

Trip to Xandar was uneventful. Dark Elves were quite extraordinary crafters. I probably can hammer a planet and feel nothing inside. So what is 200 jump points to it, right? Well don't tell anybody, they might don't believe you or will get just jealous.

We entered Xandar system and I got approach vector and latest news. So far we are ahead of time. Just then hoarse voice asked behind me:

- what a hel! How do I ended up here!

I turned around and she actually jumped back!

- Of course I kidnapped you sunshine!

Her horrified face made my smile only wider.

- Are you not happy see me again, sunshine? I miss you dearly. Are you not?

- Hela… is … is at really you? Or did I finally cracked or died?

- Oh sunshine. Come here.

She came closer, slowly , with a visible fear that I will vanish like an illusion. When she got closer, I just picked her up and put on my laps like a little girl. She hugged me tightly and started to cry.

- I thought you are dead - she said through her tears

- I thought you died in Niflheim, that Odin killed you. He knew, right? He knew that we have no chance and send us to die at your hands. I hate him. I wanted him dead. But I cannot. So a drank and drank and drank. I wished to do not remember, I wished to forget you, me and a pain. It never went away. You know, I went back there, but found nothing. Not even a single sign of that massacre. It's like everyone forgot that you ever existed!!! So I went back and tried to forget, tried to do not feel the pain. You are here, right? I am not cracked, no? Tell me that is all real.

I took her hand and put on my chest, above the heartbeat.

- Here sunshine, feel it. It is still beating.

- Oh Hela…

We sit like this and she was just crying and crying and crying.

On a background VI took care about Xandar approaching and silently docked Harrow in designated dock.

Finally she calmed down and looked at me.

- So what is now? What is your plan? Are we going to kill Odin? And what happen to you? Where have you been all this time?

- Odin locked me on Niflheim in dimensional rift. That's why you did not find me or anything there. And he is dead. That's how I finally broke out. I meet Thor and Loki. Quick, really quick visit to Asgard to pickup up some stuff and I went to find you on Sakaar. Well, not right away. I had to visit Grandmaster first and , well, I picked up Hulk

- Oh no, you don't!

- Oh yes, I totally did it - I answered grinning full face smile.

- Hela, it's only you. It's actually not surprise me at all. Not after Fenris. If Odin is dead , what we do now? What is our plan? You always has a plan or just kill everyone.

- Do you remember I told you stories about Bor and Mad Titan Thanos? Yes? Well, Thanos might attack Xandar any time soon and he is going after one of the stones.

- No way. Is he still alive? Did you, did you just plan it thousand years ago?

- well no, not this. If not for jackass Odin, yeah he would be already dead. Now I want him dead before he got his hands on stone. Alas we are here now. We need to check out of anyone of my spy network survived but I doubt that. So this is one lead that I have so far.

We went back to just hugging and sitting in silence. Then there was polite coughing from the cockpit entrance. We both turn our heads with surprise. There was a half naked male in oversized pans that he hold with one hand. Oh that might be Dr. Banner.

- Hello here, I am sorry to interrupt you, but we'll no other time than now. I am Dr Banner. Bruce Banner. Well Hulk is sleeping now. I am not sure how I might be helpful for you. Hela right? I remember everything what you told Hulk. Not sure about smashing any time soon.

Brunnhilde turned to me with surprised expression on a face, like asking is it really happening? Is it really the Mighty champion Hulk - polite and half naked there?

- Oh, that's unfortunate. Don't you worry dear. I promised you to get you back to your friends. Sunshine, let's go find something to wear for Dr. Banner and maybe take a shower? Dr. Banner how do you feel about shower?

- Ah , um, I appreciate the offer but well, maybe later and by myself?

We just laughed.

- Come this way, I am sure we can find something for you Dr. Banner.

We went to storage cabin, and I started to pull out and open different storage bins. I found one full body space suite made of self adjustable material.

- Oh, this one should be just fine. It is actually adjustable. I wander what happen if it will be Hulk turn. Sunshine, check out what you need, I will go and show Dr. Banner his cabin for now.

- thank you and call me Bruce, if it is acceptable.

- Ah yes, you are separating yourself from your alter ego and we actually did not have a chance to being introduced. Let me introduce myself - I am Hela Odinsdottir, Goddess of Death, firstborn Princess of Asgard. And this is Brunnhilde Wotandottir Valkyrie's ex commander and fierce warrior and my lover.

- My pleasure Ladies. Dr. Bruce Banner of Midgard. Mmm scholar and science person here. Not a warrior. It's Hulk job.

We just laughed at that.

- Yes, yes Hulk is fierce and strong warrior. Let's go I will show where you can stay.


When I got back in my cabin Brunnhilde was already in shower, so I stripped down all my closes and slipped in shower behind her. My hands was on a way to her nice and soft breasts and I softly kissed her left collar bone. She just moaned and her hand went to mess with my hair on a head. I let myself to get lost in soft touch skin to skin and my lips explored her neck and went to earlobe. My hands went on great adventure across her body. Exploring and re discovering all sweet spots that makes her shiver and moan.

- Oh Hela….


Few hours latter we all met in crew common cabin, that serves as a mess at time to take a food. Time to do some action plaining and talking.

- So, Hela, what is plan here. - asked me my sunshine.

- It's actually quite simple. Inform Nova Prime, wait for Thanos and kill them all? Like old days in a name of Odin and Asgard.

I see surprise and shock on Bruce face:

- You are joking right?

- Oh no, Hela never joke about Death. - was sunshine response.

- It will be a time to fulfill your curiosity Bruce. But that is not now. VI make a communication request for current Nova Prime. Sign it with my diplomatic attributes.

In less than minute, VI responded:

- Communication engaged. Bringing visual now.

Hologram in a middle of table sparkled to live and woman in Nova Corp uniform with white hair greats us:

- Your highness, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. I am current Nova Prime - Irani Rael.

- Nova Prime, Pleasure is mine. I hope I found you in high spirit and good business.

- It is a good time. Piece is good for business and Nova Corp is prosperous and thriving. How can I assist your Highness today?

- Unfortunately I bear a bad news today. Thanos, Mad Titan, is on his way to Xandar. I don't have more precise intel. Not when he is going to be here and not how big his army. But he is coming because you have something that he wants. You know what I am talking about. Ronan the Accuser had to deliver it to him, but got caught up on his personal vendetta and lost it here with his own life.

- Can we meet in person and discuss this matter? I see that your Highness are on orbit station. I am transferring you all air high priority permission transponder right now. Any time that is comfortable for your Highness.

- Yes, of course Nova Prime. We will depart shortly. Until then.

- Until then.

Hologram broke to golden sparkles and vanished into table.

- Received new transponder codes and high priority route information. Request to departure. - reported VI.

- Proceed.

In less that 15 minutes we went down to Nova Corp Capital city and was docked to Primary Headquarters . At the ramp we were met by Nova Prime Irani Rael and her guards and if I am right high ranking officer.

- Your Highness. This is Rhomann Dey our current head of the military forces - Denarian.

- Pleasure

- Pleasure is mine your Highness.

- This is my companions on this business - Brunnhilde Wotandottir the Valkirie and Dr Banner - Midgardian science scholar and fierce warrior Hulk in times of dare needs.

- This way please, your Highness.

We went to meeting room that looked like highly secured from many technical and magical surveillance. After everyone found sits, We are on one side and they are on another - as per protocol, Nova Prime produced a metal ball on a table with a sign.

- I think you know what is it, your Highness.

- Yes, that's a case to hold a Power stone. But it's empty.

She just rises her left eyebrow.

- You are correct and I ask for apology for possible deceive. That was necessary for security porpoises.

- Forgiven and forgot. Am I right to assume that you are looking for the way to safely remove stone from your possession?

- It was my first Idea to do so.

- Of course information that Princess Hela of Asgard is in possession of said stone will find way to Thanos. I killed for less.

- We are still suffering after latest attack of Ronan the Accuser. I am afraid that our forces will not be able to challenge Thanos at this moment.

- I see. You are still in risk if Thanos directed somewhere else. He can decide to just wipe a half of population. You know, the usual.

At that moment we were interrupted with security alert. And high emergency buzzer.

- Somebody breached security Vault. And battlecruiser is destroying our security outposts across the system and moving in direction of the planet.

- Is stone still in vault?


Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian were standing upfront broken storage in secure Vault. Cull stated obvious:

- Stone is not here

- Go after Nova Prime. Capture her alive. I am sure she will be glad to provide stone location to us. I will follow you shortly.

After Cull left secret Vault, Ebony brought up communication device that sparked with image of Thanos in full armour abouar of Sanctuary II.

- Master, stone location is unknown. Cull Obsidian is in pursuing Nova Prime right now. We will learn stone location shortly.

- Very well. Make sure that our information source punished properly for that. Assist Cull Obsidian in Nova Prime retrieval and make sure to delivery her alive.

- Yes Master
