
Hero Among Us

Toshinori Yagi will forever bear the weight of the day he arrived a minute too late at the U.S.J, a moment when he was needed most. On that fateful day, the boy he came to view as a son was forced to sacrifice far more than anyone should have been asked to.

SirBolsterous · 漫画同人
1 Chs

Master of Masquerade

Quirks clashed throughout the domed hall, with the screams of students and villains intermingling as each individual struggled for survival. At the heart of the chaos stood a green-haired boy adorned in a blue suit. Beside him, a frog-like girl with long green hair tied at the end wore a green suit accentuated by meticulously designed yellow lines. Nearby, a small-framed boy with hair resembling purple balls trembled in fear; he stood by his friends who, despite a slight shaking, remained concentrated on the unfolding scene.

Their teacher, Aizawa, a stoic man with black hair, lay injured in a small crater, his head forcibly grasped by a tall humanoid creature with pitch-black skin, a beak, and an exposed brain. A short distance away stood a motionless man with light-blue hair, who, after scratching his chin, suddenly appeared in front of the trio of teens. 

"I will send that prideful fool a message before we leave," the villain declared.

Izuku felt cold water soaking into his boots and time slowing to a standstill as a pale, scratched hand reached out to grab the now-frozen green-haired girl's face. Izuku felt his body wind up a punch and move before he could even realize what was happening, and as he completed the motion, he screamed into the air. 

"Let go of her!" A resounding thud reverberated as his fist plunged into something, yet he felt no pain. Had he finally learned to control his powers? He tilted his head upwards, his emerald eyes gazing at the dead stare of a hulking monstrosity with an exposed brain and beak. In a blink of an eye, the inhuman being winded up for a punch, casting a shadow over the green-haired boy, who gritted his teeth and met the punch head-on. A shockwave erupted from the collision of the punch, sending Izuku and Nomu tumbling backward. Izuku rose to his feet and readied himself to meet his foe. He knew he could not fight it for long, and because of it, he had to buy time for his classmates and friends to get help.

The tall and dominating figure of the abomination let out a chilling sound of screeching before launching itself into motion. Izuku's reflexes kicked in, leading to another collision between them. This time, the impact generated a shockwave that reverberated throughout the training facility, capturing the attention of every student and adversary present. Despite the ongoing chaos of quirks, all eyes focused on the young hero and the formidable abomination.

At the water's edge, Asui and Mineta froze, and their jaws dropped at the sight before them. Their classmate, merely a teenager, was holding his own against a force that appeared to match, if not surpass, that of a Symbol of Peace. The green-haired girl felt her heart pounding, urging herself to move and assist Izuku. However, at the critical moment, her body wouldn't respond; fear had completely taken over her instincts, compelling her to flee and never look back. Paralyzed by this overwhelming fear, all she could do was remain motionless.

One ground-shattering collision after another erupted in the middle of the gymnasium. Izuku's skin on his arms had darkened to a deeper shade of purple, his bones had fractured repeatedly, and his flesh disfigured beyond recognition. He had lost most of the motor functions of his arm already but kept forcing it into a fist with every bit of his will, all while repeating the same mantra in his head. "Buy time… Buy time… Buy-!" Izuku understood that the impending exchange of punches would be his last. In the middle of his erratic heartbeats, he had come to terms with the possible outcome and prepared himself. Yet, as the green-haired boy confronted the abomination head-on, something unforeseen happened.

In a flash, his adversary planted its legs into the dirt and seized him by both arms. Almost instantaneously, he found himself lifted off the ground by the creature. Behind a short distance away, the green-haired girl and the purple-haired boy watched in a mix of fear and panic, their eyes wide with shock. Izuku glanced over his shoulder, his lips quivering, eyes wide and trembling. Clenching his teeth, he braced himself. 

"Tsuyu, Mineta– Run–!" he urged, just before the disgusting sound of his bones pulverizing and flesh tearing ignited all of his nerves into a fire and elicited a guttural scream that reverberated throughout the training facility. It lasted for a horrifyingly long moment until the green-haired boy's body went limp, and his eyes momentarily lost their light.

"Midoriya!" Asui and Mineta cried out in unison. 

In the following moment, the USJ's metallic doors burst open, and through the entrance emerged the towering Symbol of Peace, his formidable frame almost tearing through his yellow suit. Under normal conditions, All Might would typically sport a comforting, warm smile, but it was completely absent now. Instead, a tense and contorted scowl had consumed him, casting a gut-wrenching aura of intensity around him. Slowly marching down the aisle, he surveyed the battlefield and analyzed the situation instantly. Upon spotting Izuku's lifeless body colliding with the rocky terrain and the injuries on his body, a visible shift occurred within him. In a blink, he vanished from the platform, reappearing behind the monstrous foe to unleash a barrage of blows, the force of which caused the fabric of his suit and shirt underneath it to rip into pieces.

The hulking abomination screeched as it met the Symbol of Peace. Both hurled punches at each other before intertwining in a clash where neither moved an inch. Recognizing an opportunity, All Might slightly tilted his head and looked over his shoulder to bark an order at Asui and Mineta.

"Take him and retreat... NOW!"

The green-haired girl sprang into action, extending her tongue to swiftly pull the limp figure of her green-haired classmate into her arms. Without missing a beat, she hoisted the purple-haired classmate into a fireman's carry and swam to the opposite side of the shoreline with both boys in tow. They took cover behind a small rock positioned nearby. Then, a string of collisions exploded beyond the rock. 

Quickly peeking from behind the cover, they witnessed All Might's arms moving faster than their eyes could track. All Might and Abomination were clashing, one devastating strike after another, gradually causing the debris to fly backward. His voice boomed in response to the cackling screams from the blue-haired man, who stood a short distance behind the hulking nomu. The ground started to shake and tremble, sending vibrations everywhere.

Asui peeled her gaze off the confrontation and held tightly onto the unconscious green-haired boy while avoiding looking at his entirely mangled arms that no longer seemed to retain any of their original shapes. Her hands shook as she ripped some fabric off the leg area of her suit and then them around Izuku's shoulders, effectively stopping the blood flow. The youth seemed to be firmly unconscious, only a puddle of blood coloring the water and the fabric. She silently planted her head against the cold, uninviting surface of the rock, the echoes of the battle drilling harrowing nightmare into her core.

All Might's commanding voice boomed as his punches collided with the hulking monstrosity, each more powerful than the last. Finally, he winded up for one last punch, his rage-filled glare sending shivers down on-looker's gazes before meeting with the monster's strike, sending shockwaves throughout the building. The colossal Nomu soared into the air, piercing through the dome's glass ceiling before vanishing at a distance. Exhaling air, All Might spun around on his heel, facing the blue-haired villain with dozens of embalmed hands planted all over his body. One hand in particular was planted on his head, completely obscuring his facial features.

"What's your motive? Why target children?" Toshinori demanded, his index finger accusingly aimed at the blue-haired villain. Annoyed, the man began scratching his cheek. 

"This isn't how I envisioned it going... You were supposed to die!" The villain hissed with venom. Just then, a figure wreathed in purple mist stepped forward, a portal swirling into existence behind them. 

"Time is running out, Shigaraki-sama," the figure cautioned. Shigaraki nodded while still scratching his throat. The misty portal gradually swallowed the villains' forms before vanishing and turning into small fragments.

Yagi leaped into action, but his waning strength betrayed him; a cough brought blood to his lips, speckling the rocky earth. Paralyzed, he could only watch as the villains vanished into the swirling portal, disappearing completely. A heavy realization dawned on him as his eyes fell on the green-haired girl who had moved out of the cover with the unconscious form of Izuku cradled in her embrace. Izuku's chest rose and fell with the struggle of each breath. 

Toshinori's face contorted into extreme strain, and his jaw tightened, mirroring Asui's quiet, guilt-ridden murmurs of "My fault..." that punctuated the tense air.

"Young Midoriya, I have failed you."


The air carried a sterile fragrance, accompanied by the rhythmic beeping of machines. The room echoed with the soft sobs of a woman seated by the bedside, her hands making a vain effort to wipe away tears that stubbornly flowed anew each time her gaze fell on the figure of the green-haired boy in the bed. Her tears soon dampened Izuku's skin, prompting his eyelids to flutter open. 

Izuku's gaze met Inko's, initially clouded with confusion. Then, like a torrent, memories flooded back: the intense fear pulsing through him as his heart hammered against his ribcage, the look of utter despair in Tsuyu's eyes when he had shielded her from the villain intent on claiming her life. These recollections surged through him with such force that he abruptly sat up in bed, causing Inko to stare at him, her mouth agape in a mix of shock and relief.

"Tsuyu, Mineta, Everyone…! Are they okay–" Izuku felt himself being pulled into an embrace by the distraught Inko, who was now shaking and in tears. 

"They are just fine! You should worry about yourself first!" the dazed green-haired youth reached out to pull her into embrace only to feel a burning, itching sensation in the place where his arms were supposed to be. 

"Why– Why can't I feel my arms…!?" The green-haired boy gasped, tilting his glance downwards to see two stubbles where his arms should have been. He gritted his teeth in pain. 

The world Izuku had awoken to seemed surreal, almost like an illusion. Could this be happening? Despite his attempts to deny it, the stark reality confronted him. The memories were vivid now: the horrific feeling of his limbs crushed as if he were nothing but a disposable toy. His recollection was still somewhat cloudy, yet there was one constant in all of them. Tsuyu's look of despair was vivid, unrelenting anchors in his mind. Somehow, he could remember the tiniest details of her expression down to the slight strain under her eyelids. Before he could piece together the fragments of his memory, Inko had sprung to her feet and dashed out of the room, urgently calling for a nurse.

The nurse entered the room, asking Izuku a series of questions while jotting down notes. Shortly after, she gestured for Inko to step outside with her, leaving Izuku alone, reclined in the bed. A hush fell over the room, punctuated only by the distant chirping of birds from the open window and the steady ticking of the clock on the opposite wall. Despite an irritating itch, Izuku found solace in this quiet and peaceful moment. He turned his gaze to peer out of the window of the room, seeing the beautiful vista of the city of Musutafu revealing itself, cars humming forward, young teenagers laughing as they walked home together. The sun had started to dip down slowly.

After what felt like several minutes, the door slid open, revealing Inko and an elderly man who wore a white lab coat with a nameplate plastered on the chest area of the fabric reading "Dr. Nomura". The man gestured for the green-haired mother to take her seat and then placed his hands firmly behind him as he stepped in front of Izuku, his look solemn and firm. 

"Young man, how are you feeling physically?"

Izuku dazedly described his current physical pain and sensations to the doctor who in turn probed for a couple more questions before raising his eyebrows a little, and then he rubbed his chin in silence for a moment before locking gazes with him again. 

"We had no other option but to amputate both of your arms. The injuries they sustained were beyond repair." the doctor maintained a steady gaze as he spoke further. Izuku was informed that he would be discharged in two to three weeks, following a comprehensive assessment of his physical and psychological readiness, in addition to rehabilitation. This examination was specifically mandated by the U.A. It dawned on Izuku that this was a temporary halt to his dreams, as these evaluations were meant to decide his capability to pursue his studies further. As the doctor concluded his address, Izuku experienced a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"W-What? I–" Izuku's gaze shifted from the man to his mother, Inko, whose hands were clasped together in a gesture of worry. 

"Izuku, my dear, I'm so sorry–"

"This is not real right?" Izuku interjected, his voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of desperation. " I was so close… and now–!" Emotion overtook him, and he lowered his head, tears streaming down his face, his features twisted in frustration. "I can't let it end like this!" His eyes ignited with a renewed spark as he raised his head. 

"Haven't you sacrificed enough?" Inko gently drew Izuku's head into her embrace, her tears mirroring his as she pleaded with him.

Overwhelmed by frustration, Izuku found himself at a loss for words. His mother's message was unambiguous. She hoped he would choose to abandon his dream of becoming a hero, rather than be compelled by circumstances or her insistence. Realistically, Izuku knew that with injuries as severe as his, it was unlikely that the U.A. would allow him to continue pursuing the path of a hero. This realization brought no relief, only deepening his sadness. As he dwelled on these thoughts, a shift occurred within him. 

"Mom, I need some time to think about it, okay?" he said, his features shadowed by his inner turmoil. The usual spark in his eyes dimmed, leaving a vacant, unfocused in its wake.

As days went by, numerous classmates visited Izuku, each bringing gifts to wish him a speedy recovery. Remarkably, even Bakugo came by, setting aside his usual aggressiveness to express his anticipation for Izuku's return. However, he couldn't help but notice Asui's absence. Under normal circumstances, he might not have given it much thought, but the memory of panic and despair on the usually composed and stoic girl's face lingered in his mind, causing him concern. He could not tear his thoughts away from her and found himself preoccupied with concern for the girl, pondering if she was alright. Just as he was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, echoes of steps from the nearby corridor caught his attention. A new silhouette emerged at the doorway. It was Asui, her face etched with a dejected expression.

Izuku's expression softened as his gaze met hers, his eyes brightening with warmth as he offered a gentle smile to the anxious girl. Despite the genuine kindness in his gaze, a faint trace of strain lingered at the edges of his eyes.

 "Hey Tsui-chan," he greeted warmly, trying to infuse some lightness into the somber atmosphere.

Asui, in her characteristic manner, pressed her index fingers together and silently moved into the room, taking a seat on the chair next to the green-haired boy's bed. Her presence brought a blend of comfort and an unspoken heaviness into the room, compelling her gaze to fixate on anything but the boy who gradually sat up, casting a slight shadow over her. Eventually, she lifted her gaze from the floor to meet the teen's eyes and opened her mouth, only to find herself unable to voice any words.

Izuku, acting on instinct, began to move his shoulder, as if he intended to wave or perhaps place a comforting hand on Asui's shoulder. 

His motion halted abruptly, followed by a soft "Oh," before he laughed heartily, his features flushed with a hint of red, sending shivers down the spine of the girl with green hair. At that moment, a shadow fell on Asui's features. Her meticulously maintained facade fell apart, and her face contorted with her lips curling down and eyes glistening with tears she desperately fought to hold back. Hastily, she brought both hands to her trembling mouth, covering it while tears streamed down her face. 

"I'm so sorry! It's all my fault—if not for me, you wouldn't have— Ribbit. You wouldn't be like this!" Tsuyu burst out, her words interspersed with her characteristic croaks. As she spoke, her whole body shook with the intensity of her emotions. 

Izuku, sensing her distress, attempted to gesture with his shoulders, his voice gentle but firm, "No, Tsuyu-chan, you can't blame yourself. I'm just glad you're safe and sound—that's what matters most to me." He offered her a reassuring grin. "And hey, I'm managing alright, see?" he added, attempting to lighten the mood by playfully moving his body. 

However, in his enthusiasm, he lost his balance, leading to an unexpected collision of his forehead with Tsuyu's, causing both to groan in unison, "Ouch."

Both of them recoiled from the sting of it, and as they gradually lifted their eyes, green irises locked with large, oval, black ones. Izuku detected an expression of disbelief in Asui, who stared at him in silent astonishment for a moment before subtly withdrawing, as though retreating into a shell. She sensed there was something hidden behind Izuku's façade and in the depths of his eyes—something he wished to keep from her and everyone else. At that moment, she found herself at a loss, unsure of what to do or say. The green-haired boy had revealed to her a glimpse of his unwavering will and spirit, the very essence she had witnessed flashes of since their journey at U.A. had begun.

From the limited amount of time she had interacted with the boy, she saw Izuku as a kind and gentle soul, one who wore his heart on his sleeve, prone to emotional outbursts. This trait had drawn her attention from the start, as she grappled with expressing her true emotions, perpetually donning a mask, concealing her feelings from everyone. Yet, in this moment of clarity, she recognized a similar concealment in him. However, his pain was palpable, laid bare, and delicate, a stark contrast to his usual resilience. It seemed to her that to touch the green-haired boy in such a vulnerable state would be to risk seeing him crumble into dust and disappear from her sight.

Asui adjusted her position with a gentle croak, subtly increasing the space between them. This unexpected distance caused the green-haired boy to blush, a spark of realization lighting up his face. 

"Ah!" he blurted out, moving awkwardly as he repositioned himself. The faint murmurs of "too close," slipped from his lips, leading the green-haired girl to place her index finger thoughtfully on her chin, observing him as he began to panic.

"How are you still smiling after everything?" Asui asked bluntly, her question cutting through the silence and making Izuku look at her, momentarily lost for words.

"H-Huh? I don't understand," he stuttered.

"Shouldn't you be angry? Sad? Frustrated?" Her voice rose slightly, punctuated by inadvertent croaks. Izuku fell silent for a beat, his face softening, his eyes mirroring a quiet sorrow.

"How can I stay down if I want to be a hero like him? He would get back up, and show everyone that he is there for them and keep fighting!" Izuku declared in excitement. "Besides, I have a responsibility that was entrusted to me—" The words barely left the green-haired boy's mouth before he froze, color draining from his face as he began to mutter incoherently.

"Responsibility? For what?" Asui's voice, laced with curiosity and concern, cut through the tense air as she noticed the sudden shift in his demeanor. In response, the boy started to flail his upper body, nearly losing his balance, only to be steadied by Asui's trembling hand pressed against his chest. Her gaze, intense and unyielding, locked onto his. Izuku gulped, turning away from her penetrating stare. 

"To be a good hero and always keep smiling!" he chuckled nervously. Izuku had nearly spilled the beans on his quirk, but to his relief, Asui had remained impassive, her expression unreadable.



Toshinori Yagi, revered as the symbol of hope and acclaimed as the most formidable hero globally and in Japan, once commanded respect and admiration with his mere presence. Yet, in the wake of his latest failure—a failure to shield his student from harm—he is consumed by disgust and regret. Izuku, compelled to respond to an emergency, stepped up when called upon, embodying the heroism Toshinori could not display that day. The once vibrant hero, distinguished by his blonde hair, now carries a vacant gaze and an aura of despondency, casting a shadow over everything around him. In a moment of cowardice, he chose not to confront the green-haired youth. Struggling with facing someone who had once revered him as a deity and placed unwavering faith in his guidance, he felt at a loss for words. The notion that nothing could mend the rift was clear to him, even as the symbol of hope. Still, this realization did little to ease the discomfort that gnawed at him.

The blonde-haired man found himself at the threshold of the Nighteye agency, a venture founded by his former sidekick, Mira "Nighteye" Sasaki. A rift had grown between them over differing views on who should inherit the mantle of One for All. Yagi understood the man's cold and calculative nature that spearheaded his pragmatic approach to the issue at hand, but in that same vein, he could not ignore the tremendous potential and light within the boy.

Yagi paused briefly before the automatic door, stepping into its scanner's range. As it beeped and slid open, he entered with a solemn demeanor, proceeding down the corridor. Sidekicks along the way looked up to him with reverence and awe, to which he responded with his signature smile. This smile masked his inner turmoil perfectly to the outside world, but the strain at the corners of his eyes and the tightness of his jaw betrayed the effort it took to maintain this facade. Deep within, every fiber of his being urged him to drop the act, yet a part of him insisted on pressing forward.

Arriving at a door marked "Nighteye," Yagi took a deep breath before stepping inside. The room was encircled by bookshelves and adorned with large posters showcasing the various iterations of his hero suits. Miniature figures of him sat on the shelves. At the center, a spacious desk held court, behind which sat a tall, lean, muscular man with green hair, deeply engrossed in a document. Yagi remained mute, the room's charged atmosphere draining him of the resolve he had mustered. The green-haired man then slightly lifted his head, shifting his gaze from the document to meet Toshinori's eyes directly.

"You don't have to keep that facade up around me, All Might," his tone was formal, yet a tinge of excitement lingered. 

A cloud of smoke enveloped Toshinori's silhouette, and as it dissipated, his previously muscular, broad, and towering figure vanished. In its place stood a frail, emaciated man. This thinner, more human form, while usually lean, had visibly deteriorated over the past few days. His complexion had worsened significantly, with pronounced dark circles under his eyes, and the perpetual smile he was known for had vanished. In its stead, a look of profound loss took over, radiating exhaustion and heaviness that appeared to tether him firmly to the ground.

"Tell me the truth, Sakai. What's the reason behind calling me here?"" Yagi probed.

"You know very well why." Sasaki probed, his hands crossed as he gestured to the blonde-haired man to take a seat.

"So, you're already aware of the news, I gather," Yagi commented, his tone laced with dejection as he bowed his head.

"Regrettably, the outcome doesn't come as a surprise to me. The boy was unprepared to shoulder such a responsibility," he remarked with a cold tone and then pulled out a document from one of the drawers and passed it to the blonde hero, who glanced at it and exhaled deeply.

"It would be in his best interest, and for those around him, if he were to pass the torch to him." Sasaki gestured to the document Yagi held in his hand. His eyes glanced at the picture, of a tall, young man with blonde hair styled in a cowlick, his clear blue eyes radiant with vitality and determination. For a moment, he felt something snap within him.

"I can't bear to rip the remaining strands of hope the has. If I do that–" Yagi's voice quivered as he gripped his hand into a tight fist. "Then that means everything we've done, everything he has struggled for, has been in vain!" he lamented animatedly.

"Toshinori, sentimentality has no place here. You understand perfectly that One for All cannot reach its full potential as long as it remains with the boy. It extends far beyond personal attachments—it's about what everyone requires for the greater good," Sakai stated, his tone icy.

Toshinori knew his ex-sidekick's words to be true. After all, he could not prioritize his and Izuku's personal feelings, and yet, it did not make the notion hurt him any less. He had grown to see the boy as if he was his son and to see the green-haired boy have all of his dreams and aspirations ripped away like that rubbed the symbol of peace in a way he had not experienced before. He had vowed to accompany him throughout his journey to becoming a hero, guiding him along the path he yearned to tread. Yet now, a daunting choice loomed before him: to urge the young boy to pass on his quirk to another candidate or to allow him to pave his path, on his terms.

Toshinori turned toward the exit, his muscular form swelling as he exhaled. "I'll need to think this over." He uttered before the creak of the door opening and closing signaled his departure. The green-haired man had remained utterly motionless throughout. The moment the door closed, his expression shifted, turning into a bewildered daze. His breathing was erratic as the man grappled with what he had just seen. Everything he knew to be factual, the foundation for his relentless pursuit of changing their futures, shattered.

"Inconceivable–! Has the future been altered?"