
Her Means of Survival

Year 2452 (The Earth after the deadly disaster) To survive, Tahlia needs to hide behind a facade that would fool anyone without a doubt. To keep her identity safe and away from harm, she hides behind the name Talon. Avoiding the crowd was her greatest strength. Solitude, and reflection. She thrives in it and would bet her life for it. What would happen if that solitude was threatened by reality and responsibility? What could go wrong from rescuing a prostitute-in-distress?

scyn · 现代言情
32 Chs


It was uncomfortable. The silence was going on and on. Tahlia did not know where to look or if it's even alright to stare at it. She is not ignorant when it comes to the male anatomy. The books she read did not only include about the diversity of the ecosystem, but it also involved the complexity of humans, the physical body included.

When the world decided that it would be fun to put human existence in jeopardy, reading about the physical side of things is a great practice. Who knows, maybe one day she'll find or read a cure that would end the shortage of female babies or the lack of it.

Her eyes snapped back on the flaccid dong dangling from the prostitute's lower body. It is hideous to look at. It is big, though, she has nothing in her memory to compare him with. And, it looks quite toasty.

"You look horrified." He thoughtfully asked.

The thoughts fled from her head as her eyes zeroed on the dangling thing. Storm was forgotten, and so was her composure. She tilted her head in confusion.

"Where is your tunic?" Her brain managed to squeeze out a response. Doesn't matter if she only repeated the question, at least she was able to raise up from the dangling distraction. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she picked up the fish, and placed the torch on the side after putting out the fire.

"I am drying it." He motioned towards a white tunic hanging from a protruding stone to the side. The fact that he was stark naked did not bother the man at all. It seems like he was in his moment, as if he is home and comfortable. It is the absolute opposite of what she feels.

"You are pretty." The wonderment in his voice stole her attention from preparing their meal. She looked up which was a mistake since the waving stick filled her vision once again. How nice would it be if she had long hair right now to block the picture with a simple tilt of the head.

"Sit down." She stiffly instructed, taking a stone slab, and placing it in the center of the raging fire. At least he was reliable enough to tend the fire.

Langdon obeyed her instruction and took a seat opposite her position. Quietly, she placed the already cleaned fish on the slab, and waited. Oh, how the table's turn. Now, she is the one quiet and him leading the nonexistent conversation. Did he already come out of his shock a while ago?

"You are pretty, more than the women in the district." He added.

The comment almost made her wince. It was one of the things she avoided. Attention that she got from men because of her face. It was always a hassle to decline the offers she got when she traded with the men from the district before. They would always offer for her to work in the pleasure pubs. It was the nuisance it caused that motivated her to use a head cover. Also, the fact that she is indeed a woman hiding in a man's persona strengthened her resolve to keep using the head cover. After all, she doesn't want to be hunted like how her mother was hunted.

Her mother, Amelia, was also a prize woman for the men in the district. To make it short, she was a breeding mare. Some of the districts would hold a small tournament where they compete for the women. Whoever comes out as a victor will have the chance to breed a woman. According to Amelia, Viktor, her father, took the former's attention, and after a series of secret meetings fell in love with each other before they decided to elope and hide in the main island. They only stayed in the outskirts of the vast island and were found after a few years.

She would not end up like her mother.

"I could see the men fighting to death just to spend a night with you." He nodded with approval. It is not like she applied to be a prostitute for him to be giving her approval.

"Are you not afraid of the storm anymore that you are blabbering nonsense?" Her voice came out coldly. She does not care what he thinks, but her safety triumphs over his feelings.

He was not discouraged and kept with his blatant staring. It made her more uncomfortable. She would prefer him quiet, and shocked in the corner than be the center of his attention. Hiding was her expertise and to be gawked at like this caused a racing in her chest.

"It was never like that in the district." His eyes lost some of its sparkle when the topic about the storm was brought up. She'd rather put a damper on his excitement over him connecting the dots to her sex.

"The main island always does extreme things." She said while her eyes were moving between the cooking fish and the person on her opposite side.

"But you know, if you grow your hair just a little bit longer, you can easily be the top prostitute in the district." he continued and went back staring at her like she is some enigma. It made her conscious and bare.

She doesn't want to appear like a silly person, so she keeps quiet while tending to the fish. Fragrant aroma slowly wafted from the cooking meat, and it made her mouth water. It would be almost noon by now. It explains why her stomach was stirring.

"Why did you choose to live on the main island?"

Expletives were on the tip of her mouth as she listened to him. He is loquacious. The first time she saw him, she never thought he'd be this chatty.

"Shut that mouth." She hissed, giving him a glare for added measure. Talking about her life was never on the plate. Surviving this long without much social interaction won't make her talk just because he asked.

His eyebrows shot up in wonder as if she was the one talking nonsense. They are just strangers and would remain that way after she safely delivered him to his destination. How dare he give her that kind of look. Miffed, she gave him one last dirty look.

"Why? And I'm Langdon, please call me by name." He asked once again. She ignored him this time. It would be better to keep quiet so it will discourage any form of exchange with him. Feeling out of sorts, she flipped the fish cooking on the slab. It's almost done.

"Sir Talon," he called out softly.

"Are you not cold? You should hang your clothes to dry, it'll be quicker." The suggestion sounded ridiculous to her ears. Like hell she will.

"I've got fire burning right here. I am fine." She couldn't help but comment gruffly. The fish was finally cooked so she carefully removed the stone slab from the fire. They would have to share the slab now since there's only one. There is no plate in this hideout.

"Why did you reject my offer last night anyway?"

A series of pictures flashed back in her mind after he uttered the words. The racy suggestion he offered last night almost made her choke once again. Why would he talk about it right now? Does she look like she needed a fellatio?

"Shut that mouth before I stitch it for you." She glowered at him, anger slowly seeping into her system. There was no reaction from him, however, he stared at her face some more like he was fascinated by something.

Fortunately, he remained quiet after her warning. The meal was ready so she placed the stone slab near where he was sitting. In that way, she could easily reach for the fish without being close to him.

They had a silent meal.