
Andromeda Galaxy

Trying friendly dialog style here


Peter aka StarLord, as he prefers to introduce himself, was sitting in cockpit on Milano and doing routine checkout. Well, not really. He was looking into Milky Way direction. It was rare moment, when memories about Earth and his dying mother were surfacing. As usual, in such moments, he were listening to his volume one on Walkman.

Alert on incoming message popped up and broke his gaze. Security signature of Nrbula and tags "urgent" forced him promptly accept incoming call


"Where is Glamora"

"She is sleeping, hold on. I will call her."

"Don't have time."

There was a explosion on a background and incoming channel flickered for few seconds, until stabilized.

"Thanos recently tried to invade Xandar "

"He was after Power Stone! That's not good!"

"Yes, but he was unsuccessful. Asgardians interfered with attack and he got a heavy hit. I used it to infiltrated Sanctuary II. He plans to go yo Knowhere. Collector has another stone, reality. Thanos plans to secure it."

"Okay, Okay got it. We will go there immediately." Answered Peter and moved to turn off communication

"Hold on. i am running sabotage here and I will buy you as much time as I can. If I don't make it… tell her to remember me. "

There was another explosion on a background and connection died


"And I am saying it's a trap!"

Rocket was fuming. He did not trust that blue bitch and was sure that's a trap.

"But what if it's not and then Thanos will have Reality Stone. He just tried to get his hands on Power Stone" - argued Peter

"Yeah, already downloaded records! That was epic bloodbath!" - Rocket quickly switcher from angry to excited state

"I wish I was there. So much blood!" - agreed Drex

"Okay, last 20 jumps. Launching now"

Milano speed up to Jump Point entry and in short time they arrived to Knowledge. It looked like deserted

"Are we late?" - somehow surprised, voiced Peter

"No, Idiot. It's just a trap!" - argued Rocket.

"There is no spacecraft on radar, Lets go inside and at least confirm that Collector and Stone are gone" - reasoned Glamora


Note: Glamora asked Peter to kill her while Milano on a route to Knowhere


Milano touched down not so far away from Collector office. Place looked completely deserted.



To be filled up later, but here will be similar by play to infinite story. Thanos, reality illusion. Glamora got caught alive. difference is Thanos kill everyone, except rocket and Ghroot. They got buried under collapsed wall and survived.

Upd: yeah, it's boring to rewrite cannon story here and I will do it at some point. Remember this is draft and you just on a ride with me to explore the story so far. So I jump on next important scene:


Rocket was bubbling with rage and hate, but debris from broken wall pin him solid. He cannot move. He can only listen. Groot was pinned right under his body and his wooden extensions actually helped to hold some weight. Rocket was sure that if not for groot help, he would be already squeezed and dead. Yeah, dead. Nobody fucking listened and now they are dead or will be shortly. Piter, Drax and Mantis are dead. He can hear how Thanos is torturing Nebula to get some information out of Gamora. It is just a matter of time, before he get what he wants.

"Do you promise that you leave her alive if I tell you?"

Stupid, stupid, stupid. If he survive, he is going to build the biggest gun and evaporate Thanos head. No, he will evaporate his balls first. Make him feel the pain. Fucking dickhead.

"I promise"

"Then we need to go to Vormir. You will find Soul Stone there."

They left after that. Time to try to dig himself out here. With a help of the Groot, It took them another hour to do so. At the end, it was Nebula, who helped them to get around last debris on a way out.

"Anyone else?" - he knew that they are dead, but he has to ask.

"No, only us" - clinic and emotionless.

"Fucking idiots, I told them. I told them that's a trap!"

"How you ended up here?" - asked Nebula.

"No, no. Fucking idiots. We got a call from you! Was it fake too?"

"What call? I got caught. I tried to use a chaos after his failed attempts on Xandar, but got caught"

Rocket just laughed then. There were no humour in his laugh. It was bitter.

"I wanna blow him up. Make him feel pain. Fucking dickhead"

"Ásgarðr, we need to go there. He will attack them at some point and we have our chance to revenge" said Nebula.

"What about Gamora?"

"I don't think he will do anything to her. He was always gentle with her. She will be locked on his ship. We kill him and get her out"

"Fuck it."

Rocket went to Piter body and picked up his capitan access key.

"What we do with bodies?"


Note: finished to work on NY Miðgarðr chapter. See updates there. Please remember that status of the book is draft.


Rocket was attending next to common grave. Piter, Drax and Mantis were buried on Knowhere together. He was just standing here and burning with rage. On an edge of his mind, there were memories. Good. They will keep him going and will keep his rage hot and burning. He needs that to end that fucking dickhead.

With no extra word, he turned around and went to Milano. Nebula was waiting for him on ramp. As soon as he was close to hear her, she asked:

"How durable are you?"

"Jump points?" He understood why she asked

"Once we did two hundred in a row. It was pushing"

We just got to cockpit and she pulled a navigation route.

"Good. I added few risky shortcuts. It will save us two weeks. See if you can cut it more"

He started to go through navigation data to see if he can.

"Here, this is old data. We can do it here, but we will be short on supplies after that. This is ravagers pit stop here. We can resupply and continue over here. That's extra week off."


"I am going to workshop. We need more firepower. Come later, I will do maintenance to yours cybernetics."

He sharply turned around and left her to fly them to Ásgarðr. It will take them two month to get there. He has two month to make them ready.

"I am Groot"

"I miss them too"


Nebula dropped last crate with supplies. They did stop on ravagers pit stop station to re-supply. It did not go smoothly. Ravagers mistook them for east pray and wanted to take their ship. Instead she took their lives and supplies. Rocket just told her to be quick and went back to what ever he was building. She closed ramp and went back to cockpit.

"We re-supplied. Leaving in 1. JumpPoint in 10." - she announced on inter one and went through preflight checks. Half path through.


Nebula was navigation Devil's Anus anomaly. That's a last shortcut left before they get closer to Ásgarðr. Before that, they used another shortcut to get to Sakaar and re-supply. Their visit was short and they left some bodies of scavengers behind.

Just then Rocket came into cockpit with Groot on his shoulder. He put him on a sit and secured. Then did the same to himself.

"Entering tight part of the path in one" - she announced.

"I double checked cargo. We are good" - replied Rocket. Good they don't need surprises. Last time crate with food was open and food supply were flying all way around them until they got out of wormhole. At least Groot was happy to catch it and manchkin on it.


"What a fuck!" - exclaimed Rocket and Nebula had to agree. They just slowed down from near light speed acceleration in Ásgarðr system. Well in what ever left out of it.

It took them one month and a half to reach Ásgarðr.

There was no more Ásgarðr.

"Scanning system for life signatures"

Rocks, frozen water and organics were floating around. Random sparkles of rainbow substance were blinding system scan.

"Nothing" she felt need to state.

"Keep scanning. Look for spacecraft debris as well, maybe some navigation and communication data will be there."

Just then a dead body floated past cockpit. It looked like one of chitauri's troops.

"Fucking dickhead got here first" - commented Rocket.

"Got a live signature." She accelerated towards it while Rocket jumped with comment "I will get it on board. Use left vacuum dock"

They worked in silence and when body was on board, She put system on automation, picked up Groot and went to docking bay.

When she got there, she found that It was jötun. How he ended up here?

"He is in coma, severe damage. I don't think he will make it"

"We need information" she stated obvious.

"I guessed the same. That's why I dosed him with it"

She recognized it. Drug called - Last fucking stand - illegal everywhere. It boost and burn your body, but let you fight until you drop.

Just then jötun opened eyes.

"Thanos was here. We need to know where he is going now. Tell me and I will grant you quick death" - no jumping around. She need information now. Jötun focused on her and cruel smile touched his lips.

"Nebula, long time. Did you miss a flight and catching up now?"

"Jötun, I have no time for your games. You are dead and I don't care about it. Tell us what we want to know and I will let you die peacefully"

Jötun had a surprise on his face and then focused on his ruined blue hands.

"Fuck that shit." Said Rocket and put finger in one of open wounds

"I want dickhead dead and you tell me where he is going now. You are dying and you have choice to die in pain or high on nice drug. Talk now!"

Jötun grasped with pain and surprise and focused on Rocket and then laughed.

"Oh I see. You want revenge and death. Fine by me. Thanos showed up here with army and deceived our defences. I fought him and lost. But he did not find here what he was looking for. It's on Miðgarðr. Hurry up now. Find Hela and tell her that nobody survived. I was last."

"And your name jötun?"

He looked at her with mischief and dance in his red eyes

"King Loki" he said and with last breath went cold.

"Fucking shit" - commented Rocket.

"I will plan a route. See what you can find. Eta 15." she replied emotionlessly.
