than being in this dump, so I need help." She sighed. "But I won't tell you about it until we've made our deal and I learn to trust you a bit more.. ok Violet?" Swansong rested her chin on one of her hands in a bored looking pose. "And don't even try telling me stop calling you that because I definitely will not."

Elizabeth sighed. "What is this deal then?"

"You agree to help me, as long as I may need, and I'll tell you about why Jaxon didn't die, I'll even throw in any other things you need to learn as well." She explained, her crimson eyes narrowing slightly and holding eye contact with Elizabeth.

"Fine." Elizabeth growled, the second Swansong mentioned other lessons she may need she was in. Why would she turn down the chance to learn to read and write?

The next day everything seemed to be back to normal, other than the name Reaper now being at the very bottom of the ranking board, low, yet on display for everyone to see and taunt her about it.

She couldn't tell whether the look that Swansong was giving her was good or bad, but all she knew was that she had been demoted from team leader position and she would await further punishment later on.

She found the deal she made with Swansong was odd, making her sign a contract promising she would uphold her end of the deal made her slightly annoyed and confused at the same time. Why did she need HER help of all people, especially after just showing how much of a failure she had just made of herself?

Elizabeth waited for Malachite to speak as everyone lined up. She knew what was coming and waited and waited, but he never spoke to her, instead, Swansong did.

"I hope you're ready for what's going to happen in about five minutes, but don't say anything or you'll raise already rising suspicion." She hissed in Elizabeth's ear, her hair brushing against her face before she distanced herself. Elizabeth didn't even notice the fact that Swansong hadn't fallen to the ground dying in agony.

Jaxon stood, he made eye contact with Spencer, who nodded before whistling a familiar tune. Jaxon nodded back and looked over at Malachite, who was getting ready to go scold Reaper.

The plan he had would work, he just hoped Swan would convince Elizabeth to finish the final part of their plan.