
Heavenly Saga

In a world ruled by seishin practitioners, a genius was born. Is it his fortune? Or will it become his misfortune? The most powerful person will rule over the world. "Survival of the fittest", that's the only rule followed ever since the world began. Those who are weak can only beg for their lives. Heaven is only for those who can trample anyone in their way. This is Heavenly Saga, the journey to the pinnacle of the world.

Ichiryuu · 奇幻
306 Chs

Chapter 156: The Last Minute

After they managed to secure another hiding spot, Kraftvoll and Prince Aragorn finally felt a little relieved after running away from their pursuer.

At the top of the three, Kraftvoll was listening to what his Second Brother had stated. He said in response, "Let's enter deep meditation. I'll summon something that will protect the two of us," 

As soon as he heard Kraftvoll's words, Prince Aragorn did not hesitate to enter deep meditation. He trusted his First Brother too much to even suspect him of sneak attacking him while he does so.

Kraftvoll chanted, "As the element who represents fear itself, I command thee, summon those who lurk in the darkness, Darkness Familiar!"

Black seishin essences started to gather around Kraftvoll when he started chanting. In the middle of saying his chant, those black seishin essences turned into particles of darkness one by one. At the end of his chant, those particles of darkness formed into the shape of a Lesser Demon.